Celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary at St Mawes Retreats

At around twenty past two on the third of this month my boy and I had been married for sixteen years. The happiest times of my life have happened with — and as a result of — this amazing man. I love him more than words can say.

I’ve written about our wedding day before.

It’s bizarre that it was so long ago; the memories are etched in my mind and, if I close my eyes, I can see scenes of the day playing out as clearly as if it were just last weekend.

And even though sixteen years may not be a landmark year in the strictest sense — after my wobble about mortality and age the other week — I think every milestone should be celebrated. So we decided to mark another year of married life by escaping to Cornwall; to St Mawes Retreats.

Not only is the house an interior lovers delight— with it’s designer fittings and luxury feel; you can read about that here if you fancy a nosey — it’s positioned in one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles too.

St Mawes is so picturesque. Think quaint little, pastel painted cottages and stunning landscapes and you still probably wouldn’t be imagining anything as beautiful as the real thing.

But house and scenery aside, Dreamcatchers at St Mawes Retreats is one of the best places to come for a celebration; for so many other reasons.

Firstly, the house can sleep up to 10 people. Plus St Mawes Retreats has another 3 properties in the near vicinity; offering accommodation for up to 33 guests. So if you have a really large party of friends or family, you may be able to book them all and go down en-masse.

But moreover that, the concierge service is the thing that can really makes a celebration weekend at St Mawes Retreats truly special.

They can organise everything from childcare and babysitting services (perfect for those who would like a little bit of grown-up time for a little while) to chartering a private boat; to whisk you over to Falmouth for the day.

But as my main objective was to relax I chose to have a massage, which the concierge kindly organised for me.

Friday 3rd dawned wet and windy in St Mawes, with gale force winds battering the coastline. But despite the miserable weather holistic therapist Alex Holbrooke came to Dreamcatchers and set up her massage table in one of the bedrooms. It was such a lovely treat and the ultimate way to relax. Heavenly to feel the stresses and strains, of life, melting away.

The perfect start to our anniversary.

Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Holistic Therapist Alex Holbrooke

We stayed in for the rest of the day; the boys played — wholly entertained by the amazing array of fancy dress costumes provided for the littler guests of St Mawes Retreats. We watched films and I read; whilst the winds blustered around outside.

A perfect, indoorsy, kind of day.

Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
The boys setting up the TV for a film
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Me, trying to read and getting distracted by the amazing view
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
St Mawes Retreats very own superhero
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
The boys getting to grips with the fancy dress box
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Possibly one of my fave pics ever.

Our 16th wedding anniversary supper at St Mawes Retreats

Then in the evening private chef Fiona Were arrived, armed with bags and boxes of produce, to cook us a celebration supper.

Again, this had been organised by the concierge service at St Mawes Retreats; and it’s this kind of first class service that makes a stay at Dreamcatchers so memorable.

Fiona brought fresh flowers and laid the table; we literally didn’t have to lift a finger. It was so spoiling. We were able to watch a professional chef at work — whilst relaxing in the comfort of our home-from-home.

Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Chef Fiona Were hard at work; homemade Dukkah and dipping oil
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Flower arranging.
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
The beautifully laid table.

Chef Fiona and I had been in contact before our celebration weekend and we’d spoken about what we liked/didn’t like to eat. And also what the boys liked, as they had their supper made for them too.

They were treated to their very favourite food; homemade houmous, salami and prosciutto with cucumber, olives and crusty bread.

And for dessert Fiona spoiled them with salted caramel brownies with raspberry ice-cream, fresh berries and crunchy honeycomb.

st mawes retreats
The boys’ amazing supper — very decadent for two little 3 year olds.
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Very difficult to get a shot with no movement!! Those hands worked very quickly!!
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
St Mawes Retreats is the perfect place for a celebration or special occasion.
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Whisking with lightning speed!
Long weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Service! Tregothnan Estate venison fillet served with black pudding, squash, oca and cavolo nero.

At the Chef’s Table.

It was all so delicious.

My photos are a little grainy, as it was nighttime and the light conditions weren’t the best, but I really hope the pictures give a little flavour of the beautiful food she made for us.

We ate crab, duck and venison. The most amazing bread from Baker Toms. And finished with a rhubarb and white chocolate syllabub, with a lemon curd ice-cream, a macaron, raspberries, meringue… wow.

For foodies like Mr D and me it was such an amazing experience. 

My amazing starter; Cadgwith crab salad with blood orange, pomegranate, fennel and crème fraiche
Family celebration; my sister in law tucking in to her delicious duck starter.
Good pud — a vision in pink.

And if that wasn’t enough — as I’d celebrated my birthday the week before — Fiona had made the most beautiful birthday/anniversary cake, decorated with Roses and handpicked Gorse flowers.

Being presented with the most beautiful birthday cake
Celebration weekend at St Mawes Retreats
*Almost* too good to eat.
Celebration weekend at St Mawes Retreats
Lighting the candles.
Celebration weekend at St Mawes Retreats
The happiest birthday/anniversary celebration that ever there was.

It was so spoiling to be treated to such delicious food — without having to go to a restaurant.

So lovely to be in such beautiful surroundings, with our nearest and dearest, celebrating in such wonderful style.

Our 16th wedding anniversary at St Mawes Retreats was one of the most memorable celebrations ever.

Many thanks to Alex and Fiona for making our anniversary weekend so memorable. And special thanks to Amanda at St Mawes Retreats for generously allowing us to come and stay and sample the delights of Dreamcatchers for the purposes of this review.

This is a collaborative post but all thoughts, words and images — as ever — are entirely my own.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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12 thoughts on “Celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary at St Mawes Retreats”

    • It was amazing!! I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t ready to leave a place!! Usually I’m happy to go home but it wasn’t long enough. I’d like to go for a full week next time!! :)

  1. That food looks so good, my mouth has been watering just reading about it. What a perfect way to celebrate your anniversary. I remember reading about St Mawes on Mini Travellers and it just looks amazing, sounds like they think of every little thing you could possibly think of. I think being cooked for by a professional chef would be the biggest treat, especially with that lovely cake she presented you with. So glad you had such a lovely anniversary, nice for you the be spoiled a little xx

    • Oh Hayley — it was SUCH a treat. Dickie and I are such massive foodies — it was AMAZING to have Chef Fiona come and cook for us. The whole weekend was incredible — definitely one of the most memorable wedding anniversaries EVER!!! xxx

  2. OH MY this sounds an amazing place to stay. Firstly congratulations on your 16th wedding anniversary, and we also celebrate 16 years in May. What an amazing experience to have your own private chef in those luxurious surroundings. The food, the cake, everything about this post is wow wow wow. What a wonderful place to spend time with family x


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