DIY Pergola Ideas To Create The Perfect Outside Room

DIY Pergola ideas

Are you tired of your boring back garden? Let me paint the picture: just grass and a small concrete patio? Maybe a tree if you’re lucky. Now let’s spice that backyard up. These DIY pergola ideas will elevate your outdoor space and give you the garden you’ve been dreaming of. We have three complete DIY …

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Could You Go Plastic Free For a Week? {The Family Sustainability Challenge}

Would you ever consider taking part in a family sustainability challenge? There’s such a buzz around ‘sustainability’ at the moment, isn’t there? Everything from banning single use plastics, to reducing meat production; saving energy to recycling. It seems to be everywhere you look.  I think we humans are starting to become increasingly more aware of …

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Snow, The Beast of The East and Seasonal Affective Disorder

This is the longest, coldest season I can ever remember. Just as I think we’re turning a corner — and spring tries to make an appearance — the cold bites back and we’re in the throes of winter once more. I thought we’d seen the last of the ‘Beast of The East’ but more snow …

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240 weeks and 6 days | Autumn Colour in the Garden

We went back to my mum and dad’s a couple of weekend’s ago. It was my friend’s 40th birthday and we left the boys with my parents overnight and went up to the Wirral; footloose and fancy free. The next day we were not *quite* as chipper. Mr D had the hangover from hell and …

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188 weeks and 6 days | Autumn in the garden

Autumn crept up without me really noticing. Most of the deciduous trees, in our area, still have most of their foliage which is a little strange for this time of year. Often by now there’s a crunchy carpet of leaves underfoot. Usually by mid October, everything’s starting to look a little more stark than it did …

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The Perfect Gardening Companion | The Hepburn Mark II Radio

I’ve spoken before about my love of gardening. I guess it’s in the blood. My paternal grandmother was notoriously green fingered — as was my maternal grandfather. He was a really keen gardener and when he died I asked for a couple of rhubarb plants from his garden. I’ve written about the homemade rhubarb cordial that …

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164 weeks and 6 days — A mini garden update

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a few weeks now but spare time seems to be elusive and this handful of images, that I took in the last days of March, have been sitting on my camera waiting to see the light of day. And actually, since taking these photographs, the garden has changed beyond all …

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Storage Ideas For My Garden Office

I’ve been thinking of storage ideas for my garden office. My imaginary garden office. I’ve mentioned it time and time again on my blog. I’ve even dedicated a Pinterest board to it. But THIS YEAR it’s finally happening! This is the year my garden office goes from being imaginary to real! Weeeeeeeee! *claps hands in excitement* It’s …

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