Operation She Shed | #5 The Build {Painting The Interior}

Part 5 of Operation She Shed is all about painting the interior. I said from the start that these posts weren’t going to be that sexy — and I wasn’t kidding — but in order to see the butterfly, you have to begin with a dull old chrysalis. Or something like that. Anyway. Just to put this …

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Operation She Shed | #4 The Build {Boarding & Insulating}

Part 4 of ‘Operation She Shed’ — and this time round I’m talking about boarding and insulating. Now, I warn you, this isn’t going to be the sexiest post in the world. The pictures are not the best quality and the content is more function than form. That said, I never intended to just show …

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Operation She Shed | #3 The Build {Part One}

In January this year, my boy and I finally embarked on the project that I’ve been desperate to start since I began working for myself around a decade ago; Operation She Shed. I’ve always wanted a dedicated work-space. Having a room in the house is OK but when you work from home — on a full time basis — you can begin to …

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Operation She Shed | #2 It’s all about the base

Now — apologies if you’re looking for an inspirational, design-led post, full of colour and style. You certainly won’t find it here!!! Inspiration, maybe, but certainly none of the others. I wanted to document this she shed journey from start to finish and the build is not exactly what you’d call ‘pretty’. Anyway, around this …

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Storage Ideas For My Garden Office

I’ve been thinking of storage ideas for my garden office. My imaginary garden office. I’ve mentioned it time and time again on my blog. I’ve even dedicated a Pinterest board to it. But THIS YEAR it’s finally happening! This is the year my garden office goes from being imaginary to real! Weeeeeeeee! *claps hands in excitement* It’s …

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Dream Garden Office

dream garden office

We were talking about my ‘dream garden office’ the other day and how next year may finally be the year that we make my dreams reality.

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