Happiness is: {My Favourite 5 Pilates Exercises}

5 pilates exercises for beginners

I’m pretty evangelical about Pilates — in fact, I’d go as far as saying Pilates changed my life! And I’m not overexaggerating! So, with that in mind, I thought I’d share my favourite 5 Pilates exercises with you.

Childish Ways To Improve Mental Health

Perhaps if more adults took up childish pastimes — building Lego, doing jigsaws, colouring in, playing board games, making pom-poms — 'adulting' might be a little easier; the world might be a gentler, nicer place.

Perhaps if more adults took up childish pastimes — building Lego, colouring in, playing board games, making pom-poms — ‘adulting’ might be a little easier; the world might be a gentler, nicer place.

Me Time & Breathing Space

me time and breathing space

A recent study showed that most modern mothers get just 17 minutes of ‘me time’ to themselves each day. How do you spend yours?

What is Torticollis? Symptoms & Treatment

Torticollis in infants - before and after photos

Torticollis is a common complaint with many babies. And more often with multiples; in fact, around 1 in 250 babies will show symptoms. Here’s how we got our son diagnosed and treated.

Everyday Luxuries: Gifts For Her

AD | I have been (or could be if you click on a link in this post) compensated via a cash payment, gift or something else of value for writing this post. See the full disclosure policy and privacy policy for more details. I haven’t done a round up post for so long! But as the shops are now …

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Is Hibiscus Tea Good For You? Here are 7 Surprising Health Benefits…

Is Hibiscus tea good for you? If you’re looking for a healthy tipple to balance out all the excesses of the upcoming festive season? Forget the cocktails — here are seven health benefits of Hibiscus tea. Health Giving Hibiscus Humans have enjoyed the health-giving properties of Hibiscus for many years, but it’s a relatively new …

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How To Top Up Vitamin D Levels | AD

Ever wondered how to top up vitamin d? I‘ve found that getting outside is one of the best ways to keep my spirits up during winter. There are so many lovely activities you can do — even on the greyest days. I took the boys (and nana) pumpkin picking one dingy autumn day. Spending a …

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Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire

The clocks went back this weekend. Did you enjoy an extra hour in bed? Or is the change in time wreaking havoc with your body clock? We had some family fun and went pumpkin picking in Staffordshire! We’ve got a run of short, dark days ahead and I want to fill the days with as much …

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Look As Young As You Feel {Sanctuary Spa Products Review}

AD | I have been (or could be if you click on a link in this post) compensated via a cash payment, gift or something else of value for writing this post. See the full disclosure policy and privacy policy for more details. I’ve spoken before about my beauty regime and how it’s changed over time. Much as I …

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The Modius Review {Part 3 — Does Modius Work?}

‘This is a paid partnership with Modius’ So, in the third part of my Modius review, I answer the question that I’ve been asked — countless times — since I started testing it. Does Modius work? Since I began trialling the Modius device back in March, and wrote my initial thoughts, I’ve had lots of people …

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The Modius Review {Part 2 — How To Use the Modius Headset}

‘This is a paid partnership with Modius’ It’s been 7 and a half weeks since I began trialling the Modius weight-loss headset. I’ve had lots of interest from friends and family — and readers of my blog — asking for updates. So I thought I’d share my recent thoughts. Plus a step by step guide …

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The Modius Review {Is this a Weightloss Miracle?}

Disclosure: I was asked to conduct this Modius review as part of a paid partnership with Modius. All words, thoughts and images are — as ever — my own. I have struggled with my weight my whole adult life. Granted, I’m not the biggest woman on the planet — 12 on the top and 14 …

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Can Spas Reduce Stress { a semi-scientific experiment!}

Can spas reduce stress? Or are they an overpriced gimmick? I generally feel that Pilates is the best thing for helping me; but even simple things like colouring in have definitely helped me to relax over the years. How are you at coping with stress? Are you impervious to it? Do you take it in …

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How Pilates Changed my Life

‘Pilates changed my life‘ — sounds a bit extreme and sensationalist doesn’t it? But never a truer word was written. It really has. I’ve written about my love for Pilates before. In all the chaos that life presents; the constant merry-go-round of juggling work with motherhood — being a wife, a homeowner, a responsible adult …

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Bringing Up Men and Positive Body Image

Over on Instagram last week there was a flurry of inspiring posts on ‘positive body image’— one of my favourite being from my blogging buddy Alison who posted a pic of herself and her daughter in matching swimming costumes. When I saw it I literally did a double take and thought— ‘Wow — she’s so brave’ — and …

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In Pursuit of My Youth { Boots Botanics Skin Care Review } AD

Boots Botanics beauty skincare review

When we reach a certain age *ahem* the beauty products that we used throughout our twenties and *coughs* (sorry — I seem to have something stuck in my throat) thirties, may not be be doing us any favours anymore. Don’t admit defeat. Don’t accept old age gracefully. Try a new regime. Introducing Boots Botanics Skin Care …

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Bertie’s Egg Allergy (& The Egg Allergy Test)

After ‘Bertie’s Egg Allergy‘ episode happened, we had been quickly referred for an appointment at Birmingham City Hospital. For Bertie’s immunology testing. Odd — seeing as Leicester (which is closer) has a reportedly amazing immunology department . But hey, we dance to the beat of the NHS drum. So we went along with it and …

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34 weeks and 2 days | An allergic reaction to egg.

What a crazy week. Health visitors, new routines and Bertie having an allergic reaction to egg. Wednesday started off brilliantly. The health visitor came for a home visit — the first since The Twinkles were four months old — and I was so excited to find out how much they both weighed. Historically, there has …

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