Category | Craft

Who doesn’t like indulging in a spot of crafting? Craft is proven to lower stress — and promote positive mental well-being too — so as well as being fun, it’s also good for your health! In this section of The Listed Home, you’ll find my favourite fancy dress costume ideas, plus Cricut crafts and free printables and SVG files to download and use in your own craft projects.

Latest in Home Makes

From seasonal decor and wreaths, to pom poms and covered buttons, this little collection of posts shares all my makes for the home.

Fancy Dress Ideas

My whole family loves dressing up! Whether it’s parties, Halloween or festivals, we all love an excuse to get dressed up in a costume. Here are some of my favourite fancy dress costume ideas.

The Latest in Cricut Crafts

Want to see some cool things to do with your Cricut machine? My downloadable files could give you some inspiration.

Pom Pom Crafts

Pom poms have certainly come a long way since I used to make them, as a child; with the help of a trusty cereal packet!

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