164 weeks and 6 days — A mini garden update

Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a few weeks now but spare time seems to be elusive and this handful of images, that I took in the last days of March, have been sitting on my camera waiting to see the light of day.

And actually, since taking these photographs, the garden has changed beyond all recognition.

Little buds have turned into fully formed flowers and when I went to put the chickens away last night — and actually took a minute to look around and spend a few minutes observing — it almost looks a million miles away from these images.

I love this time of year.

The garden is waking from it’s winter slumber and everything is stretching and yawning. The plants are really starting to come alive again.

Over the winter, you could be forgiven for thinking that a lot of them are dead. Then little by little, tiny green shoots begin to appear — amidst all the rotted, brown vegetation — and within (what feels like) days it’s a riot of colour.

Last year, around this time, I created a rainbow of colour using the plants that I found in our garden. We’re lucky enough that some clever soul had really put a lot of time and effort onto the planting in our garden.

A green-fingered owner or a gardener perhaps?

We’ve taken the mantle, with great delight, and are certainly endeavouring to preserve what we’ve inherited, whilst also making our own mark and adding to the mix.

garden update
Flowering Currant
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
garden update
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
garden update
The Currant bush that I took from my nan and grandad’s garden
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
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Blue Hyacinths
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

I had planned, at the beginning of the year, to create a series of posts for our garden.

Almost to serve as a reminder, of what flowers when etc — a gardening calendar if you will — but as ever time speeds on, we’re a third of the way through the year and I’m only just sharing the photos I took more than a month ago.

But hey. I’ve finally done it. And the next update will — hopefully — be sooner rather than later.

garden update
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
garden update
Sassy (named after the Sasquatch, due to her enormous feet)
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
garden update
Catkins on the Curly Hazel
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
garden update
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | 164 weeks and 6 days — A mini garden update

36 thoughts on “164 weeks and 6 days — A mini garden update”

  1. You’re so lucky to take over an established garden. Ours was mud up until last year and we made a tentative step to plant a touch of colour. We really need to revisit it but, like you, time is so scarce at the mo and I’m not sure I have the energy for another project, this year.

    • Yep — I know, I’m so grateful for that — although it needs so much upkeep. At least with a patch of mud you don’t have anything to tend to!! Ours is looking so unkempt at the mo, as soon as this shed is built/finished the garden is next on the list for a bit of TLC! :)

  2. Your garden is coming along so nicely. You will have to come and sort mine out for me when you are finished, I am not at all green fingered!! All I seem to manage to grow are weeds!! xxx

  3. Gorgeous garden and such an amazing variety and abundance of plants and life! Looks so pretty and I bet you love being in it :) Jess xx


  4. Gorgeous pictures. I love this time of the year, the gardens always look great. I am not very green fingered but I love seeing all the variety of flowers growing on mine

  5. Such an inspiring post, I am the least green-fingered person ever but realise we are very fortunate to have a decent-sized garden space in London and I should make more of it. Love the pictures of your chickens too!! Xx


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