My Twin Pregnancy Diary — 21 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Not sure what happened there… I seem to have skipped a week!! I am now 21 weeks pregnant with twins!! YAY! :)

My Twinkles are starting to become a little more active… or should I say, I am starting to feel them more!

Having seen them furiously moving about on the sonographer’s screen from 9 weeks, I KNOW that they’ve been pretty active for quite a while; but I just haven’t been able to feel them.

Back Ache & Pilates

I’ve had quite a lot of back-ache this week too… not in the day, it seems to manifest itself at night. Really boring.

It was so bad a couple of nights ago that I got up and did some Pilates stretches on the bathroom floor; not the greatest activity to be doing at 3.50 in the morning, but hey! It seemed to do the trick and I was able to get back to sleep!!

My bump is starting to get noticeably bigger too. It’s really gorgeous :)

For so many years, I have wondered if I’m ever going to get to the point, in a pregnancy, where other people can see that I’m pregnant without me having to say anything — and now is the time!

In the early part of my pregnancy, I just looked like I’d overindulged in all the cakes but I had a courier delivery this week and the delivery man was just about to hand me a heavy box, then looked down at my belly and said ‘oops — I’ll take that for you — where would you like it?’.

It really made my day!

Physical Changes

So exciting to see these physical changes; it makes me sad for all the times I’ve cursed my body for not working properly — and for letting me down — on the fertility front.

It’s beautiful to see how my body is coping now, with these babies, and I feel proud that it is doing so well. It’s a joy to see!

I think the Pilates certainly helps. It’s so important to try and keep moving and stay strong. I was a bit worried about the back-ache at night, but having read lots of pregnancy forum posts from other ladies in the same boat, I think it’s quite normal. There are even special pillows that you can buy, which support the bump at night. We’ll see how we go with that one! There’s going to be a LOT of purchases to make in the coming months! We’ll see if I can get by without a special pillow :)

Til next time


My twin pregnancy — 21 weeks

21 weeks pregnant with twins
Me at 21 weeks pregnant with twins


Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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