Our 4 Month Old Schedule

So. I tried the new sleep routine for the twins. As predicted, the boys are really not keen on sleeping from 3pm until 5pm in the afternoon. This part of the schedule is an epic fail.

I tried the new routine for a couple of days, but on each day either one — or both — twins woke at around 4pm. Bertie was so miserable that I decided not to carry on and go back to our tried and tested method!

Our 4 Month Old Schedule
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Our New 4 Month Old Schedule

We’ve been doing our tried and tested 4 month old schedule for weeks now and everyone is happy. The babies are well fed and well rested and, as a result, rarely cry.

PLUS they sleep through the night from 11pm until we wake them at 7am next morning.

All of these books/websites/health visitors that ‘advise’ a baby should be going 4 hours between feeds should come with a large caveat*

*may not suit every child.

After all, WHO is it benefiting?

Is it so the mother has more time to herself? Or is there some medical reason. Not sure, but my babies clearly are not ready yet.

Having said that, as they were born at 36 weeks they are technically four weeks behind a baby born at 40 weeks, so maybe they are a little behind.

The current routine goes a little like this…

Our 4 Month Old Schedule
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

4 Month Old Feeding Guide

7am — wake and feed

8am — back to bed

10am — wake

10.30am — feed

11.00am — back to bed

1.00pm — wake

1.30pm — feed

2pm — back to bed

3.30pm — wake

4.00pm — feed

5pm — back to bed

6.00pm — wake (play or a bath a couple of times a week)

6.30 — feed

7pm — bed

Until 10.30 for the last feed….

This is magic and works so well. Think we’ll carry on for a couple of weeks and try again on another day.

Righto. Better go and get ready for the next feed


Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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