Styling The Seasons — February

I had the very best of intentions for this month’s styling the seasons post.

I’d bought some beautiful Muscari (otherwise known as Grape Hyacinths) — in a glorious sky blue shade — and popped them in a cheerful turquoise glazed pot, in readiness.

Styling The Seasons | February

I’d envisaged them sitting on my kitchen table on a stack of pretty cookery books but, as ever, things rarely go to plan.

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A Curve Ball

February threw us a curve ball in the form of flu — for me and my three boys — and as our routine was so monumentally thrown out of kilter, I’ve spent the last few weeks chasing my tail and trying to catch up.

Needless to say, by the time I got around to shooting my pretty little friend, it’s juicy plump flowers had dried out and lost their vivid blueness and the sturdy stems had wilted and bent with the weight of the blooms.


Note to self: try to shoot florals when they’re looking their best.

Anyway, desperate to stick to my resolution of joining in with Styling The Seasons this year — and not fall at the second hurdle — I’ve resorted to taking a few pictures of my desk instead.

Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February

Styling The Seasons

It’s a view that regularly changes, as my pegboard often features ephemera pertaining to that month. Cards I’ve been sent — or tickets and other items that catch my eye — and there always seems to be a rotation of books, depending on what I’m working on at the time.

So whilst February has been germ ridden, it’s also been a month of love and celebration.

My boy and I were married in February and this year we celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary.

Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February

We hot-footed it off to a lovely hotel in The Cotswolds.

It was the weekend that Hurricane Imogen hit British shores, so the weather was foul but we had the best time; reminiscing and celebrating our happy union.

I’ve also been working on some new prints and sought inspiration from a couple of love-laced books.

So this post is not much styling the seasons — as there wasn’t too much styling going on here — but it is a very good reflection of the month.

Celebrations, togetherness and love.

Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February
Styling The Seasons | February

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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45 thoughts on “Styling The Seasons — February”

  1. I love those polaroids, I have the same camera and I need to start using it more. I love how you’ve injected some colour into this time of year, we certainly need it in England. Come on Spring!


    • Come on spring indeed!!! I was despairing at the beginning of the week but it’s looking SO beautiful and springlike today! It totally lifts your spirits doesn’t it? :)

  2. Congratulations on 15 years! Such lovely bright photos too. I love your choice of colours #HomeEtc

  3. Sorry you had the flu- Feb also sucked for us as far as that is concerned, but yay for awesome pegboard styling! I love so much that pegboards can be changed so often depending on your mood and nothing is permanent, I can’t wait to crack on with mine! x

    • Thanks lovely — and sorry you were ill too. So boring isn’t it, when you’re ill, with little ones to look after. Here’s to the spring, warmer weather, no germs AND PEGBOARDS! :)

  4. 15 years is wonderful. I’ve notched up 13 with my husband and wouldn’t be without him (on the whole). It’s a shame you were poorly and didn’t get to capture your hyacinth, isn’t their fragrance divine but the pictures that you did take are lovely. Glad you’re all better x

    • Aah 13 is my lucky number!! :) Wishing you a very happy anniversary too :) I’m the same — I love my boy to bits — SO grateful for him. And yes — such a shame about the hyacinth but hey! There’s always next year! ;)

  5. There is nothing better than a Pegboard for styling somewhere.
    Sorry you all had flu, I can sympathise it has been like it for weeks in our home.

    I would love to see a zoomed out shot of where you Pegboard lives for inspiration xxx

  6. Aww congratulations! Sorry your family had a February full of colds (same here btw!)

    Your desk is looking utterly cute. I bet it’s the perfect sweet space for you to sit down and relax. xx

    • Thanks so much Gaby! It was a rough month — flu for me and colds for the boys. It’s not often I’m bed-bound (thankfully!)! SO happy that the warmer weather is just around the corner and germ season is nearly gone! :)

  7. I love your desk, it’s full of pretty things. I am hankering after those Penguin book covers too, although I’m looking for ‘The body in the Library’ maybe that is a reflection of my 25 year marriage ha! Only joking of course. Congratulations lovely, I’m glad you managed to enjoy your anniversary before the flu hit. Thank you for hosting xx

  8. I read this the day you posted it and never got to comment. 15 happy years – that is great! Wishing you both many, many more happy years togethers.
    Lovely photos too by the way.

    • Aah thanks so much lovely!! I can’t understand where the years have gone?! I don’t even feel that old!! HOW can I have been with the same person for 20 years?! ;)

  9. Aw many congratulations for celebrating 15 years of marriage. 2001 was a good year to get married as we are 15 years in May. The more I see of the peg boards the more I really want one. You have styled it perfectly to sum up your month x

  10. Boo to the flu and muscari, but your photographs of your desk are lovely, so maybe the original plans were never meant to be. Lovely styling and happy anniversary! (And I may just have to get a pegboard like yours for my office space – the wardrobe went at the weekend so I’ve no excuse now!)

  11. A very happy anniversary to you both. This year will be 27 since our first date and 14 since we wed. I think he *ahem*, ‘I’ deserve a medal ;-) #HomeEtc

    • Thanks so much Tania! It’s crazy isn’t it? The time goes SO quickly doesn’t it? How CAN I have been someone for 20 years — when I’m still only a teen myself ;)

  12. This is gorgeous! SO sorry that we missed it first time round. I have just added it to our February round up. A massive happy anniversary for last month and I hope the germs haven’t returned this month xx

  13. Ah the best laid plans eh? It still looks beautiful even if it wasn’t quite what you planned. So glad you had a lovely anniversary and that you weren’t hit by the flu that weekend! xx #HomeEtc

  14. I think you’ve styled your month extremely well considering you’ve all been dealt with the dreaded lurgy! You poor things. We had it a few weeks ago and it was totally horrendous. It put absolutely everything on hold!
    So I think your bright and vibrant pegboard shows the real you, the one hidden beneath all the bugs and germs, and one that screams pure love and happiness. I must get styling my own pegboard too someday. I love those things! Thanks so much for hosting #HomeEtc (and again for choosing my post) ?? Steph xxx

    • Aah thanks lovely — it was a rough month!! Although FULL of love too — I LOVE February!! Short and sweet :) And you’re very welcome — I LOVED your kitchen post!! xx

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