A Fishermans Table Lamp

Adding light to dark rooms is a fine art and the right lighting can make — or break — the ambience of a room. One of our guest bedrooms was certainly lacking a little ambience!

It had no other electric light source apart from the pendant light, which posed a problem for anyone staying overnight. It meant switching the main light off, then stumbling back to bed in the dark.

Never a good thing, particularly when there’s a wooden purlin — spanning the entire width of the room —sitting around 5 foot or so off the floor.

Needless to say, it results in many bumped heads and much swearing on various occasions.

*Hopefully* this situation will be rectified with the addition of a new light — a lovely Fisherman’s table-lamp.

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Our Fishermans Table Lamp

An industrial style fisherman's lamp  in a glossy white enamel.

It works beautifully with the rest of the room and it’s clever touch-shade technology means that it gives three lovely lighting options.

From a gentle ambient glow to a brighter, clearer light. Perfect for my guests, who fancy a spot of late night reading.

An industrial style fisherman's lamp  in a glossy white enamel.

One of the features I wanted to mention, in particular, is a sweet little glass cover which sits over the top of the lightbulb and gives a really contemporary twist.

In my haste to put this little lamp in it’s new home I *almost* threw it away.

Actually, if the truth be known, had my boy not rescued it, out of the recycling, and said —

‘What’s this little glass bowl for?’

— it most certainly would have been thrown away!

Note to self: remember to unpack all items thoroughly in future! Who knows what I’ve thrown away in the past?! Oops!

An industrial style fisherman's lamp  in a glossy white enamel.

Anyway. All is well and the little glass cover and its owner are together again.

Which, hopefully, will mark an end to late-night stumbling, banging of brows and subsequent angry outbursts ;)

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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44 thoughts on “A Fishermans Table Lamp”

  1. Oh wow I love your choice Caro! And it looks so perfect there. I too am a blogging ambassador and am so pleased with my selection – I really needed my floor lamp! I love the little glass cover – such a great idea and does give it a really modern look! Jess xx


    • Thanks lovely! Why did I not know you were an ambassador too?I DOH! High five to that! I must go and see your floor lamp!! :) They’ve some really lovely things haven’t they? Such a lovely brand to be working with xx

  2. What a gorgeous light. We are in desperate need for a bedside lamp as we do the middle of the night shuffle in the dark if we need the bathroom. I always think just go and buy a lamp ! I will have a look at their website x

    • Aah Tracey!! It’s such a horrible feeling when you have to get up in the dark!! Particularly when you’re in a strange house though too!! Iconic have got some really lovely lights — good value too :)

  3. Such a pretty, pretty lamp! I’m exactly like you and always worry about guests not having an alternative to the ceiling light. The range of Iconic Lights is wonderful and we’ve been so pleased with both the lights we’ve had so far Xx

  4. Love love love your choice Caro – perfect for your room too. Ha ha you did make me laugh though throwing away the glass cover. I soooo would have done that too. But yay for your boys lol.
    Thanks for co-hosting this lovely linky #HomeEtc
    Sammy xxx

  5. That lamp looks like it was made for that spot. I can’t manage without a bedside lamp as I am a late night reader! If we go away and there isn’t one, I am forced to use my phone torch! I just can’t sleep without a little read first. So glad you didn’t throw the glass away!! #HomeEtc xx

  6. That lamp is just lovely! It looks perfect where it is. I think bedside lighting is very very important – this lamp fits the bill well.
    Thanks for hosting this linky – first time I’m taking part!

    • Thanks SO much Naomi — and welcome!! :) Delighted to have you joining!! It’s SUCH a lovely linky — gorgeous to see all these fab blogs linking in each week — lots of lovely reading material and inspiration :) xx

  7. So glad I read this today as we need lots of new lights at The Essex Barn from table lamps to standard floor lights – and so far I’ve only managed to find one that I really liked from a charity shop. Will pop over to Iconic Lights forthwith and try to rectify that situation! Fab choice by the way, really like it. #HomeEtc

  8. So pretty Caro. And so handy that it has those touch settings. I love that in a lamp. I must look up that company. Our living room is badly in need of a lighting makeover.

  9. What a lovely lamp, I want one! So happy to have found your blog, I can see hours of inspiration ahead of me. I am after a few new lights for my house so I will certainly check out this company, how exciting! Becky x #HomeEtc

  10. Really gorgeous photographs which show off the beauty of your new light – it’s very lovely. Lucky you rescued the glass bowl! I’m a blogging ambassador for Iconic Lights too and enjoying seeing what everyone has chosen to review – such a variety!

    • Thanks SO much lovely! I know — I cannot believe that the little glass cover nearly ended up in the bin!! Oops!
      So lovely to meet another Iconic ambassador — I’ll pop and have a look at your light when I get chance to! :)


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