She’s Electric | Nissan Leaf Review

Disclosure: This is an unpaid review with Nissan. We were given a Nissan Leaf to try out for a weekend, for the purposes of this Nissan Leaf review. All words, thoughts, and images — as ever — are all mine.

When we think about buying a new car, there are certain things that are on the check list aren’t there?

Model, size, economy — maybe even the colour.

Perhaps you prefer a diesel engine to a petrol one? I’d certainly take emissions into account too but apart from that, the green credentials of a vehicle are slightly hazy.

So when we were given the opportunity to review not one but two zero emission, electric cars, back in November, we were really up for the challenge.

I can honestly say — hand on heart — that electric cars were just not on my radar before this. I’d heard of them but I don’t think I’d ever noticed them on the road.

I’m not sure what I was expecting either.

‘A milk-float perhaps? ‘

I certainly wasn’t expecting the slick, cool little car that arrived.

Our Nissan Leaf Review

Nissan Leaf Review Nissan Leaf Review Nissan Leaf Review

Fab looking outside and in.

The interior was roomy; the boys carseats fit really well in the back and didn’t feel too squished.

In fact, the Nissan Leaf was a little bit Tardis like, in that in felt an awful lot bigger on the inside, than in looked on the outside.

Plus it had a large enough boot-space for the boys’ travel cots, an enormous double buggy, a potty and weekend bags for all four of us.

In fact, I think the boot was larger than our Freelander.

Nissan Leaf Review
Nissan Leaf Review
Nissan Leaf Review

What Did We Think Of The Nissan Leaf?

We were SO impressed with this little car.

The benefits — apart from being kind to the environment — are huge.

Incredibly cheap to run (fuel costs from just 2p a mile and you can get 100% charge for around 2 quid) plus you can charge it up at home or join one (or more) of the networks and charge at the points across the UK.

There’s no road tax to pay; or congestion charge if you’re travelling into central London. In some cases there is also free parking plus you can actually charge for free too in certain places.

For town or city dwellers they’re absolutely genius. Although, even for country bumpkins like us, if you planned your route well enough and knew where all the charge points were for a long journey, it would be a fab option.

It’s not something we’d have ever considered before now but I can really, really see the benefits.

Whilst we had the Nissan Leaf we took part in a little electric vehicle challenge (#EVChallenge) to see if an electric car is all it’s cracked up to be.

Could we drive into central London, for a day out, for less than £5?

We absolutely smashed it — we managed to get there and park for less than a fiver. Very impressive and definitely an eye opener.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | She’s Electric | Nissan Leaf Review

8 thoughts on “She’s Electric | Nissan Leaf Review”

  1. This looks like an amazing car, i’m really impressed with the size of the boot! I also can’t believe how cheap it is the run! Great review xx

  2. I must say that I too had not thought of electric much till I saw K&C posts, but between seeing all your comments I am a little intrigued, I like the idea, now the question is are there any charging points where I would take it xx


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