181 weeks and 2 days | Camp Bestival 2016 — Out Of This World


Camp Bestival 2016. What an epic adventure.

Unbelievably it was a few weekends ago now that we were packing up Dolly The Caravan; to make the journey down to Lulworth in Dorset.

I took almost 1000 pictures over the 4 days that we were there (!). And have been ploughing through them, trying to work out what to write about first and what to show.

Because there’s too much to fit into one post, I’ve decided that this is going to be a little preamble.

For those of you that are regular festival goers, I can say that it was one of the best yet, and for readers who have never been to a festival before —

‘Why ever not?!’

There are so many small boutique festivals popping up all over the country.

Family, art and food festivals — festivals that cater to all kind of musical persuasion — whatever your taste, there is sure to be a festival to suit you.

But if you have children, Camp Bestival is by far one of — if not —  the best festivals you can go to.

I waxed lyrical about last year’s CB but Camp Bestival 2016 was totally out of this world.


The theme this year was Outer Space and so many of the revellers had made a fantastic effort dressing themselves — and their wagons — in suitably cosmic attire.

It always amazes me how much thought people put into pimping up their wagons especially — such creativity — and amazing attention to detail.

Wherever you looked there were aliens and rockets, spaceships and intergalactic creatures, all overseen by two GIGANTIC 20ft high astronauts.






My three boys and I love getting the fancy dress box out — if you can’t at a festival, then when can you?! We dusted the mirrorball helmets off and donned some space suits and glitter.

It also gave us an opportunity to wear the rocket packs for a second time ;)

If you want to make your own, pop and have a look at the tutorial.



We saw so many things in such a short space of time.

We spent hours, once again, in Lizzie’s Way which was bigger and better than ever before. It was a massive hit with the boys — especially the mud kitchen. There were so many lovely things to look at — and do. It’s definitely a highlight for us, so really worth shouting about.

We hung out for far too long in Caravanserai — my favourite haunt from last year — drinking cocktails and watching comedy.

The oddest act I saw was a Scottish mime/comedian — absolutely hilarious — had all the adults in stitches and the little ones aghast as they didn’t really understand what he was doing. Watching Bertie and Cosmo was *almost* as funny as watching the act itself.




I have SO much to share about the things we did and saw at this year’s Camp Bestival; this is the first of many posts, so stand by your beds! ;)

Early bird tickets for next year’s Camp Bestival 2017 (July 27th to 30th) are now on sale (but be quick!).

Do pop along and check out their website; click  here for info on ticket options and pricing — you won’t regret it!

The Listed Home are proud to be official bloggers for Camp Bestival this year but all thoughts, words and images — as ever — are entirely my own.


Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | 181 weeks and 2 days | Camp Bestival 2016 — Out Of This World

6 thoughts on “181 weeks and 2 days | Camp Bestival 2016 — Out Of This World”

  1. How old were your boys when you took them to their first festival?
    I have a little boy who will be 15 months at the time of next year’s festival and I’m just worried it will all be too much….

    • Hi Jessica!! The twins were 17 months old when we first took them to their first proper festival. There’s a post on the blog if you search back far enough :) I won’t lie — it was hard work — but SO much fun!!! They are 4 now and have been to 10 4 day festivals — so are little veterans!! Camp Bestival is fabulous (and our favourite for kids) but if you’re worried about going to such a big festival to begin with, with a little one in tow, I would suggest to go to Just So. We went this year and I think it’s fabulous for first timers. It’s very little — so not overwhelming — and there’s lots of things for tiny people to enjoy too https://thelistedhome.co.uk/just-so-festival-the-best-family-festival-for-first-timers/


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