The Queens Head Troutbeck | Cumbria

Occasionally, you go somewhere and for whatever reason — sometimes good, sometimes bad — it sticks in your head and you can’t shake the memory of it. I’ve had this with The Queens Head Troutbeck for the last twenty years.

My boy and I had gone up to the Lake District for a wedding and decided to spend a couple of extra days there afterwards.

We were quick to soak up all of the usual touristy goodness but what we failed to do was book accommodation.

We were living in London at the time and just assumed there’d be a wealth of B&Bs or Travel Lodges, ripe for the picking.

What’s that old adage about assumption?

Oh yes:

‘Assumption is the mother of all f**k-ups’.

At one point it looked like we were going to be sleeping in the car; as every hotel we stopped at, Richard emerged from the doorway shaking his head.

Until we spotted a guesthouse in Keswick, that had a little handwritten sign at the window; spelling out ‘vacancies‘ in spidery writing.

The Queens Head Troutbeck
The Queens Head Troutbeck, nestling in the hillside

Hotels in The Lake District

Although there are many hotels in the lake district, this one is memorable for all the wrong reasons! I don’t remember the name of the guesthouse (probably with good reason).

Our room didn’t have a lock on the door but had two single beds with candlewick bedspreads and a tree outside that tapped on the window.

There was a shared bathroom on the next floor — no en-suites in those days —  plus an imaginatively titled ‘tea and coffee station’ on the landing.

It felt old (not in a good way) and creepy.

We made our escape to the local pub for the evening; and on booking a taxi, for the way home, the driver laughed when we told him the address we were staying at.

He began regaling us with tales of spooky goings on there and when I said:

‘Blimey… we don’t have a lock on our door!!’

He said — with a smirk on his face —

‘They don’t use doors there… they walk through the walls.’


The Queens Head Troutbeck

Needless to say, after a restless night, we were swift to leave in the morning and decided to head to Windermere.

On the way there, nestled on a hillside surrounded by the most spectacular countryside, we spotted The Queens Head Troutbeck and decided to pull over and ask if they had a spare room for the night.

They did and we ended up having the most memorable stay.

The Queens Head Troutbeck

Delicious food, served in a cosy —beam bedecked — pub. A roaring fire in the grate and friendly staff.

The bar was made of a giant, wooden four poster bed (that allegedly some queen or other had slept in — hence the name).

We slept in a comfy bed, in a wonky room (there wasn’t a straight edge in sight) and woke to the most glorious view of the fells in the morning. It was perfection.

The view from The Queens Head Troutbeck
Just look at that view!

Best Hotels in The Lake District

A couple of week’s ago, after Kendal Calling, we decided to pay a visit to The Queens Head Troutbeck.

Our initial stay had been so memorable, I was a little bit nervous that it wouldn’t live up to expectations.

That the rose tinted memories, I so fondly remembered, would be tarnished.

But I needn’t have worried.

The Queens Head Troutbeck
A warm welcome
The Queens Head Troutbeck
Cosy corners and lovely views
The Queens Head Troutbeck
Still raining, twenty years later!

Looking almost exactly as I remembered; the building had had a little bit of a makeover — and had changed hands — but essentially was the same.

So Would We Recommend The Queens Hotel in Troutbeck?

Well, the pub of my dreams was still just as good as I remembered.

OK — the decor had changed but the essence of the place remained.

Great cask ales on tap — which pleased Mr D — and a good gin selection for me.

The Queens Head Troutbeck
Cask ales on offer
…and gin for me!

The menu (although we didn’t eat) still looked varied and enticing. A start of smoked bacon and crushed avocado on toasted sourdough (served with a free-range poached egg and sundried tomato and chorizo jam) caught my eye.

There were thoughtful touches everywhere.

The Queens Head Troutbeck
I love this idea!
The Queens Head Troutbeck
And this — how thoughtful.
If you're in the Lake District, I highly recommend you pop in.
Even handy little hooks to hang up your coats

And the decor was lovely too.

It felt warm and homely and was exactly the kind of place we needed to be on a grey, cold and rainy afternoon.

The Queens Head Troutbeck
The Queens Head Troutbeck
The Queens Head Troutbeck
The Queens Head Troutbeck
The Queens Head Troutbeck

Luxury Hotels in The Lake District

I guess there are many luxury hotels in the Lake District. There are 5 star hotels with lake views; or hilltop hideaways with hot-tubs.

But (in my humble opinion) The Queens Head Troutbeck is one of the most unique hotels in the lake district. There are so many thoughtful touches. It’s fabulous.

We whiled away a couple of hours, playing Dobble and discussing the weather.

‘Is the rain ever going to stop?’

‘You’d never guess this was our summer holidays — it looks like autumn outside.’


It was perfect. Just the kind of gentle, slow afternoon I like.

And, best of all, I now have another lovely memory of The Queens Head Troutbeck to keep me going.

Although I hope not to leave it another twenty years until the next time.

My boys and I playing Dobble
All getting vey competitive!!
The Queens Head Troutbeck
View from the doorway of The Queens Head Troutbeck — we didn’t want to leave!

We didn’t stay — or eat — this second time round although I’m sure it would be fantastic.

The Queens Head Troutbeck is such a lovely place to spend an afternoon. If you’re in the Lake District, I highly recommend you pop in. It certainly didn’t disappoint me, after all those years!

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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2 thoughts on “The Queens Head Troutbeck | Cumbria”

  1. What a beautiful family, you and your boys look so happy with life, your site is amazing and you have inspired me to start my make over on the van ! was scared to do so at first but gona take a chance now !- thanks Jane x


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