New bedding and lazy mornings

I’ll be the first to admit, I have really struggled over the last couple of weeks.

I’m not naturally a ‘morning person’ and having to drag myself out of a cosy warm bed is hard for me on most days.

However, on wintery mornings — when there’s a chill in the air and frosty patterns are decorating the windows — I find it extraordinarily difficult to rouse myself.

New bedding and chocolate coins for breakfast

Chocolate Coins for Breakfast

We were totally spoilt in this department at Christmas too which is probably the reason I’m finding it so hard now.

As well as being magical due to the fact that the twins were really aware of what was going on (for the first time since they arrived), Christmas has the added bonus of an alarm not going off each morning, so we were also lucky enough to have a lie in practically every day.

We left the children to slumber and some mornings didn’t hear their little sing-song voices until almost 9.

This meant leisurely lie-ins for me and my boy; toast and tea in bed, with the papers. Sometimes with chocolate coins for breakfast.

New bedding and chocolate coins for breakfast
new bedding and chocolate coins — winner

It reminded me of weekends, before we had the littles.

I’ve spoken before about the love affair I have with our giant bed and also how lucky we were quite recently to be given a new mattress to test out.

New Bedding

And along with the mattress, I also thought it was also high time we treated the bed to some lovely new bedlinen. Now, for all my love of colour and pattern, I’ve always been a fan of very plain bedding.

I chose a white duvet cover and pillowcases from Habitat; with coordinating grey cases for the second pillows. With a pop of colour from a fab pelican patterned cushion and a monochrome geometric throw.

I can’t quite put into words how lovely this bedding range is. I’m not a fan of crisp sheets — I’d rather my sheets freshly washed but a little bit crumpled.

And aptly, the name of this particular range is ‘Washed’.

It has a soft texture and a relaxed look and feel, due to the fact it’s been stonewashed.

So cosy, so soft and so difficult to get out of in the morning!

New bedding from Habitat

New bedding from Habitat

Habitat cushion

Kiri asleep

Hard To Get Up

All in all, it’s a winning combination  but, needless to say, the mix of soft, snuggly bedding and a super comfortable mattress does not make it easy to get up each morning.

Christmas is well and truly in the past; but I’m still yearning for long, lazy lie-ins with the addition of some chocolate coins for breakfast.

Anyone else struggling to get up at the mo?

PS — I’ve just created a little video, sharing my thoughts, on our fab new Leesa mattress. Pop and have a look.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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64 thoughts on “New bedding and lazy mornings”

  1. Oh, I am so with you on this, Caro. In fact, I’m midway through writing a post about how much I love messy beds. I’m so neat and tidy in a pretty much all aspects of my life, apart from beds. A crumpled bed is my ideal and I ADORE your new bedding and cushion. What a perfect place for breakfast in bed x

  2. Oh I am so so struggling, your bedding looks fab so stylish. Our bedroom is on my list for this year, it is so ready for a makeover, we used to have a black bed almost the same as that from the iron bed company i loved it but when we moved it was too tall to fit in the eaves boo x

  3. Oh that looks gorgeous and your ”washed” sheets sound so inviting. I love sleep but could really do with a whole new bed, pillows, linen combo. Especially after reading this!

  4. oh I am so struggling at the moment and your pictures has made me want to jump back into my bed!I love your bedding. Looks lovely and snug! #twinklytuesday

  5. Beautiful bedding – nothing like freshly washed sheets. I wish my 2 little ones would lie-in when they are off school but sadly they insist on being wide awake at 7am at the latest – lucky you!! Lovely website btw x

    • It’s really fab — I highly recommend it! The fact that it’s meant to be a little crumpled cuts down on the ironing too ;) Thanks for your lovely comment too — that’s really sweet of you xx

  6. I love the black and white cover on your bed. I am definitely strugglng to get up whilst it is still dark, I was brought up to believe that if it was dark outside, it meant bedtime, sadly it is not the case now x

  7. That bed looks sooooooo comfy! You have great taste! Love the zing of orange and lime against the stonewashed colours. Beautiful. We agree…it’s super hard getting out of bed on cold January mornings!

  8. I am definetley struggling to get up in the mornings although that’s probably more to do with having a newborn. I love the combination of white and grey together. I think it looks so clean and fresh x

  9. Ooh you’re bed looks so comfy and even cosier with kitty there! I hate getting up in the mornings, what I need is a really uncomfortable bed so I don’t want to stay in it any longer!

  10. This post is gorgeous. Right up my street! I love my bed too. I long for lie ins but havnt had one since the holidays. Those sheets are lovely. I am also not one to iron my bed linen so any sheets that add to the lived in look sound wonderful. I hope they are nice and soft too! X

  11. I really love your style. I adore habitat. We’re doing up our house at the moment and have just started blogging about it. Everything is going to be going white and grey with pops of colour and print. This looks like the kind of thing we’re looking for. I adore habitat and I’m getting lots of their products for our office. x #love2blog

    • Ooh fabulous!! Come and link any home/renovation posts up with up on #HomeEtc on a Wednesday! I’d absolutely love to see what you’re doing with your house!! :) And thank you by the way — that’s lovely of you xx

  12. I love new bedding – this looks lovely, I love the splash of orange – nice and uplifting for these dark winter mornings! Kaz x

  13. Beautiful photos, can’t beat new bedding!! I’m struggling with the getting up at the moment, I think it’s the cold makes you want to hibernate for the day. The cushion is so perfect with the bedding, adding that perfect pop of colour! x

  14. What gorgeous bedding. No wonder it’s hard to get up!

    I love our bed too. It’s a superkingsize as that is the only bed long enough for my 6ft 4 hubby. It cost a fortune but soooo worth it.

  15. Your bed does look awfully comfortable. I love getting freshly washed bed linen on the bed and snuggling down. I don’t get a lie in much these days with a 10 month old.

  16. LOVE that you eat choccie coins in bed. Just when I think you can’t be anymore awesome… you are!

    Those bedsheets are gorgeous and I am a sucker for grey bed linen. I can definitely see why you would struggle to get out of bed in the morning!

  17. Ooh how inviting does that bed look? It’s nearly 2am and I could just climb in! I love the photo of your cat too. Great that you were allowed some lie-ins for Christmas, I wish I could teach that trick to my two!x

  18. I’m not too bad at getting up in the mornings, I think because I’m pregnant my body is naturally waking up early in preparation for lots of feeds! But if I’ve got new sheets on the bed there’s something so inviting about them and I could lay there all day. I absolutely love the pelican pillow and mono throw. xx

  19. Your new bedding looks gorgeous!
    I certainly struggle in a morning and have for the whole of my 22 years I’m so envious of morning people

  20. Firstly, please can you ask your boys to have a word with Zach? We are lucky to get him sleep beyond 6.30 – even over the christmas holidays!

    Secondly, this bedding looks lovely. I love Habitat and our local Homebase has a Habitat section that I love browsing around. You have reminded me that they had an awesome rug that I saw in there a while ago! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday lovely xx

    • Aah bless you pet!! Does he still nap in the day? The best advice I was given is ‘sleep begets sleep’ — the more sleep a child has, the more it needs. The boys have been in quite a strict routine since they were first born. It was tough to stick to initially but has literally paid dividends. They’re fab sleepers now, as a result xx

  21. Love the new bed clothes. Morning cuddles are the best by the way. If my little girl would have a bit more patience it would be more enjoyable but once she gets older she will be just like her brother.


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