143 weeks and 6 days | Welford Christmas Tree Farm

Last weekend we revelled in the most wonderful of family traditions. We went Christmas tree shopping at Welford Christmas Tree Farm. As Andy Williams immortalised in song ‘it’s the most wonderful time of the year’ and — for me it really is — the lead up to Christmas is magical.

I can’t quite put into words just how much I enjoy this little activity.

Ever since we owned our own home, my boy and I have made a really big thing about ‘getting the Christmas tree’. It’s unquestionably my favourite annual excursion (and, given my enthusiasm for music festivals, that is a pretty impressive accolade).

A Real Christmas Tree Farm

Some people prefer an artificial tree — no needles on the carpet to vacuum up, no annual expense — and I can see the attraction (sort of). Each to their own at the end of the day.

For me personally, getting the tree is more than just the tree itself.

It’s about the excitement of a lovely day out.  It marks the start of the countdown to Christmas; the anticipation of the big day. And if I was ever feeling a little bit ‘bah-humbug’, about the impending festive season, ‘getting the Christmas tree’ is a surefire antidote to that.

I love it.

Particularly as the Welford Christmas Tree Farm has more than just Christmas trees.

There’s a barn, complete with animals. This year they had two reindeers — Katya and her little son Hector — plus piglets, turkeys, goats and donkeys.

Welford Christmas Tree Farm
The Shepherd’s hut at Welford Tree Farm
Welford Christmas Tree Farm
Feeding the reindeer
Welford Christmas Tree Farm
Little Donkey
Welford Christmas Tree Farm
We love the turkeys and their crazy alien faces!
Shepherd's hut at Welford Christmas Tree Farm
Goats at Welford Christmas Tree Farm
Shepherd's hut at Welford Christmas Tree Farm
Shepherd's hut at Welford Christmas Tree Farm
The most wonderful time of the year

Welford Christmas Tree Farm

But Welford Christmas Tree Farm is not just about the trees and the animals. Nope.

There’s the complimentary mulled wine and mince-pies too.

A steaming cup of sweetly spiced booze, plus a warm pastry treat is always going to make me feel Christmassy.

Even on such a grey, windy day as it was on Saturday. No amount of cold, inclement weather is able to dampen my spirits when we’re at the Christmas tree farm

The most wonderful time of the year — enjoying a complimentary mince-pice :)

Finally, there is a little shop bursting with decorations and wreaths, sparkling and shimmering with festive loveliness.

It’s like Aladdin’s cave. More Christmas goodies than you can shake a stick at. The boys were absolutely mesmerised!

Festive Goodies in the Barn at Welford Christmas Tree Farm

The most wonderful time of the year — everything that glitters

Am I selling it to you? ;)

To say I like the annual ‘getting the tree’ day out is a bit of an understatement. This is the highlight of my entire year. Never failing to delight and bring good cheer, this simple activity sets me up for the entire month.

The most wonderful time of the year
The most wonderful time of the year
The most wonderful time of the year
The most wonderful time of the year for my two tiny boys

For all the little traditions that we are creating, as a family, this is sure to be my favourite.

And as we drove away — with the little Christmas tree we’d chosen — securely fastened to the top of the car, my boy remarked on how much the Twinkles had enjoyed it and how, from here-on-in, this will be something that they look forward to too.

Such a lovely thought.

So in celebration of this little tradition, I’ve made a little film of our day out.

Editors Note: I wrote this post back in 2015 and since then, Welford Christmas Tree Farm has grown! These days they have a Santas’s Grotto, a Tipi Cafe and even wreath decorating workshops! It’s well worth the visit if you’re looking for a festive day out in the East midlands.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | 143 weeks and 6 days | Welford Christmas Tree Farm

28 thoughts on “143 weeks and 6 days | Welford Christmas Tree Farm”

  1. Great pictures and post, we are the same. I grew up with a artificial tree which was great, but a few years ago we got a real tree and honestly I don’t think I could go back! I love it and like you, me and my little family love going to choose it! Although they never look that big until you try to get them in your home!

    Looks like you had a lovely day. xx

    • Haha!! We did too! Until my Aunt and Uncle started selling Christmas trees on their farm and then we started to have a real one. I think I was about 12 the first time!

      The difference is staggering — they smell amazing don’t they? No fake tree could ever have that gorgeous Christmassy scent!

  2. I love the build up to Christmas too! I’m very undecided on the tree debate! Currently we can’t practically have a real tree so no decision to make. But in general there are things I like on both fronts. I agree that picking out the tree is a lovely experience. But I don’t like the mess and the fact that they start to look worse for wear! Real trees have the nice smell. In terms of look I think it actually depends. Nice real trees do look lovely, but sometimes real trees can be a bit hit and miss, and the fact that they are often uneven does bother the obsessive compulsive in me! Good quality fake trees can be lovely, but others can be a bit sparse and unrealistic. Still, any tree will look pretty good if nicely decorated! #abitofeverything

    • Aaah it’s just fab isn’t it? Everyone’s so happy and there’s a real buzz in the atmosphere! Re the mess etc — Christmas trees are just like cut flowers — they need water to keep looking good. We always buy a Nordman Fir — which is non-drop — and we have a Christmas tree stand that you fill with water and top up when it begins to get low. If you remember to top up the water — and don’t let the tree dry out — it will last and last and Nordmans barely drop any needles at all :)

      The only negative I can see is that they’re costly in comparison to a fake tree — although it’s worth it just for the lovely day out when you go and choose one!! :)

  3. What a wonderful tradition! I don’t buy real trees but I certainly do think they add to the magic of Christmas, as well as the mess!!!
    Lovely post.

    • It’s so weird! The mess is just not a factor for me :) We always buy a Nordman Fir — which is non-drop — and we have a fab Christmas tree stand that you fill with water and top up when it begins to get low. Christmas trees are just like cut flowers — they need water to keep looking good — and if you keep it standing in water, the whole time its indoors, it usually lasts and lasts. If you follow those two little rules the tree barely drops any needles at all. And it smells gorgeous too! :)

  4. Awe, I love your tradition! We just started the picking out a tree tradition this year and the family had a blast. Your pictures are lovely. I wish they would have had live animals at the tree farm we went to. What a great experience! #TwinklyTuesday

  5. I think I’d be delighted to buy a real Christmas tree too, if I could get it from such a wonderful Christmas tree farm – that looks like such fun. Your photos of the animals are gorgeous, I could nearly feel the soft fur of the deer. We’ve got a fake tree, I like the real ones but I hate the bother of disposing of them after the season!

  6. What a fabulous place to buy christmas trees. I have an artificial one due to money restraints, but I love proper trees. The idea of making buying the tree a family tradition is great. I am like you in loving christmas, and not just the actual day, but the build up to it as well.
    Thanks for sharing with us, Tracey xx #abitofeverything

    • Even before we lived here we we used to make a big fuss of getting the tree! When we lived in Marlow, the best place to get trees from was called Christmas Common!! It’s actually called that too — amazing :)

  7. Such a lovely tradition. Love that there were reindeer. We could go somewhere like this when I was younger but can’t find anywhere like that where we are now… booo! #sharewithme

  8. Looks like a wonderful place to go and get your Christmas Tree! We can’t afford to buy a real one each year so this is very alien to us. Sounds like you guys had fun! x #Sharewithme c

  9. This is lovely, really puts me in the festive mood and this looks like such an amazing Christmas tree farm. I can see why it is such a special day for you! When we rented we had a bigger house so we’d buy a real tree but we just can’t fit one in ours now, it really makes me sad but I know one day we’ll manage to get real ones again! xx

    • Aaah I can’t tell you how much I love it!! Year and years before we had the babies, my boy and I were doing this!! It used to just be the two of us and it was SUCH a lovely, romantic day out!! SO festive! Now it’s not romantic but it makes me SO happy — especially the thought that it’s a tradition that the boys will look forward to :)

  10. Such a lovely post. I love traditions and the warm feeling that comes with doing these things. I have to say you have taken some superb pictures, some real treasures in there. Nicky x #abitof everything

  11. This place looks brilliant, I just googled it and it’s an hour from us so a bit far. Otherwise we would definitely gone there! I could never have a fake tree, it has to be real in my house. We are getting outs from a pick your own farm tomorrow and I’m so excited! Xx

    • Aaah Becky — such a shame it’s a little too far. It’s really, really worth it!! It makes getting the tree extra special to have the animals — and all the other extra bits and pieces — there!
      I hope you enjoyed your day out too and got a lovely tree! xx :)

  12. How exciting your enthusiasm is infectious! I love these photo’s – it looks like an amazing place to get a tree! Hurrah for Xmas! :) xxx

  13. Oh I love this what a great family tradition. I said next year I want to visit a farm like this. I love it. Great video too hunny. I am so bad at filming days out but really want to do more in the coming year just need to practice a bit more. lol So festive. I love the build up to Christmas so much too. Very magical!! Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round. Please note it’s the very last SWM for 2015 and a special edition, year in review so you can link up your favorite four post from this year if you would like and I will return in the New Year ready to read all your amazing blog posts again. #sharewithme

    • YAY!! I found your comment in the spam!! Not sure why it was chucking you in there — but thanks for the lovely message :) Will definitely come and link up with you!! Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas honey xx

  14. This sounds like a truly magical day out!!One the little ones will always remember I bet!!I’m giving my artificial tree dirty looks now !!!


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