The soggiest Camp Bestival ever — summer 2017

What makes Camp Bestival 2017 stand out from any other year we’ve been?

It rained.

And rained and rained and rained.

But as a very wise man, called Gilbert K. Chesterton, once said;

‘When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down.

Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.’

And I think that perfectly sums up Camp Bestival 2017.

Soggy. But still smiling and having a ball! With the lovely Emma and Alison
Stormy skies over Lulworth Castle
Festival beauty – my lovely friend Amy
Glorious Mud
Camp bestival 2017
Getting fruity at the Rowntrees stand

Festival Fun

Yes, it rained. Yes it was muddy. But there was still so much colour and fun.

The soggy conditions didn’t manage to dampen the humour and spirits of the families that braved the weather this year.

It was nothing short of extraordinary to see thousands of adults sitting in a field — literally getting soaked to the skin — watching Dick and Dom, live on stage, to keep their children amused. We British are stoic when it comes to appalling weather conditions, aren’t we?

It almost had a different feel to other years, in that there was even more camaraderie and good spirit (if that’s at all possible). Everyone was in the same (leaky, soggy) boat.

Most people had young children in their party to keep entertained; and everyone was sick of the British summer trying to spoil things. But it definitely didn’t manage to on this occasion.

Our first Camp Bestival was so memorable. It was  a blisteringly hot weekend. We were there with our friends and it was so lovely; lying on the grass, drinking cocktails in the sun whilst the children played around us.

Literally what you’d envisage, in your minds eye.

And our second Camp Bestival experience gave us more of the same.

The boys were a full year older — aged three — and loved watching Mr Tumble on the stage and making mud pies down in Lizzie’s Way.  The weather was kind once again and we spent lots of time lying on picnic rugs, watching acts on the main stage. Or hanging out at our favourite bar — Caravanserai —people watching or hanging out with our friends.

THE most delicious food. Beef and chicken Rendang curry from The Feast Collective
Connect Four anyone??
Lizzie’s Way, Camp Bestival 2017
My hero
Those eyelashes
Bollywood tent — more colour than you can shake a stick at!
Love that face!!
Holding tiny chicks at the Camp Bestival farm
Busy making mud pies at Lizzie’s Way

Rain, Rain, Go Away…

But Camp Bestival 2017 was a totally different beast.

The squally winds broke our awning on the first night — the poles were bent and the connectors had twisted and sheared off, when we awoke on the Friday morning.

It rained on and off all day Friday. And the whole of Saturday. Not a little bit of light rain but big, fat cold raindrops that soaked everyone to the skin.

As a result, the ground was treacherous by Friday night. The usually hard and dusty ground gave way to silty, slippery mud which proved tricky to walk on.

But did any of these things spoil our fun?


OK. I’d be lying if I didn’t wish (quite a few times) that it would stop raining.

I longed to be able to lie on the warm grass in the sunshine, and drink a cocktail in comfort. Rather than having to stand up in a steaming tent (along with everyone other festival reveller who was trying to shelter from the rain).

But whilst annoying, they still didn’t spoil it.

Hanging out at Caravanserai on the big pink sofa
Ketchup lips and glitter face
Blue skies overhead on the last night
Mobile Disco Unit
When you blend in with your surroundings. Got that totally down to a fine art.

Our Camp Bestival 2017 Highlights

Highlights for Mr D this year were Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer.  Leftfield — who were just epic (amazing to hear Leftism played live). And the Jimmy’s Iced Coffee stand who were peddling their take on White Russian. Totally delicious.

The boys loved Mr Maker and the Big Fish Little Fish family rave up. And they also loved hanging out in the CBeebies tent and making hats. This was a brilliant hour well spent; the boys were happy to sit and do some crafting, we got to hide from the rain and every child was given a fab goody bag with a magazines and a Hey Duggee DVD when they left.

My favourite thing was the Literary Ginstitute hosted by the Scummy Mummies. My bestie and I went along for the evening and were treated to complementary gin based cocktails; and a whole load of laughter.

I could wax lyrical for hours about what a fab time we had. But I won’t.

If my words and pictures don’t describe what an utterly amazing festival it is for families then have a look at my little film from Camp Bestival 2017.

Four minutes that hopefully sum up what a soggy, glittery, bonkers, brilliant weekend we all had.

All I can say is if you’ve never taken your kids to a festival before, DO IT!

Book tickets. I promise you, your kids will thank you for it.

Whats the worst that could happen eh? A bit of rain?

Pre-sale tickets for next year’s Camp Bestival 2018 (July 26th to 29th) are now on sale. Check out their website; click  here for info on ticket options and pricing.

The Listed Home are proud to be official bloggers for Camp Bestival 2017 but all thoughts, words and images — as ever — are entirely my own.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | The soggiest Camp Bestival ever — summer 2017

4 thoughts on “The soggiest Camp Bestival ever — summer 2017”

  1. Loved your video – brings back some fab memories. Such an amazing experience. It was our first Camp Bestival and we loved it despite the rain!

    • Aah thanks lovely! SO glad you had an amazing time despite the rain!! All I can say to that is, if you had a good time when the weather was poor, you’ll have AN EVEN BETTER time when the sun shines!! :)


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