Twin Pregnancy — 33 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

I’m 33 weeks pregnant with twins and desperately trying to get my work tied up before the babies come along.

My maternity leave is getting shorter by the day.

At the start of every working week, I tell myself it’s going to be the last one before they arrive. But every Friday I seem to have more orders and my ‘to do’ list seems to have grown.

This is the downside of running your own business. I suspect  that if I worked for someone else, I’d be lying on the sofa now watching binging on box-sets!

33 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

Asides from my to do list, another thing growing is my ENORMOUS belly!

33 Weeks Pregnant With Twins
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

We had the 32 week scan last Monday and the twins are both —apparently— 4lbs each!!

Not sure how scientific this ultrasound measuring malarkey is. I keep getting told by various people that it can be out by a couple of lb… which could mean that they’re only a very tiny 2lb each or a WHOPPING 6lb!!!

A Proper Due Date

As the babies are still breech and transverse, I have now been booked in for a caesarian so we finally have a proper due date.

I am a little sad that I’m not going to get the chance to go into labour and try and birth our babies myself without medical intervention, but que sera…

Ultimately I want them to be safe and — to be honest — so many ‘natural’ births can end with medical intervention anyway; be it forceps, ventouse, epidural, episiotomy . And that’s just for a single baby!

As my consultant said last week: if both babies had been head down from the start — or at least for a few weeks — she would have let  me try naturally.

But the fact they’ve both been transverse since the beginning and now Twin A has turned breech, it makes sense to get them out the safest way.

And that, sadly, involves cutting me open.

I hope it will be OK. I am more scared of the recovery than the operation, but that might change as the date gets closer!! The date for the c-section is 22nd March.

4 weeks today.

So What Else Has Been Happening?

My feet have started swelling up this week.

I think that it’s down to the fact that I haven’t been drinking enough water, so today I am mindful of this and am on my 3rd pint!!

Looking forward to Monday’s 34 weeks scan!! I wonder how much weight these Twinkles will have put on!!

Til next time


Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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