How to Find your Seasonal Style

As autumn takes a hold, I always feel a little sad; especially to be packing my summer dresses away for another year. My seasonal style has always taken on a much ‘heavier’ feel through the colder months.

And whilst it’s nice to wrap up and get cosy — in chunky knits and warm woollens — there’s a little bit of me that always yearns for the pattern and colour of spring and summer.

Seasonal style can include summer dresses with boots and chunky knits

I’ve never been a ‘black is the new black’ kinda gal.


My wardrobe is a riot of colour.

Colour and stripes (embarrassingly, I seem to have one of the biggest collections of striped tops of anyone else I know).

Embrace Colour

One of my girlfriends and I had our ‘colours done’ a few years ago with Colour Me Beautiful and it was honestly such a worthwhile experience. Well worth the money.

Now, instead of shying away from colour — as I don’t know what will suit me — thanks to a sweet little wallet full of colourful fabric swatches, I’m secure in the knowledge that there’s a whole raft of lovely shades that I can wear without looking  too washed out.

I’m apparently ‘deep autumn’.

Seasonal style using Color Me Beautiful — Deep Autumn swatches
‘Deep Autumn’ swatches
Seasonal style using Colour me Beautiful
Seasonal style using Colour me Beautiful

Season Style — An All year Round Wardrobe

Anyway. I’ve had a little bit of an epiphany over the weekend. I’m digging in my heels and have decided that I will not be dictated to by the seasons.

Whilst I will — naturally — be wearing boots instead of flip-flops, I am going to keep pulling out my favourite summer frocks.

This year, they won’t be banished to a box under the bed or the back of the wardrobe. This year I shall be wearing my favourite summer dresses with chunky tights, boots and cardis or jumpers.

Pattern reigns.

And *hopefully* this new inventive on seasonal style will make the winter a little less grey too ;)

Seasonal style can include summer dresses with boots and chunky knits

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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10 thoughts on “How to Find your Seasonal Style”

  1. That dress is lovely and I think your new plan is perfect. I was out shopping the other day, in Aldi of all places, and I saw a lady packing her car, about my age but she was wearing this amazing navy dress with flamingos on, chunky knit tights and brown t-bar brogues. I wanted to walk right up to her and say she looked fantastic but thought maybe that would be a little strange! I am an Autumn gal but I am so with you on the dresses, I think I need to step out of my jeans and t-shirt comfort zone a little xx

    • It’s so weird isn’t it? It’s almost as though, once winter is here, we’re not allowed to wear colour or pattern. And lighter weight fabrics are banished to the back of the cupboard!! I’ve got so many lovely frocks — it seems such a shame to hide them away!! you should have told that lady how nice she looked — I bet you’d have made her day :) xxxx

  2. I love colour too, so your plan sounds perfect to me. I’m the kinda girl that feels washed out wearing black, I wouldn’t have made a very good Goth… Or maybe I would?! Who knows x


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