Twin Pregnancy — 30 Weeks Pregnant With Twins

What a weekend!! I am now 30 weeks pregnant with twins. And not only that — this mama to be is now forty years of age!!!! Forty and pregnant! Ohmygod — how did this happen??? When did I turn into a middle aged woman??? In my head I am still 28. I seem to have skipped an entire decade!!!

Still. They say that life begins at 40 and, in my case, this is certainly true! Two precious little lives will begin this year and that has got to be the best birthday present that a girl could wish for!

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Forty and Pregnant

The other fantastic thing about turning 40 is that you get spoiled rotten and your friends and family come from far and wide to celebrate with you!

Admittedly, if I wasn’t 30 weeks pregnant with twins, my birthday celebrations would undoubtedly have been a lot (an awful lot!) different; but the low-key, no alcohol celebration that we had was just perfect!

Everything is ticking along and the bump is growing steadily day by day.

I am hoping that the babies have actually grown too and my ever expanding waistline isn’t just down to the cake and chocolates that I’ve been eating!! ;)

I have put around 3 stone on, up to this point, and as the babies will be packing most of their weight on in the next few weeks, I’m not surprised if I manage to clock up at least another stone. All in a good cause though… as long as they are big and healthy, I’d be happy to double that.

Weight can be lost after all.

Turning 40 — and 30 weeks pregnant with twins.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Nesting and Resting

I am wishing this next week and a half away as we have another scan at 32 weeks! Can’t wait to see how my little bundles of joy are doing.

We (to be fair, I have not lifted a finger and Dickie, bless him, has been doing it all by himself!) have been sorting out my office over the last couple of weeks and bit by bit it is all being packed up and taken to his office to store.

There is a point, when you pack up the contents of a room, when it looks messier than ever before and you panic that it will never be clear — or tidy — ever again.

We are at that point now.

I am sitting here typing and looking at all of the boxes on the floor and stuff covering every surface and wondering how on earth this is ever going to look like a babies nursery. Best not think about it… these things have a habit of sorting themselves out.

Or my darling husband will anyway! :)

Ebbs and Flows

The Twinkles have thankfully been moving on and off all week.

Last weekend — on Saturday specifically — I was worried as I hadn’t felt them move properly for a couple of days.

Then just as I’m starting to think that we should go to the hospital again they begin to wake up and start kicking and wriggling around! 

This seems to be the pattern as the pregnancy progresses. 2 or 3 days of  barely any movement, then a massive burst of activity! After a few quiet days they spent all day

Monday back-flipping and dancing about in my belly — it’s the best feeling in the world.


Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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