Sea-green brogues and a modern vintage rug

Shortly after I began taking these photographs, it became clear that I wasn’t sure what I was focussing on, to be honest. Initially it was the beautiful sea-green brogues, that my boy bought me for Christmas.

Just look how gorgeous they are!

Sea-green brogues of dreams…

They are from Seasalt Cornwall and I am totally and utterly in love with them.

Not only are they a brogue — which I love — they are also the most divine colour. The perfect combination as far as I’m concerned. Even my sister likes them.

And that’s a huge accolade (she’s not a ‘flats’ kinda gal but still gave them an approving nod).

Made from supersoft leather and perfect with rolled up jeans or dresses, these little beauties will be getting a lot of wear once the weather warms up a little.

Anyway. As I was admiring my new shoes, through the camera lens, I suddenly realised how beautifully they went with our dressing room rug.

I’ve always hankered after those giant antique oriental rugs that you see in grand country houses. They’re often enormous — and threadbare — but beautiful, in a faded kind of way.

I’ve searched high and low — and have even lost out on a few of them on Ebay — but have never found an affordable version, that would fit in our modest little cottage.

Until now.


…and a beautiful modern vintage rug

I found the perfect one at Benuta.

I’ve mentioned them before on my blog, as we had our fabulous conservatory rug from there. They offer amazing value and, they’ve also such a vast range of designs, you’ll literally be spoilt for choice.

They’ve got a glorious range of Oriental style rugs, with the same beautiful faded elegance as the ones I’ve always coveted.

The only difference being, these are brand spanking new and available in lots of different sizes. Perfect for a vast Georgian country house or a tiny little cottage like ours.

I chose the Rossini rug in Mystery Beige which, from a distance, looks just like an elegant vintage floorcovering; faded and muted. But up close it’s an explosion of glorious colours teal greens, zingy orange, purples and hot pink. It’s perfect.

Which brings me back to my beautiful new shoes…

My beautiful sea-green brogues with the modern vintage rug from Benuta

I was generously gifted this rug by Benuta for the purposes of styling this post.

All photos, thoughts and words — as ever — are entirely my own.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | Sea-green brogues and a modern vintage rug

42 thoughts on “Sea-green brogues and a modern vintage rug”

  1. Ah they do match perfectly Caro and what a fabulous present, it beats Dove gift boxes ha! The rug is gorgeous and looks so soft. Thank you for hosting xx

    • I was SO chuffed — the boy did good this time! Shoes — and a turquoise necklace and ring ‘from the twins’!! I was a very spoiled girl. Thanks so much for linking up and commenting lovely xx

  2. The shoes are gorgeous, they are going to look so cute with dresses and jeans as you said! Also love the rug, beautiful colours :) and I’m quite jealous of your dressing room Haha!! #sharewithme

  3. The rug/brogue combo is just perfect! I was surprised how different the rug looks in the two images (close up and from afar) – it is very beautiful. #HomeEtc

  4. I’m not really one for flats, like your sister, but I can see the attraction. The colour is truly gorgeous. Your Boy has taste!
    The rug is very pretty. My dad has one of those ancient threadbare Persian rugs. It fills the drawing room almost entirely. God knows how old it is or where it has been. He got it as payment back in the early 80s when he was doing farm accounts for an eldery lady with a passion for antiques who kept no money for practical things but had a house full of treasures.

    • OHMYWORD!!! I can just picture it!!!!!! Take a photo when you next go home!!! I’d love to see it! I bet it’s exactly the kind of thing I’ve always wanted. That old lady sounds amazing — I bet her house was incredible. They’re SO expensive — even the moth-eaten threadbare ones — but gorgeous. One day I’ll have the house AND the rug of my dreams ;)

  5. I NEED those shoes and Rug in my life. Rugs are so costly, we are in need of several for our home, I always struggling and brogues are my go to shoe xxx

  6. Oh I love your shoes, the colour is just perfect! Like your sister I am not a ‘flat’ kinda girl (I’m far too short!) But I would definitely wear these. They would make me smile every time I looked at my feet x

  7. Love both the rug and the shoes. I have a coat from Seasalt, we were holidaying in St Ives last year and I just couldn’t resist buying it, such a lovely company. x

  8. I’m not sure which one I like more – the rug or the brogues?? I love brogues and this colour is fab – I love statement shoes! I imagine that rug looks gorgeous in your cottage, what a great find xx #HomeEtc

  9. I LOVE seasalt stuff and I need to own that rug! The colours in these photos are gorgeous, really adding some Spring time vibes!

  10. They do look good together – and the shoes are a fab colour. I do like brogues, but can’t imagine wearing them, somehow when they’re on they don’t look like my feet – but I’m envious of those that wear them so well. Lovely rug too, of course! #homeetc

  11. You’re right, those shoes are a spectacularly gorgeous colour. They also go remarkably well with your whole room. As somebody who finds it impossible to coordinate two socks and would see matching underwear as a lifetime achievement. I think you are to be commended on having shoes that actually match your room. Beautiful photos, I love the one with the mirror it’s really unusual. You have a real eye for fabulous shots.xx

    • They’re glorious aren’t they?! I was over the moon when I unwrapped my pressie! My boy did well :) And thanks so much for your lovely comments Natalie — that’s so lovely of you. Means a lot xx

  12. I love the shoes, and yes they do go perfectly with the lovely rug! It’s great that whilst the rug looks a bit old and faded, it is brand new and clean, not musty, which would put me off a vintage run to be honest! Love it. Becky x #HomeEtc

  13. Ooooh shoes are lush and beautiful rug!!!! Amazing and it all looks so pretty :) Love this! Thanks for being a superb co-host :) Jess xx



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