273 weeks and 2 days | White Stuff Press Show AW18

A couple of week’s ago I left the confines of my desk — I know, amazing right. It’s been a while ;) — to go into London and catch up with a couple of my girlfriends; Heledd from Running In Lavender and Bonnie from the blog Mama’s VIB for the White Stuff Press Show.

The girls and I had been invited to a few shows and we took advantage of this, using them as an excuse for a much needed day out and a long-overdue catch up.

It’s amazing how things change, isn’t it? I worked in London for over 15 years and didn’t really appreciate it at the time.

The daily commute — especially when we’d moved to Marlow (and it was taking me an hour and three quarters to get into the office each way) was tough going.

But these days, a trip into the city to see my friends — and do a bit of networking — in the guise of ‘work’ is a rare treat indeed.

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White Stuff Press Show AW18

One of the press days we went to was the White Stuff Press Show AW18.

I love White Stuff — their products are consistently good and they’ve got a great back story too.

The brand was formed in 1985, in the French Alps, when two friends —  Sean and George — started selling sweatshirts and tees to fellow skiers.

Many moons have passed since then and White Stuff has grown enormously.

But those changes aside, I can always be certain that their products remain authentic; with quality fabrics, fabulous prints, patterns and colours.

Here’s a little glimpse of what we can expect to see in store this autumn.

Fashion — Women’s, Men’s and Kid’s

It was so nice to see the mens’ t-shirt collaboration with Kingston University.

I did my illustration degree at the art school at Kingston, so it made me feel so proud to see that.

We used to do similar projects — it’s so nice to see that the students are still being given opportunities like this!


It was lovely to see everything all together in one place. So much colour and so many lovely textures and patterns.

Very often, the White Stuff shops I visit don’t seem to stock too many homewares.

Maybe because they’re smaller stores, I don’t know, so it was lovely to see the kind of thing that’s available.

And finally…

If all of that wasn’t enough, they had a calligrapher in store, who made me a personalised plant pot!

So sweet.

The perfect take home, to remind me of a fab day out at the White Stuff press show 2018.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | 273 weeks and 2 days | White Stuff Press Show AW18

18 thoughts on “273 weeks and 2 days | White Stuff Press Show AW18”

    • They’re gorgeous aren’t they? It’s really weird, but I’ve never seen homeware in the White Stuff stores I’ve been to! It was lovely to see the kind of things they do :)

  1. Everything looks gorgeous- I especially love the mug. I never knew that that was how White Stuff started either! Would love to get the chance to attend a press show like this, looks a lot of fun. Hope you had a lovely day with Heledd and Bonnie :) A x

    • They had some beautiful things Amelia — I loved it all!!!! And YES! Such a lovely day hanging out with H and Bon — so nice spending time with my blogging besties :)

    • Definitely the perks of the job is getting to hang out with lovely blogging buddies!! And yes — I love White Stuff’s clothes but their homewares even more so!! I wish I saw them in more stores :)


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