Nursery Inspiration in Green White and Yellow

Very recently, my friend Louise had a baby girl.

Throughout her entire pregnancy people had said she was having a boy and — given the fact she already has a little boy — it wasn’t beyond the realms of probability!

50/50 in fact ;)

But when the announcement came that my lovely friend was the proud mother of a baby GIRL there was mucho excitement!! Particularly as it meant she could now start looking at lovely feminine nursery styles

Fresh Nursery Ideas That Are Gender Neutral

Louise has asked me for some nursery inspiration in green white and yellow. This colour-scheme is so lovely and fresh and as her new baby daughter is called ‘Daisy’ it’s quite a fitting palette too :)

Knowing my friend — and her tastes — I’ve shied away from ultra modern wallcoverings.

She and her family live in a period property and I’ve gone for a more classic look, that can grow with Daisy and still work when she’s a little girl — as well as a baby.

Baby Nursery Wallpaper in Yellow and Green

Nursery inspiration in green white and yellow
Baby nursery wallpaper inspiration in green white and yellow

1. Emma Bridgewater ‘Daisy Spot’ wallpaper by Sanderson
2. Georgian Button by Cole and Son
3. Emma Bridgewater ‘Daisy Spot’ wallpaper by Sanderson
4. Day Room Yellow Emulsion by Farrow and Ball

Nursery Shelf, Nursery Wall Art and Nursery Prints

That said, whilst it’s nice to keep the wall coverings fairly neutral, it’s always love to throw in a few lovely bright additions to stop things looking too grown up.

You can buy lovely nursery wall art and nursery prints to really make an impact on a space. And take nursery from bland to bold in one easy step.

Nursery inspiration in green white and yellow
Nursery inspiration in green white and yellow – with a little bit of pink thrown in for good measure!

1. Skojig work lamp in green, IKEA
2. Yoko screen print, Rachel Powell
3. Nourison Suzani tufted rug, Wayfair
4. Little Suzie Chair, Mini Labo at My Little Square
5. Clouds Change Mat in green, Farge Form at This Modern Life
6. Cloud Shelf in yellow, Coccoli Home
7. Betsy Pastel Cloud mobile, Little Cloud

Nursery Inspiration in Green White and Yellow

So, there’s my little round up of nursery inspiration in green white and yellow!

Some of these bits could work equally well for a boys room too — have got my eye on the cloud changing mat, shelf and lamp for the twin’s room (!)— but I’ve thrown in a little splash of pink and a few floral patterns too, to stop it all from looking too ‘samey.

Perfect pieces for a little girl named Daisy!

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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42 thoughts on “Nursery Inspiration in Green White and Yellow”

    • Aaah the rug is absolutely divine isn’t it?! Funnily enough I was looking for green geometric patterns but kept coming back to that cos it was so pretty. I’d like it myself!! :) x

  1. Lovely, lovely choices, Caro. And yes, they probably would work for a boy too. My two have just moved in to a bedroom together and my eldest has picked duck egg blue for the main colour. It’s so lovely and calming. Much shopping to do!

    • Oooh that’s VERY exciting!! I aways love a project — how fun for them to be sharing a room! :) My boys share too — it’s going to be lovely when their nursery needs an update! ;)

  2. I have been searching for paints for a nursery myself and stumbled upon your post, I love your choice of paint its calming and easy on the eyes. I am also in the process of looking for furniture, so far I have brought an ottoman to store some of the babies every day essentials so nappies.etc and I can use this in the living room and now I need a play pen.

  3. These colours are so fab together and much more inspiring than the usual ‘pink’ for a girl! You have great style :-) #HomeEtc

    • Yes — ‘pink for a girl’ should be banned shouldn’t it?! The same as ‘blue for a boy’!!! I think colour should be for everyone — regardless of gender! :)

  4. That is such a lovely combination especially, as you say for a girl called Daisy! I love the wallpaper because I have such envy, we can’t have any for another year yet. Thank you for hosting xx

  5. Absolutely love the colours, I think that they almost might work for a boy too. I love that changing mat. I actually spent a long time while pregnant looking for a shaped mat like that and could find one! I’m off to see if this one is affordable. Thank you!

    • I love the change mat too… and we’re desperately in need of a new one. Not sure I can stretch to £38 though!!! It may be a little out of my price range x

  6. Those are some beautiful choices! I love a pretty yellow for a nursery and those wallpapers are so incredibly pretty – I’d be quite happy with those in my bedroom! x #HomeEtc

  7. Aww, congratulations to your friend on her new baby girl. I adore the name ‘Daisy’. :)

    I love that little chair – such a pretty print. The lamb is super cute too. I’m a sucker for anything with clouds on it.

    #HomeEtc xx

    • Thanks Jenna — I’ll pass on your wishes! :) It makes me want a little girl to design a room for!! :) Good job I’ve got friends with new babies isn’t it?! XX

  8. I love the chair. It is so cute. I was so stressed out working and unwell during my pregnancy I really didn’t have time to create a Nursery. Afterwards, I was so busy caring for my baby, I felt the same way. This is truly inspirational and I love the paint colours and the rug! When my daughter is a little older, I plan to renovate her whole room and make it stunning. This has given me a few ideas. Angela x

    • Aaah bless you Angela — so sad to hear you were unwell during your pregnancy. Make sure you take lots of pics of your daughter’s room when you renovate it! x

  9. I love how this colour scheme is so different from the usual. It’s makes me feel like I’m chilling in the garden – a nice, relaxing feel. I love the changing mat, and I have the Ikea lamp in blue, it’s really good. It’s so exciting decorating a new baby’s room :-)
    #Homeetc Sabrina xx

    • I like something a little different for a baby’s room. Sickly sweet pink and blue isn’t my bag at all. It’s nice that they can have something that will last a little while longer than 6 months!! :)

  10. It’s all just so pretty Caro!! I’d love this room for myself, never mind my girls! :) Beautiful, and a beautiful little name your friend has chosen too! Xx

    • Aaah thanks SO much Emma! I’d love it too!! ;) It’s so exciting for her to have a little girl to buy for — everyone was absolutely convinced that she was having another boy!! Thanks so much for stopping by pet X

  11. Ooooooo how lovely! So pretty and grown up but cute enough to get away with being perfect for a little lady! You’re a little bit inspirational Caro! xx

    • Awww that’s a really lovely thing to say Clare — thanks so much! :) It was really nice choosing bits and pieces for a girl’s room! My friend Louise loves it all, although he poor husband is probably cursing me now!! ;)

  12. Oh wow I love your picks. I have always loved the name Daisy and the nursery seems to suit the name. I would quite like that close shelf for O’s room too.
    Thanks for hosting #HomeEtc
    Becky xx

  13. Love the colours in this post! We’re going to be redoing the boys and our bedrooms soon and I can’t wait to get planning….I may have already starting getting little bits sneakily ;)

    Stevie #HomeEtc

  14. What a lovely colour combination! I absolutely love the 3 wallpapers! Makes me regret not doing anything more special for my little lady! X

    • Gorgeous isn’t it? Weirdly, I’d spotted it but it wasn’t sitting too well with the green, yellow and white colour-scheme. Then as soon as I found a couple of bits to tie in with it (the chair and the mobile) it all looked lovely. I’m coveting the rug myself!! :) x

  15. Just love that rug! How gorgeous and what stunning colours. Love this post so much. Jess x #HomeEtc


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