24 Free Printable Easter Egg Hunt Clues For Older Children

Easter Egg Hunt Clues For Older Children

Looking for some printable Easter egg hunt clues for older children?

My twins are 11 this year and since they were toddlers, we have been doing the same Easter Egg Hunt format every singe year. We don’t use clues. There are no prompts. They get given a colour, we hide eggs of that colour and — when they’ve found all the coloured eggs — they get given a couple of Easter eggs as prizes.

It’s an absolutely brilliant method of hosting an easter egg hunt for all age groups — from tiny tots to adults.

But — this year — the boys have asked for some Easter Egg hunt clues instead!

24 Free Printable Easter Egg Hunt Clues For Older Children

How Do You Make an Easter Egg Hunt Fun for Older Kids?

Well — to be honest — our usual Easter egg hunt works perfectly for tiny tots through to tweens, teens and grown-ups. As long as you hide the eggs well enough, even the oldest in the party will have fun trying to locate them.

Giving Easter egg hunt clues to children that are too young to really understand what you’re saying — let alone trying to work out the locations — is just pointless.

But as kids get older, it’s really nice to mix things up. These free printable egg hunt clues will work really well for older children.

They will love trying to work out the hiding places for the Easter treats. And — as I’ve created a dozen clues for indoors and another twelve for a garden hunt, it will definitely keep them busy!

24 Free Printable Easter Egg Hunt Clues For Older Children

Indoor Clues for an Easter Egg Hunt

I have created 12 Easter egg hunt cards with indoor-themed clues.

Hiding places include in the washing machine, the fridge, under a pillow on their bed, to hidden under the sofa!

These 24 Free Printable Easter Egg Hunt Clues For Older Children include 12 indoor clues.

Simply hide your eggs or prizes in the locations on the cards — out of sight of prying eyes! You don’t want to give them a head start!!

Once your hiding places are set, and the treats are safely hidden, let them loose to find the eggs.

It might be worth giving the kids two or three cards each, rather than all of them! 24 eggs or chocolate treats is a LOT for a couple of children!

Or, if you didn’t want to overload on chocolate, you could hide other prizes.

My boys are obsessed with Match Attax cards and — to be honest — I think they’d be way more excited about those than chocolate eggs.

What Can I Use Instead of Chocolate for Easter Egg Hunt?

Here’s a list of what I’ve bought for our Easter Egg Hunt this year. We’ll have my twins — who’ll be eleven in less than a month. My eleven-year-old niece and seven-year-old nephew.

I will buy them an Easter egg each and some packets of mini eggs. But asides from that, these items will be hidden as Easter Egg Hunt prizes.

  • Small pack of nail stickers
  • Nail varnish set
  • Books
  • Pack of felt pens
  • Adult colouring books
  • Match Attax cards
  • Percy Pigs from M&S — who doesn’t love them?!
  • Rubber ducks — you can get a pack of 6 from John Lewis.
  • Pack of playing cards

Clues For An Outdoor Easter Hunt

As well as the 12 indoor clues, I’ve also created 12 outdoor Easter egg hunt clues.

Hiding places include at the base of a tree, in the shed and in amongst the daffodils, to name a few.

These 24 Free Printable Easter Egg Hunt Clues For Older Children include 12 outdoor clues.

Last year’s Easter egg hunt was so chaotic!! We had 4 children and quite a few adults trying to locate the colourful plastic eggs we’d hidden. It was hilarious as (unlike previous years) we hadn’t made notes and couldn’t find a couple of the eggs!! They were so well secreted!

I’m hoping that the kids will love this year’s egg hunt with clues just as much as the usual hunt for the coloured eggs!

I’m sure they will!

I have to admit, the design element of creating these cards was WAY easier than creating the rhyming couplets!!

Even with the help of ChatGPT and Gemini (who were both — quite frankly — hopeless!)!

I used to love writing poems when I was younger but this was definitely a brain stretch!

If you’d like to create a set of Easter egg hunt clues, simply download the file, print them on A4 card or stiff paper, and then use scissors or a guillotine to cut them out.

Download The 24 Free Printable Easter Egg Hunt Clues

24 Free Printable Easter Egg Hunt Clues For Older Children Download and Print at Home.

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Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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