Our Bluestone Review 2 | Getting Around

Disclosure: We were given a complimentary 4 night stay in return for an honest Bluestone review. All photos, thoughts and words are my own.

The Bluestone National Park Resort is set over 500 acres of amazing Pembrokeshire countryside with some breathtaking views and gorgeous fresh Welsh country air.

Needless to say the site is pretty big!

As Bluestone is mostly traffic free, on the first day you drive down to your lodge to unpack and then you’re asked to take your car back up to the car park — where it will stay for the duration of your stay. Obviously you have access to it whenever you want and you can drive off the site,  at any time, but you aren’t able to drive back into the site, to your lodge, until the day you leave.

So to get around at Bluestone it’s recommended that you hire the golf buggies or bikes that are available. You can also use your legs but it can be a long walk, some of it quite hilly too.

The Bluestone Site

Our Bluestone Review 2 | Getting Around
The Resort Map | Bluestone

As the road system is one-way, although our lodge looked pretty close to the car park —on the map — because of the road layout it was as far away as it could possibly be!

Top Tip! Hire Golf Buggies!

We had chosen to hire bikes, which on a sunny day is by far the best way to travel. On a rainy day — and it rained heavily for 2 of the 3 days we visited — a golf buggy is probably a better choice! ;)

I’d recommend looking at the weather report carefully before you go!

Getting Around Bluestone

Our Bluestone Review 2 | Getting Around
Our Hired Bike & Trailer
Our Bluestone Adventure 2 | Getting Around
My boy on his bike! 
My three boys
The Twinkles enjoying their first bike ride | Bluestone
The Twinkles having a ball in the bike trailer | Bluestone
Me, looking a little dishevelled, after a rainy bike ride to the car | Listed Home Bluestone Review

The Village At Bluestone

At the heart of Bluestone is ‘The Village’ — a purpose built area with restaurants, shops — even a pub — everything you could need whilst you’re staying there.

We ate out twice whilst we were on our little adventure. Unlike similar holiday destinations, the food and drinks prices at Bluestone were pretty reasonable.

We didn’t feel as though we were being held to ransom and being asked to pay an extortionate amount, in either the restaurants or the little village shop.

Little things like that make you want to go back somewhere.

If the prices had been really exorbitant we’d be less likely to want to return but, as it is, we can’t wait to visit again. Hopefully when the weather is a little kinder to us!

Some Images Of Bluestone Village

The Village Map | Bluestone
Our Bluestone review
The Farmhouse Grill | Bluestone
Adventure playground walkway | Bluestone
The ‘village’ store
The Lake
The Village
The Village | Bluestone
Toy Shop
Toy Shop
My little adventurers enjoying a bit of puddle jumping

Just hanging out | Bluestone

Bluestone Review Sum Up

You could stay at Bluestone and not have any need to venture further afield for your entire stay! The site is so big and there were so many activities to keep us amused — plus lovely walks, scenic pathways and forests to explore…

The village has everything you need — particularly the little general store which had a great choice of things — it even stocked my favourite gin ;)

One thing I’d say is — book the bikes or buggies well in advance if you’re going at peak season. I can imagine that they get snapped up pretty quickly.

Walking round the site for your entire holiday would be very tiresome. Cycling was pretty hard work up the hills and on the very rainy days I was wishing we had a golf buggy!

That said, getting a bit of exercise was lovely and the scenery from the bikes was amazing!! Have a look at our little movie, to give you a taste of what getting around Bluestone was really like.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
 | Website

Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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24 thoughts on “Our Bluestone Review 2 | Getting Around”

  1. You are so brave hiring bikes. I definitely would have chosen the golf buggy. I love the idea of the Village. It is fabulous that you don’t have to leave the site unless you want to. And all your photographs are fabulous. Your Twinkle boys are too cute in their puddle suits! Hugs Mrs H xxxx

    • Haha! I was delighted with the bike… until it started raining! Then it was really, really hard work! We were quite far from the car park and up a hill, so it wasn’t much fun cycling in the rain! x

  2. You STILL look beautiful even when soaked wet! Love this post, and so informative too. Cannot wait to take my little family in June :) Jess xx

  3. This has made me want to go back so much – I loved it there.

    Love the bike ride video – we didn’t hire bikes as J was too young for a trailer but definitely will next time.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  4. Looks like bikes and buggies are an essential here but what a refreshing change to travelling by car. It does look like you can unpack and stay on site quite happily for your holiday. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

  5. Wow! What a nice trip! Love that bike. I have read so many positive post about Bluestone! #countrykids


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