112 weeks and 5 days | The MADS awards 2015

So Saturday morning I woke up as usual, stretched our my arm to grab my phone, squinted at the time then  went to check my Twitter feed. And LOOK what I saw!! I’ve been nominated for the The MADS awards 2015!

The MADS awards 2015
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

To say I was thrilled is an understatement! I think my reply —

You are kidding?

— totally summed up my surprise.

For any of you reading that aren’t aware of it, the MADS Awards 2015 (Mum and Dad Bloggers) are currently open for nominations. These awards celebrate all the parents, in the UK, who are blogging their way through life and shine a spotlight on their fabulous blogs.

The fact that something thinks that my little blog would be worthy for one of these awards is incredible.

And even if I only receive the one nomination, just that one really means the world!

The MADS awards 2015

There are 13 categories in all — which includes the MADS Blog Of The Year — and it only takes a few minutes to vote. You don’t have to be a blogger to nominate and you don’t even have to give a nomination in every category. Voting closes at 5.30pm on 20th May, so not much time!

I feel embarrassed to ask but — if you like my blog — I’d be so grateful if you would consider nominating The Listed Home in the Best Homes and Interiors category.

For as long as I can remember, homes and interiors have been my absolute passion. After my boys, anything homes related is my very favourite thing. I LOVE it. And what’s more, the fact that this shines through on my little blog and other people have noticed already is amazing.

Although I’ve been keeping my little online diary for 2 and a half years, I only began blogging seriously in January, when  finally moved from my free WordPress blog and went self hosted. Since then I’ve been able to have a much freer rein — I’ve been able to design my little corner, of the world wide web, exactly how I want and have started to write posts on things I love — more often than not interiors related!

In such a short space of time, so many amazing opportunities have started to happen and I’ve met some lovely people along the way too. To make the shortlist for a prestigious blogging award would be nothing short of mind-blowing!

I feel really cheeky asking, dear reader, but — if you can spare the time — I’d be forever grateful.

The MADS awards 2015
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | 112 weeks and 5 days | The MADS awards 2015

35 thoughts on “112 weeks and 5 days | The MADS awards 2015”

  1. Congratulations! Isn’t it wonderful to be recognized?! Thank you so much for being such a joy to host #TwinklyTuesday with!

  2. Eeek how exciting! Good luck, good luck! Self-promotion is such a necessary part of the blog world – don’t feel cheeky for asking as I think lots of people wouldn’t know about the awards and even your most suited category unless you tell them! My head is spinning with the bibs, the mads and the election – so much voting! Good luck again and thanks for hosting #TwinklyTuesday

    • Thanks so much Yvette. You are SO right — it just feels weird though doesn’t it? I’ve never been one to cause a commotion — am happy just doing things under the radar — so it’s weird to have to step up to the plate and promote myself! xx

  3. You should not be embarrassed to ask Caro, your blog is beyond beautiful!! Your home posts are some of the most inspiring I have seen and you are always encouraging and willing to offer advice, would so love to see you shortlisted :) xx

    • Aah that’s so lovely of you Hayley!! It’s funny — I’ve spent my whole adult life totally obsessing about homes, interiors and gardens it’s so lovely now to have a platform to share the things I love! :) X


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