Do We Celebrate Grandparents Day In The UK?

Have you ever wondered if we celebrate Grandparents Day in the UK?

It’s on the national day calendar, but it’s not something we generally celebrate in our family. It’s the kind of thing that I feel is an American marketeer’s creation; a ‘Hallmark holiday’ if you like.

But, when we were given a Land Rover Discovery Sport to review, a couple of years ago, we made use of the 7 seats and took Grandma and Grampy out to lunch. And it just so happened to be Grandparents Day UK!

As we lost Richard’s mum in the summer, I look back at these pictures with such fond memories.

Celebrating Grandparents Day UK

Even though we visited — or went to stay with the boys’ grandparents — regularly, going out for the day together was impossible. They haven’t driven for a few years and we didn’t have a big enough car for all 6 of us.

This is where the Discovery Sport really came into its own. It was the first time we’ve ever been able to all go out in just one car together.

There are two little fold down seats in the boot; the perfect size for a couple of child’s carseats.

The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
Family outing for grandparents day UK

Food and Family

We went to the nearest town to an Italian restaurant. It’s run by actual Italians and you can absolutely tell. The food is absolutely wonderful.

Rich, flavoursome and really plentiful

But, food aside, it was so nice to spend the day with two of our favourite people.

Particularly on Grandparents Day.

Even though we hadn’t any idea that it was until after the event!

The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
Love it that they’re still in summer mode!
The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
Fresh herbs on the table instead of flowers
Nom nom… pappardelle pasta with wild boar ragu (all mine)
The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
My tiny wolfcub
The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
Eyeing up the pasta
The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
Peas in a pod

Some Info About Grandparents Day UK

Even though grandparents day first originated in the USA in 1973, it was introduced to the UK in 1990 by Age Concern.

Grandparents Day UK has been celebrated on the first Sunday in October since 2008, although it’s not widely advertised and isn’t as commercially successful as mothers’ day and fathers’ day.

The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
The boy with the best eyelashes in the world
The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
More plastic tat — the boys’ ice-creams came in these (anyone else have a house full of ‘free’ plastic rubbish?)
The Discovery Adventures | Featuring the Land Rover Discovery Sport
Cosmo with one of his favourite people

Special Memories

Thinking back to that grandparents day that we spent with Grandma and Grampy, makes me feel so nostalgic. We spent the best part of the afternoon in that restaurant.

Long, lazy lunches have always been one of my favourite ways to while away the hours. But when you’re with people you love, it’s all the more lovely.

Now Richard’s mum is no longer with us, I really cherish these pictures.

They remind me of such a happy day; I feel so happy that we got to celebrate national Grandparents with Grandma, when we were lucky enough to have her in our lives.

Grandparents Day UK takes place on the first Sunday in October in the UK. This year it will be this Sunday; 4th October 2020.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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