Flower Magic | Faux florals by Jane Packer

Faux florals by Jane Packer are not words that naturally sit together. 

But last Tuesday I visited the London shop of the world renowned florist; to have a look at the new range of faux florals that she’s created exclusively for Sainsbury’s Home.

Now I’ve spoken about my love for faux florals before but these were something else entirely. The studio was FULL of the most extraordinarily beautiful blooms.

But it was so hard to tell what was real and what wasn’t.

Faux florals by Jane Packer

Waxy leaves and velvety petals, tight buds and blowsy flowers. If I hadn’t been told which had been created by Mother Nature (and which were manmade variety) I’d have had a real job to tell them apart.

The range features peonies, garden roses, hydrangea heads and orchids in delicious pastel hues.

Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer

‘What’s in a name? That which we call a rose.

By any other name would smell as sweet.’

William Shakespeare

Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer from £16 to £32

Oh Faux Fabulous

Gorgeous aren’t they?

Styled in simple glass or ceramic pots and vases. These lovely everlasting plants and flowers will bring a real sense of the luxury of the Jane Packer brand to our homes. 

Without the hefty price-tag that you associate with fresh florals.

Prices for the faux flowers and plants range from just £16 to £32

As well as the faux botanicals, the team have been busily creating a range of home fragrances too; reed diffusers, candles and room sprays. And these were amazing!!

I WISH that I was able to convey, with words, just how exquisite these smell. I literally couldn’t put them down. Scent is so evocative isn’t it? And these lovely fragrances had me transported back to hazy summers in beautiful English gardens.

There are to be three aromas in the collection.

Tuberose and Amber, Paperwhite and Jasmine, and finally, Violet and Peony — and they are all absolutely gorgeous. 

Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Jane Packer home fragrances prices from just £6

Floral Magician

Whilst I was there I was also treated to a floral masterclass with the amazing Charlotte Slade.

Charlotte taught me — and a handful of other lucky journalists — to create the perfect hand-tied spring bouquet.

We mixed white tulips, jasmine and eucalyptus. Together with Japanese aralia, paperwhites and hyacinths — to name a few.

To make the sweetest smelling bouquet I’ve ever come across.

Faux florals by Jane Packer
The Jane Packer flower studio
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Our fab teacher — Charlotte Slade
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Me — pretending to look like I know what I’m doing!
Faux florals by Jane Packer
Faux florals by Jane Packer

Practice Makes Perfect

I wish I could say that mine was as amazing as Charlotte’s but I’d be lying!

But whilst my bouquet was a little bit rough around the edges; and lacked the finesse of the perfect example made by our teacher. It was SO lovely to be guided by a professional florist.

I learnt tips and tricks that I will use at home. And I’ll definitely feel more confident buying and arranging flowers now.

Having said that, there may not be much call for fresh flowers; once I’ve invested in a couple of faux florals by Jane Packer ;)

Faux florals by Jane Packer
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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44 thoughts on “Flower Magic | Faux florals by Jane Packer”

  1. Oh I wish I could have come (was invited, but sadly couldn’t come) – looks like you had a wonderful day, and I’d love to have learnt the flower arranging tips (and to have met you!) x

  2. Your bouquet looked lovely! I am a bit rubbish when it comes to arranging flowers, my Mum used to be a florist and she always ends up rearranging my flowers! I love the look of the faux florals, will keep an eye out in my local Sainsburys! x

  3. Oh wow these look so authentic – you really can’t tell the difference! Although I do love the smell of fresh flowers I would definitely adorn my house with these. At the moment I buy a fresh bunch each week from the supermarket, but it upsets me when they don’t look too clever one week! I will most definitely be going to Sainsburys to check these out. What a lovely day out xx #HomeEtc

  4. Oh wow – I’ve not heard anything about this partnership before now but I’m now really excited! I’m a big peony fan, but the season is so short, and despite having 3 peonies in my garden I only get a few week’s worth of blooms from them. These look so realistic – I’m definitely going to swing by Sainsbury’s when it launches! #HomeEtc

  5. Wow these look amazing, I’ll be heading down to Sainsbury’s in May for sure! I’ve always been a bit wary of faux florals as they always look a bit ‘fake’ but these look fab! And I adore the smell of Jasmine! One of my faves. x

  6. Is it bad that I’d never heard of heard before? I love fresh flowers and would fill my house with them if I could, those reed fragrances aren’t a bad price at all either. I’ll be popping into my local Sainsburys soon to check them out.

  7. I would love to have a flower arranging class! I always have really grand ideas in my head and then when I attempt it….well it is haphazard at best! Also how pretty are those faux flowers, so lovely. #HomeEtc

  8. Wow, this is an amazing opportunity to learn the ropes of such an exquisite art! Something I would love to do. Your photos really express the whole experience so well. Also looking forward to seeing that range in Sainsburys soon!

    • Thanks so much! It was a fab day — so nice to be taught to make a proper bouquet by an expert!! Especially using such incredible blooms too. Although I don’t think my local florist had half of the things that they had there!! ;)

  9. Faux flowers have really come on in leaps and bounds haven’t they? I can imagine that none of us would have looked twice at them a few years ago but now they’re absolutely stunning and that looks like such a fun day out! Xx

    • You’re so right!! The stems, especially, on old fashioned ‘fake’ flowers were the real giveaway!! These days they’re so good it’s really hard to tell them apart from real flowers! xx

  10. What a lovely day out, I love your red lipstick by the way!

    I’ve been meaning to try and get hold of some good quality faux flowers for a while so it’s great news that these will be available in Sainsburys.


  11. Looks like a fab day! I only buy faux flowers for my orchidea pots – I keep the faux flower stems on them until they re-bloom. You can get some really beautiful flowers nowadays that are difficult to tell apart from the real deal :) Thanks for hosting #homeetc :)

    • Sanna!! You are a blooming genius!!! I have 4 Orchids at the moment that are not in bloom and they look SO ugly!! I hadn’t thought of adding fake orchids to the real pots!! Where do you buy yours from? Cx

      • Mine are from Amazon but I can’t remember which seller. I do want to get new ones though as I think they could be more lifelike. I just haven’t seen any really great ones yet.

        • I’ve got some brilliant faux orchids from a company called Bloom — but they don’t do just the flowers and they’re too expensive to cut them off! Will have a look on Amazon — thanks Sanna!!

  12. This sounds so much like my sort of place/ day out :) I’m also a lover of faux florals and your post got me thinking and I have come to the realization that I have at least one faux floral in each room of the house; even the bathrooms!! (please insert emoticon covering my face here ;) )

    • Haha!! You’re in good company!!! I’m just the same — although I tend to pop them in dark, or windowless, corners of the house where real plants wouldn’t last five minutes!! I LOVE the new breed of faux florals though, they’re SO real!!!


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