A Beautiful Home | The Brighton Town House

We went down south on the weekend to visit a university friend of mine, Caroline, and her lovely family in their beautiful Brighton Town House

It’s always a nice change for us to visit the coast. Living in the middle of the country we couldn’t possibly be any further away, so it’s always a real treat to breathe in a bit of sea air and soak up the sights and sounds of a seaside town.

Plus it was lovely to hang out with our friends and their littles — and to see the beautiful home that they’ve created for themselves.

beautiful home
Love sign | A Brighton Town House
Beautiful Home
Relaxed Living | A Brighton Town House

The Brighton Town House

Their Brighton townhouse has seen a lot over the decades but no more so that the last couple of years since they bought it and totally transformed it into the stunner that it is today.

The previous owner had lived there for 50 years or more and there had never been any major changes made, since it was first built.

Beautiful Home
Lovely finds | A Brighton Town House
Beautiful Home
An eclectic mix | A Brighton Town House

That all changed when Caroline and Toby took ownership; the house has been totally brought into the 21st century and is such a beautiful example of contemporary living, in a period property.

Poky dark rooms have been knocked into huge, bright spaces and the higgledy-piggledy layout has been totally reworked — and extended — to suit the needs of a large, growing family.

You know me, I’m never happier than when I’m mooning over beautiful home interiors, so spending the weekend in such lovely surroundings (with some of my favourite people) was my idea of heaven.

Beautiful Home
Pretty accessories | A Brighton Town House

Caroline has generously let me share their lovely home, here on my blog. Have a look — I promise, a little bit of house envy is natural ;)

Downstairs Style

Beautiful Home
An oriental influence | A Brighton Town House
Beautiful Home
Quirky nick-nacks | A Brighton Town House
Beautiful Home
Beautiful patterns and prints | A Brighton Town House
Beautiful Home
Family rules | A Brighton Town House
Beautiful Home
The Beautiful Home | A Brighton Town House
Beautiful Home
Gorgeous light | A Brighton Town House
Brighton Town House
The hallway | A Brighton Town House

An Eclectic Style

There is such a lovely eclectic combination of old and new.

Our own home has quite a similar mix and weirdly we’ve also got a bit of an oriental influence too, with our huge Chinese cabinet. It is synonymous with home  for me — maybe that’s why I felt so at ease ;)

Brighton Town House
Lovely touches in the hallway | A Brighton Town House

The beautiful home furnishings didn’t just stop downstairs though. Caroline’s carefully planned design touches carry on throughout the house; my very favourite room was the bathroom on the first floor.

An absolutely HUGE space with my dream bath — I wrote a bathroom makeover wish-list a couple of months ago and featured something almost identical!

Upstairs Style

beautiful home
My favourite room in the house | A Brighton Town House
beautiful house
A splash of pink | A Brighton Town House
The Beautiful Home | A Brighton Town House
Freestanding bath | A Brighton Town House
Brighton Town House
Wall decal in the bathroom | A Brighton Town House

It was so lovely to hang out at the seaside for a couple of days with our friends — especially as we hadn’t all seen each other for quite a few years. It was the first time they’d all met the twins and as they had also had a new baby, since we last met, it was a happy and joyful reunion.

Plus being able to bring this bright and beautiful home to my blog is an added bonus!

Thanks so much to Caroline and Toby for sharing your lovely home on The Listed Home.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
 | Website

Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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38 thoughts on “A Beautiful Home | The Brighton Town House”

  1. What a fabulous and beautiful home! I love their style and how homely, yet very lived in. Stunning – and gorgeous photographs too. That bathroom!!!!!!! *swoons over the decor* xx

    • Gorgeous isn’t it? I was in house heaven!! Poor Caroline thought I was joking when I said I wanted to do a feature on her home!! I’ve been telling my friends to watch out — I’m going to be featuring them all !! ;) xxx

    • Honestly — the hallway is as big as our whole dining room!! :) It’s absolutely beautiful. Our cottage is so little and wonky in comparison!! Loved it :)

  2. This home is gorgeous and I love the bathroom! I always love when someone can take an older home and bring it up to date :)

  3. That hall is stunning! Is this the friend with the baby you were looking for nursery ideas for? If it is I’m sure your plans will go really well with their current style.

    • Beautiful isn’t it — such a lovely welcome when you open the front door! And — no — that’s another friend! I think I’m going to be asking her if I can take pics of her house too!!! ;)

  4. Absolutely stunning. I love the parquet flooring too. This is what my dream home looks like. I love free standing baths too. The drawer in the hall is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your friends home and I’m so glad you had a fab time. I love Brighton. I miss that part of the country. Thanks for hosting a fabulous linky. #HomeETC :-) xxx

    • She’s a stylish girl, that’s for sure!! Bless her for letting me take pics of her house too! I think she thought I was joking at first! :)

    • Aaah it really is gorgeous. Their last home was too, but this is in another league entirely. The hallway alone was enough to have been reaching for my camera!! ;) Good job she knows me so well!!! x

    • It’s a beauty isn’t it?! I’d have loved to have seen it before they started the work though — to get a comparison of what it used to look like! x

  5. Wow, there are such amazing pieces in your friends home! Would love to see more. Love all the wall signs. Definitely my favourite reads are house inspiration ideas like this! #HomeEtc

    • Thanks so much Ashley — my fave reads are always the home posts too. I absolutely LOVE them. Hopefully, I’ll be persuading quite a few more friends to let me share their houses over the coming months ;) x

    • Beautiful isn’t it Caroline? I have a freestanding bath in my ensuite but it’s an old roll top… it’s not nearly half as impressive as that beauty! :)

  6. Oh I love the LOVE! And how do you get the keys out of that little pear? haha. What an awesome house! One day when I get a big house I am going to fill it with lovely things… One day… sigh. #HomeEtc

    • Aaah I feel like that too! I’ve got some lovely things but we live in a very little house in comparison to my friends big mansion! Maybe when I grow up?! ;)

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