The Twinterview | Beth from Twinderelmo

Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

My fifth guest post Twinterview is with the fabulous Beth who blogs over at  ‘Twinderelmo‘.  She’s given some fantastic insights into what it’s like to be a mama of twins; with some lovely positive thoughts on her birth experience plus top tips — and advice — for any new mum (or dad) of multiples. 

Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

How did you feel when you first found out you were having twins?

We found out at our routine 12 week scan.

Our babies are honeymoon babies so it was the most amazing thing to happen! I had no idea I could have twins — naively I thought twins run in families and your parents/grandparents had to be a twin for you to have them — so I was gobsmacked when we saw two heartbeats on the screen. An absolutely amazing memento from our honeymoon.

Did you have a straightforward pregnancy?

I had very bad nausea and sickness but luckily this stopped around 17-18 weeks.

I had terrible heartburn and acid reflux making it hard to lie down and sleep but about 34 weeks I was diagnosed with Obstetric Cholestasis which drove me mad itching but luckily it didn’t cause any other problems.

How was your twin birth experience?

Wonderful. I had an emergency c-section with my son which was very positive so I was happy to have an elective section,  pretty much from our first scan.

I loved knowing when they were going to be here — and be able to plan — and they were born healthy so,  yes,  it was incredibly positive!

How did you cope with having twins in the early days?

I had experienced the sleepless nights before,  so I think the thought was incredibly daunting with there being two but my husband was an absolute rock and got up every night feed and change the twins with me.

It actually went by so fast and people kept telling me that it’d soon be over but I didn’t want them to be,  as it’s the easiest part!!!!

Did/do you have an essential ‘must-have’ item and what is it?

Car seat bases. My son started school when the girls were 3 months old so two school runs a day,  getting them in and out of the car,  at least 4 times a day…  I don’t know how I would have coped with seat-belts;  especially in the rain! They were without a doubt my best friend.

What is the best thing about being a parent of multiples?

Any child is amazing but it’s utterly fascinating seeing two babies that are genetically the closest anyone can be (mine are identical!) yet are so so different. Their relationship is now developing and its heart melting to see how much they love each other (most of the time!).

And the worst?

I think people treat you differently. They think you are some kind of superhero when,  in reality,  you just crack on like you would with one baby.

But with this I’ve found that people don’t talk as freely with you because they always have to point out ‘oh I’m sure it’s harder with two’ and always feel like they have to acknowledge the fact you have twins. I don’t want to be any different — all babies are hard, 1 or 10!!

And finally, what would your top tip be for any new — or soon to be —parent of twins?

It’s not as hard as you anticipate.

I had so so many points in my pregnancy when I was absolutely petrified. How could I hold, feed, change two babies? It all seemed utterly impossible. But you get there. You’ll make mistakes — you’ll do so much trial and error to find a system that works — but the unknown is much more daunting than reality. And it’s an absolutely amazing reality with two ridiculously awesome,  amazing,  little people that will stop you in your tracks everyday and say ‘oh my god I have twins!’!

Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

To get to know Beth a little better and read all about her happy family, pop over to her blog or follow her on Twitter.

If you’re a parent of multiples— twins, triplets or more  — and would like to share your experiences, in a ‘Twinterview’, please get in touch, I’d love to hear from you!

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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