Easter Bonnets and Cake!

The Easter weekend was so much fun, I wish we had more four day bank holidays! It was all about Easter bonnets and cake this weekend.

Those extra couple of days — tagged on to the weekend — give us so much more time to make, do, relax, socialise and generally catch up on life. I feel as though I did so much stuff — lots of lovely ‘crafty’ things too — that I often struggle to find the time to do mid-week.

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Making Easter Bonnets

Asides from making Easter salt dough decorations — and decorating a little tree with our creations — The Twinkles and I also made Easter bonnets, for a little parade they were having at nursery the following Tuesday.

We had such a fun afternoon; sticking and gluing, choosing fabric and decorations, to pretty up the plain little hats we’d bought.

Even though the boys couldn’t get too involved with the glueing — as I was using a hot glue gun — they really got into choosing what to put on the hats (and where).

Fluffy chicks, glitter sprinkles, beaded eggs, polystyrene eggs, these hats were covered in a LOT of Easter frip, let me tell you! ;)

It makes me feel so happy when I bother to do things like this with my littles.

They get such a lot out of it and it’s really heartwarming to see how engaged and interested they are.

Even if it’s just getting out the colouring books and crayons, it’s clear to see — even at this young age — how much they love being creative.

Hats and decorations
Bertie choosing what to put on his bonnet
Eggs, chicks and glitter
Mama’s little helper
Bertie totally engrossed!
Cosmo getting ready to hand me another chick
Bertie passing the eggs

Everything stops for tea

Mission completed, we decided to treat ourselves with some cake (tough work, this Easter bonnet making business).

I’d bought some delicious Mr Kipling cakes and we figured this would be a good time to sample the goodies and reward ourselves for all our efforts.

Out came the cake stand and on went the hats. My tiny boys were pleased as punch with their creations and doubly happy to be sampling some cakes!

Bertie choosing a reward for his hard work
A cakey face and an Easter Bonnet
Sweet treats
My little man enjoying the spoils of his labour!
The icing on the cake :)

A really ‘sweet’ end to a very lovely afternoon of making and doing.

Milk and cake was definitely the highlight for my tiny boys!  Whilst we had a really fun afternoon, making Easter bonnets, it really was made a hundred times better with cake.

After all, isn’t everything?

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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18 thoughts on “Easter Bonnets and Cake!”

  1. Those photos are so cute. They look so engrossed and happy! Busy boys! I bet they enjoyed the cake afterwards. The hats looks fab! The Easter weekend really was lovely wasn’t it? Wish we could have more 4- day weekends to spend together as a family more often :) Jess x

    • Aah thanks Jess! The first of many Easter Bonet making afternoons, I’ll bet!! Over the course of the next few years I think there are going be many afternoons like this! So nice to finish off with a bit of cake though!! That made their entire afternoon! ;)

  2. Fond memories of Easter bonnet making thanks to your beautiful pics. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.

  3. Annnnnnnnnd all of a sudden I REALLY want a French Fancy! ;)

    Love the boys Easter bonnets – fab job!

    I wish we had more four day weekends too – they’re amazing.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    • Haha!! I’d totally forgotten about French Fancies!! The yellow ones were my favourite ;) And ohmygoodness… four day weekends…
      there really should be more, shouldn’t there?! X

  4. Everything is totally made better with cake. I completely adore all those pictures of Bertie and Cosmo helping their mama make Easter bonnets. It is always so lovely doing creative and crafty things with our little ones. I am always so surprised by how much Little Miss H loves getting crafty and the look of concentration on her face during. Oh, and Little Miss H loves cake too. She gets that from her mother. Another gorgeous post honey (all your posts are gorgeous). Hugs Mrs H xxxx

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