The GLTC Pigeonhole Wall Shelf {The most versatile shelf in the world}

So. When I wrote this post, I spent the next half an hour humming Prince’s ‘Most Beautiful Girl In The World’ — *replace actual lyrics for the above title and you’ll see where I’m coming from*.

But the Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC is exactly that.

The most versatile shelf.

My boy had originally bagged it for his workshop but he, reluctantly, had to agree that it was far too nice for that.

It also works well in an office; I had it firmly in my sights for my she-shed but had to concede that it’s invaluable in another spot in our home.

The Pigeonhole Wall Shelf was totally made for the bathroom.

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

A great, wall-hung, storage solution for all those bits and bobs.

Three handy little hooks for towels, wash-bags and other bathroom essentials.

For me, essentials would mean shower-gel or a  sponge; for my two littles it means bath buckets (naturally).

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

It has four little pigeonhole shelves (I guess the clue is in the name) that are nice and deep and the perfect size for shampoos, ear-buds, talc and all your toothbrushing paraphernalia.

And as it’s finished in pristine white, it will fit in nicely in most bathrooms.

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

But whilst, it is perfect for the bathroom, it’s also perfect storage for kids’ bedrooms.

Again, those little pigeonholes are just made for kids’ books and their various other treasures.

It’s surprising how much you can stuff into a relatively small space.

The Pigeonhole Wall Shelf was designed with kids in mind.

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

The boys love the little hooks especially.

I mean, every dinosaur needs somewhere to hang up his costume up, right?

And I like the fact that it’s a neat place to pop all the tiny books that we seem to have accumulated. They don’t fit so well in to the larger book case in the boys’ room, but the Pigeonhole Wall Shelf  is perfect.

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

Pigeonhole Wall Shelf from GLTC

So you could be totally forgiven for thinking that this is where the little shelf ended up.

But no.

This versatile little unit is currently residing in our hall.

Although, I use the term ‘hall’ very loosely.

In our little cottage, the room off the front door is approximately 2 foot square. More like a vestibule than a hallway, but hey. Beggars can’t be choosers.

And how much time do you spend hanging out in the hall anyway??

Because it’s such a small space, traditional coat hooks just didn’t work. They ended up being swamped in a mountain of coats, bags, hats and scarves; which sometimes made opening the door quite tricky.

And there literally isn’t enough floor space for a person and a floor-standing storage unit.

But the wall-mounted pigeonhole shelf is perfect.

The perfect solution for a small hallway.

It’s shallow enough to sit on the wall without getting in the way of the front door and it has just enough storage for all the essentials.

Scarves and hats — plus keys, phones, mail and other odds-and-sods — are right at home in the little pigeonholes, whilst coats and bags take up residence on the hooks.

To say I’m pleased would be an understatement.

Instead of opening the front door to be greeted by a tangled and unsightly forest of coats, the door now opens up to reveal a neat and stylish little room.

So you see, I really wasn’t exaggerating when I said that the GLTC Pigeonhole Wall Shelf is the most versatile shelf in the world.

And now you’ll have that Prince song in your head for the rest of the day too.

You’re welcome.

This fabulous little shelf usually retails at £80 but it’s currently on offer at a bargainous £32! Hurry, hurry, hurry!! This is one you won’t want to miss out on.

I am proud to be a GLTC testing team member but all thoughts, words and images, as ever, are entirely my own. 

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | The GLTC Pigeonhole Wall Shelf {The most versatile shelf in the world}

34 thoughts on “The GLTC Pigeonhole Wall Shelf {The most versatile shelf in the world}”

  1. Well you’ve certainly made good use of that. I have to say I’m oohing and aahing a bit at all those delicious little articles of clothing and toys. I remember those days. You clearly have an orange boy and a blue boy. Great post. #HomeEtc

  2. Love this it looks amazing and is so versatile – they make such great products xx

    Jess xx #HomeEtc

  3. Ohh I love this, it is very versatile indeed.
    And how neat is your house? If I had that shelf in mine it’d be full of junk! It looks great in the bathroom, perfect for all those bits and pieces

  4. I love this post, what a great piece of furniture. It would be fab as a Fancy Dress station in our house as well but I think I would like 2 for the younger 2 at their height in the hallway and that way no arguments over lost hats, coats in the mornings xx

    • YES!!!! A fancy dress station!!! That’s a fab idea!! We’ve got SO much fancy dress now, it’s ridiculous!! I’ve always had lots of it — wigs and sparkly things for festivals etc — but now, since we’ve had the boys, we’ve got a bazillion superhero costumes!! :)


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