Before and After | Our Caravan Renovation in Pictures

Remember we once did a DIY caravan renovation? Took an ugly little beige van and turned her into something lovely? Well, last month, I mentioned that we’d traded our beloved caravan — Dolly 1 — in for a ‘new,’ larger model.

I use the term ‘new’ very loosely. The new van may have preceded her chronologically but certainly not in any other areas.

If Dolly needed a bit of updating when we first bought her, this new van needed an entire facelift.

Pretty she aint.

Another caravan makeover was definitely in order!

**grim interiors warning — the following shots are not for the faint-hearted**

Caravan Renovation Project: Before Pictures

Caravan Renovation Project: Before Pictures. Dolly 2 before we'd carried out our caravan makeover.
Dolly 2 — before her renovation | Image credit: The Listed Home.
Caravan Renovation Project: Before Pictures. Inside Dolly 2's Kitchen and Lounge area before we'd carried out our caravan makeover.
Bench seat with no mattress — perfect for a comfy night’s sleep! | Image credit: The Listed Home.
Caravan Renovation Project: Before Pictures. Inside Dolly 2's Kitchen and Lounge area before we'd carried out our caravan makeover.
Caravan Renovation Project: Before Pictures. Brown wood everywhere! But great amounts of storage.

As you can see, pre-renovation, she wasn’t a pretty sight. 

A sea of horrible red carpet (this was changed in favour of laminate flooring). Orange-coloured wood everywhere (painting the caravan cupboards got rid of a good proportion of this!). But the cabinetry wasn’t the only thing to get a coat of paint.

We painted the walls and ceilings — and it created a real feeling of spaciousness.

Caravan Renovation Project: During Pictures

I have got LOTS more ‘before’ photographs that I could show you.

But I’ve always tried to maintain my blog as a happy place; a collection of beautiful things.

The pre-makeover photographs set my teeth on edge (and make me feel a little bit queasy) so I think I’ll leave it there.

Little by little over the summer months — with the help of some lovely paper from Wallpaper Direct — my boy and I transformed the very ugly little tin box, you see in the snaps above, into something rather lovely.

No mean feat when you have twin toddlers in tow, I can tell you ;)

Caravan Makeover Project — during the renovation.
Our caravan renovation: condensed into a little grid of nine pictures! | Image credit: The Listed Home.
Caravan Makeover Project — during the renovation.
Hard at work! | Image credit: The Listed Home.

We wanted something a little different from our first van, which was a vision in Cath Kidston.

For her successor, we wanted something bright and fresh and a little more graphic.

Wallpaper Direct has literally got the best choice.

Whatever your taste — or style — they’ve definitely got something to suit.

Initially, I was thinking along the lines of Orla Keily but ended up being swayed by the gorgeous designs of Verity Wilkinson’s Layla Faye range.

For the living quarters of the van, we chose ‘Daisy Chain Small’, a gorgeous yellow and white graphic print with a retro edge.

We’ve also chosen a coordinating print for the bathroom/toilet area but I’ll keep that under my hat until we’ve finished those renovations! One thing at a time — that may be a job for the spring ;)

We’ve no curtains, blinds or proper cushions in the lounge area — those things aside — this little van is well on the way to becoming a perfect little home from home.

A warm and cosy little space. The perfect tiny home on wheels for us to enjoy camping trips and festivals.

Caravan Renovation Project: After Pictures

Caravan Renovation Project: After we'd carried out our restoration. Dolly looks fresh and bright with yellow wallpaper and white cabinetry.
The new and improved living area | Image credit: The Listed Home.
Caravan Renovation Project: After we'd carried out our restoration. Dolly looks fresh and bright with yellow wallpaper and white cabinetry.
So much cleaner and fresher :) | Image credit: The Listed Home.
Caravan Renovation Project: After we'd carried out our restoration. Dolly looks fresh and bright with yellow wallpaper and white cabinetry.
Gorgeous cheery colour and pattern | Image credit: The Listed Home.
Caravan Renovation Project: After we'd carried out our restoration. Dolly looks fresh and bright with yellow wallpaper and white cabinetry in the kitchen area.
Brightening up the kitchen area with cheerful accessories and lovely patterns | Image credit: The Listed Home.
Caravan Renovation Project: After we'd carried out our restoration. Dolly looks fresh and bright with yellow wallpaper and white cabinetry in the lounge area.
The lounge area, complete with all its storage | Image credit: The Listed Home.
Caravan Renovation Project: After we'd carried out our restoration. Dolly looks fresh and bright with yellow wallpaper and white cabinetry in the lounge area.
Even my little Home print got an airing!

It looks like a totally different caravan now. We recycled and repurposed where we could. For example, we painted the light fittings and the vintage door handles rather than buying new ones. 

Simple things like that make a world of difference to the final look. The devil’s in the detail, as they say! 

We didn’t change the work bench top in the kitchen at the back of the van either, but giving the cupboards and sink a fresh look with paint has made it look brand new.

Little tricks like that will save you money and time. There’s no point ripping everything out if you can reuse it.  

Vintage Caravan Renovation

It just goes to show that wallpaper is so versatile.

It really shouldn’t just be restricted to the walls of a house — it can be used on furniture, ceilings — even an ugly little caravan can benefit from a little bit of pattern and colour!

There’s still a LOT to do.

Lots more finishing off inside — plus I have some very ambitious plans for the outside of this funny little box on wheels. I’d like to paint the caravan exterior and add some vinyl decals. Bear with me, as I can foresee there may be a fair few ‘caravan related’ posts coming up over the next few months ;)

For anyone wondering what we’ve christened this little van?

Well, initially she was Lionel (don’t ask).

Then she was Wendy (Wendy-House — on wheels).

But for two little boys — who have only ever understood that a caravan is called ‘Dolly’ — it was very, very difficult to persuade them that this new van had any other name.

So everyone, please be upstanding for…

‘Dolly Too’.

Caravan Renovation Project: After we'd carried out our restoration. Dolly looks fresh and bright with yellow wallpaper and blue and white polka dot seating in the lounge area.

PS — ‘too’ is not a spelling mistake. It’s a play on words!

Originally published 20 October 2015

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | Before and After | Our Caravan Renovation in Pictures

139 thoughts on “Before and After | Our Caravan Renovation in Pictures”

  1. Caro it is stunning you have such an incredible eye to detail I love the style the colour , I felt so sad when you said goodbye to Dolly, but I love the new Dolly she is beautiful xxx

    • Aaaah ME TOO!!! I was so gutted when we waved goodbye to Dolly but I can see I’m going to LOVE this new van just as much!! We have already had one outing — albeit, it was half decorated — but there was so much more space!! Can’t wait for next year’s festival season!! :) xx

  2. I love Dolly Too! What a project, that wall paper is rather stunning. I’ve actually got Dolly envy – I’m seeing the benefits already. I can see how handy it’s going to be with the festivals. Not to mention kids and caravans – they are the holidays that I remember fondly from my childhood. You must feel very rewarded with your efforts. Nicky #twinklytuesday

    • Thanks so much Nicky — it was a labour of love, that’s for sure!! The first van was a lot faster to complete as we didn’t have the twins then! Can’t wait for festival season to come round again!

  3. Wow what a transformation!! It looks absolutely incredible and beautifully sunny. I’m looking forward to seeing the bathroom bit!

    • Thanks Carie — I’m delighted with it. It took SO much more work than the original caravan makeover. Things take four times when you have little ones to manage!! No free time to crack on and decorate!! ;)

  4. Oh my goodness, it looks amazing! I’m not usually a wall paper fan (we have some spectacularly awful ones in our house that I am desperate to get rid of), but this works so well. It looks so bright and cheerful :) #twinklytuesday

  5. Wow! This looks absolutely amazing!!! I absolutely love it, what a tremendous job you have done, you clever lady you. Never thought I’d say this, but you’ve actually got me wanting a caravan (that isn’t of the gypsy variety). X

    • Aaah thanks so much pet! I absolutely HATED caravans before we bought Dolly 1. Having her transformed our lives!! Festivals and camping are a LOT more lovely when you have a comfy, cosy little crash pad to come back to! I’m not a fan of tents — or grim, dirty old caravans either!! ;)

        • Hello Sarah!!! So sorry — I’m so behind on my replies!!! I just wallpapered up to the seals and cut up to them with a scalpel to get a neat edge. To be honest, I think the window seals in Dolly are fixed, so we wouldn’t have been able to paper underneath. Hope that helps! :) Apologies for the late reply!! xx

  6. Wow that looks fantastic! I’ve only ever stayed in dated caravans at holiday camps so had no idea you could make one so cute and stylish. Great job :)


  7. Wow that looks fantastic! I’ve only ever stayed in dated caravans at holiday camps so had no idea you could make one so cute and stylish. Great job :)


  8. Oh wow that is amazing! I so need some help with sorting out my caravan you would go mad if you could see it! I absolutely love the yellow and now a thinking of painting my caravan cupboards white. Absolutely tremendous work love! x

    • Do it. Honestly pet — it’s a lovely, lovely project to have on the go. Initially it seems daunting but you just can’t go wrong. Really! Cos, at the end of the day, nothing can be as grim as how they look to begin with!! ;) Any questions ever, just holler!! xx

  9. You are a genius hun. Absolutely stunning. I want to stay. I love your love for yellow. I love how clean and fresh you have made this caravan yet super warming and welcoming. Xxx

    • Thanks lovely :) It’s take a LOT longer than Dolly 1! It’s a lot bigger but trying to decorate with twins is IMPOSSIBLE!! A word of warning for any future wallpapering you may have!! ;) xxx

  10. Stunning is not the word Caro. Wow! It is so fresh and bright and clean – how are you going to keep it like that with two small boys in it? My three would wreck it. Good luck to you though. You (and your husband) have outdone yourselves.

    • Aaah thanks so much lovely — that’s so kind of you :) The boys are pretty good actually — we have a little awning that they can trash — the inside stays nice and clean and tidy (usually) ;) x

  11. Wow that is an incredibly transformation and Dolly Too looks fabulous. I love that wallpaper print – gorgeous pattern and colour and love the coordinating mugs too! #TwinklyTuesday

    • Thanks pet. It really WAS a vision in brown. Not my favourite ;) LOve it now though — am so looking forward to doing the exterior — and the loo!! We’ve got some lovely co-ordinating paper for that!! :) x

  12. This is amazing. I didn’t think you could better the last one but you have! That yellow is so fresh and cheerful, I love it. I love the arrow light and the sweet pictures too. I’ve never had the guts to do wallpapering myself but maybe I should be brave! Becky x #TwinklyTuesday

    • Aaah thanks chick — that’s such a lovely thing to say :) I didn’t think we could either, if I’m being totally honest! I LOVED the original Dolly — we had some really amazing adventures in her. So happy that this new one has worked out so nicely. Looking forward to making some lovely memories for the Twinkles :) x

      PS — DO IT!! Straight walls are EASY to wallpaper. Caravans are *slightly* trickier — I wouldn’t say do a caravan makeover for your first attempt but a square room, with not many fiddly edges is easy!! I promise ;)

      • Thanks for the pep talk! It’s only for the bathroom so shouldn’t be as challenging! And also only a smallish part above some times, so should be OK for a first attempt. Going to check out Wallpaper Direct to see what goodies might go with out bathroom! Xx

  13. Ahh she’s so lovely! Fresh yet cosy at the same time, and I love all the little yellow accents you’ve used too. The wallpaper is fab, will have to check out the rest of the range as it looks right up my street. Wishing you and the family lots of lovely adventures in Dolly Too!

  14. Oh wow what an amazing transformation it looks so much bigger with those wooden panels painted white. You’ve done a great job I would happily spend a week in their and I am no natural caravaner! #twinklytuesdays

    • Aww thanks Ames :) I wasn’t a natural caravaner until we bought the first one! I absolutely love them now :) So lovely to spend time in a cute little house on wheels! x

  15. You’ve made it so cute – I’m really impressed! Love the sofas with the walls – they really work together. #twinklytuesday

  16. Caro I can’t actually believe I am looking at two pictures of the same caravan here – this is the best makeover I’ve ever seen! It’s utterly gorgeous, just perfect, the wallpaper is spot on and I love all the little details that tie it all in. You are going to have so much fun in Dolly Too next summer! #HomeEtc xx

    • Thanks so much Poppy!! Cannot WAIT to go off on lots of adventures!!! Absolutely loved the original Dolly — we’re going to have SO much fun in Dolly Too :) x

  17. Wow!! You have worked SO hard! It looks amazing. I can well imagine how many hours of labour that transformation took which, like you say is a herculean task with two little ones to accommodate! I absolutely love the yellow. Were you able to buy the co-ordinating mugs from the same designer or was that just a happy co-incidence? Well done you two! That is an outstanding update. #HomeEtc xx

    • Thanks pet — it has been a labour of love that’s for sure. Wallpapering so many small, fiddly walls is pretty hard. But hey! It’s done now :) Mugs were from elsewhere — I’ve just been picking up bits and pieces from all over the place as we go along! x

  18. love love love this makeover! what a huge difference. I love yellow and have been sneaking it in wherever I can. (I’ve just bought a yellow graphic print shade from john lewis which will look perfect in Dolly Too ( I quite liked Lionel but he definitely looks like a she!) #HomeEtc

    • HA! We were totally set on Lionel but everytime the boys saw her they shouted ‘IT’S DOLLY!!’ — so that was that!! You can’t argue with a 2 year old. And especially not TWO two year olds!! ;)

  19. This is amazing Caro! Whenever I see these it reminds me of what great things can be achieved with a bit of hard work.
    I love the wallpaper and the white paint changed the whole feeling of the caravan! I cant wait to get well and be able to do more decorating etc. I was going to do my daughter’s room but decided to leave it for now as I’m actually thinking of looking for a new home- with better wheelchair access etc so will wait until we move to do up the rooms (or get someone to do it for me) as i obviously cant do it myself.

    Angela x

  20. Dolly Too is totally adorable – you are just such a clever lady you really are. She looks amazing and so bright and vibrant you couldn’t help but have a wonderful happy time every time you take her away. I bet you can’t wait. Well done on achieving all of that with your twins in tow!!
    Linking up with #HomeEtc linky
    Sammy xxx

    • Thanks lovely! I associate Dolly with adventures — whenever Dickie used to pull up outside with her in tow I’d get SO excited! I’m SO looking to making lots of happy memories for us and the twins with Dolly Too :D

  21. Wow, this is AMAZING! I would never think to use wallpaper in a caravan, but you have totally transformed it! What a fab space for holidays – so bright and cheery, I absolutely love it. Loving all of the little details you’ve added too, you really do have such a talent x

  22. Caro, lovely lady, this is absolutely stunning. Beautiful. The transformation is amazing!!! It can’t be the same caravan. Can it?! The original looked very much like the interior of the caravans my parents had when I was a child. You are so talented. I love the freshness and cheeriness. And it is so YOU. The wallpaper makes it for me. And you have given me hope that we can transform are very dated and disgusting kitchen. How did you do that seating? It is fab! Hugs Mrs H xxxx

    • Aaah thanks lovely :) It doesn’t look like the same van does it?! I’m looking forward to doing the exterior next — then it really will look like a totally different caravan! ;) xx

  23. Oh Caro this is gorgeous! I feel compelled to go and buy a caravan immediately. Amazing work! x

    • DO IT!! Honestly. Initially we were looking at motorhomes but you have to pay tax, mot and insurance on them. PLUS they’re mega expensive! Caravans are cheap as chips and you don’t pay anything to keep them, as they’re classed a trailer and not a vehicle. PLUS you can turn them into a cute little house ;) xx

  24. This transformation is quite unbelievable! What a massive achievement Caro, you must have worked so hard I just don’t know how you do it but looking at these pictures it must be worth it. It all looks so beautiful and the wallpaper is just perfect, really lifts the whole thing (and sits nicely with your lovely Home print) I look forward to more caravan posts! I’m going to send this to my mum, her and her partner are thinking of getting a caravan and I think this might just inspire her! xx

    • Thanks lovely!! It seemed like a lot more work, this time round, as we had the boys with us! When we first did the original Dolly, we were on our own and it only took 2 or 3 weekends. Dolly Too has taken the whole summer!! That said, it’s a bigger van and we did a LOT more wallpapering too! Tell your mum to go for it — honestly — buying a caravan is one of the best things we’ve EVER done. Festivals and camping trips are SO much fun :D xx

    • Thanks Lianne — if I hadn’t done it once before I think I WOULD have run away when we saw the second van!! Luckily I felt fairly confident that we could make a difference! :)

  25. What an amazing transformation! Dolly Too looks so bright and comfy now! Id certainly be happy in there #twinklytuesday

  26. Oh WOW Dolly too is absolutely gorgeous! It doesn’t look like the same van. She is so bright and cheery. I love that wallpaper and I am starting to plan for when we can properly decorate, I will have to pop over to the website. I also love the floor, it makes such a massive difference. It’s a fab job Caro xxx

  27. Wow, Caro! What an amazing transformation – Dolly Too is beautiful!

    I know what you mean about them typically being grubby and generally a bit chappy – we had three caravans when I was younger. They were awful beyond measure. I would have enjoyed our weekend trips a lot more if our caravan looked like Dolly Too.

    Can’t wait to see what else you do with her! Xxx

    • Thanks lovely :) I wouldn’t have had a good night’s sleep if we’d have left either van in their original states!! It’s just not my bag AT ALL!! There’s no need for them to be brown and horrible is there? I certainly wouldn’t want my house to look like that — not sure why they’re still made with brown wood panelling these days…!

  28. Oh my gosh this is incredible! What an amazing makeover. I need you to do my house haha. This is so, so beautiful. I love the colour scheme, I love the prints on the walls, I love the light, I love the fabric on the chairs. It’s so perfect. Well done! xx #twinklytuesday

  29. Oh wow, its amazing, I loved Dolly and Dolly Too is beautiful too. You clearly have a good eye for creating a great caravan. x

  30. My word, I had never actually realised you would bother with updating the interior of a caravan. This, however, looks magnificent. Great work. Thanks for hosting #TwinklyTuesday

  31. You have done such an amazing job it looks amazing!! You can really see how much work, time, effort and thought you guys have put into it! Love that it’s called Dolly too very cute! Xx

  32. That looks awesome and so, so cheery, the lemon is refreshing, I love it! Enjoy your trips away in it. #twinklytuesday

  33. Three cheers for Dolly Too! That wallpaper is so perfect and adds such a great style. Love the before and after piccies (I know what you mean about before pictures, they’re never the loveliest but I do like to see the real nitty gritty so thanks for sharing them!) and I can’t wait to see the finished version X

  34. Oh I love it! Such happy, summery colours, and I love the way you’ve got cups to match the wallpaper. I’ve used Wallpaper Direct in the past and you can find really original prints there. Great choice!

    • Thanks so much Naomi — I’m so pleased with how it’s turned out! I’ve used Wallpaper Direct a lot in the past — they have a fabulous range and really great customer service too! Super-quick delivery :)

    • Thanks so much Sabrina. I have LOADS of those before shots but they’re SO grim!!! YUK. Looks a million times better now — amazing to think how many of these ugly little caravans there are in the world! One less now at least ;) xx

  35. Caro! This is amazing. I have serious tin box envy. We inherited Tin Box 2 from my parents and they are still very fond of her. I think they would have a fit if we did anything to the dark wooden interior but if and when we move on I’ll be asking you for some design consultation on Tin Box 3! :)

    • Thanks so much Claire!! I’m really pleased with it. I was gutted to sell Dolly but she was just too small for our needs. Dolly Too is a 4 berth — the perfect size and exactly the same make as Dolly 1. Plus she was cheap as chips to buy. Totally vile inside when we first bought her — I bet your mum and dad’s old van is in much better nick — dark wood interior or not!! WHY are they always brown inside?? I just don’t get it! If they made them lovely and bright and quirky inside, they’d be a lot more popular, I’m sure! x

  36. What a transformation! It’s amazing and I genuinely mean that. It looks like a totally different caravan!! You’ve inspired me to paint our kitchen units whilst we wait for a new kitchen. This transformation just goes to show the power a bit of white paint has! xx ps. I’m still trying to load my vlog club video, my youtube doesn’t like me adding anything at the moment

    • Thanks Kerry :) That’s lovely of you. DEFINITELY paint your kitchen!! I’ve painted ours a couple of times now, whilst I wait for my dream kitchen!! It makes the world of difference :) xx

  37. Wow! looks amazing!
    I will have to check out Wallpaper direct for future projects.
    I hope you have many awesome breaks away in Dolly Too :)
    Thanks for hosting x

  38. WOW! What’s an extraordinary transformation. I’m so impressed! Thanks for everything #TwinklyTuesday.

  39. Just amazing. Literally amazing! A new career for you??! ha ha. You talented thing…superb post and love this. Can I move in???? Fab post xxx


  40. So bright and cheerful. I must search for photos of Dolly 1. I love how bright it is and look forward to seeing the bathroom project in the future. Thank you for sharing!

  41. totally madly in love with your caravan!
    considering to do something similar :) :)
    just a little question: what kind of brand and type is this caravan and where do your 2 children sleep in it?

    • Hi Ellen! Aaah thanks so much :) Dolly 2 is a 4 berth ABI Tristar. We used to have a 2 berth ABI Transtar but when the boys got a little bigger we upgraded to the larger version. Dolly 2 has a double bed and bunkbeds for the boys. You can pick them up for an absolute bargain. Just make sure you pick one up that doesn’t have damp :)

  42. wow! absolutely stunning difference! Can i ask what paint you used? I have just bought my first caravan and desperate to paint all the cabinets/shelves!

    • Thanks so much Laura!! That’s lovely of you! I’ve just written a blog post on exactly this, funnily enough!! Due to be published in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned and watch this space! ;) xx

      • Wow amazing. My house is very shabby chic which is the style that reflects my personality and makes me feel good. So when I’m in a caravan I really struggle with the dated design, even new caravans seem dated to me. You have inspired me so much. I’ve decided to buy a cheaper caravan now instead of newish and invest in redesigning it. Can’t wait to see the blog regarding the paint you used. Also did you set a budget? I’m worried costs might spiral out of control. And has dolly 2 stood the test of time? Many thanks x

        • Thanks so much Deanne! I totally agree — not sure why all caravans are brown and beige inside. Even the brand new ones are so uninspiring. Dolly 1 was more shabby chic! Pop and have a look — — you can see the before and after pics on that post too.

          She stood the test of time for 6 years until we outgrew her and we’ve had Dolly 2 for a couple of years now. The wallpaper and paint still looks as fresh as the day we did it. We bought Dolly 2 for £750 and the renovation cost a couple of hundred pounds — plus our labour. The main things you need to budget for are paint/wallpaper/flooring/fabric (assuming you’re going to cover the seats). All the accessories can be picked up along the way! I’m working on my makeover post now — watch this space!! :)

  43. Oh this is so inspiring – we’ve just ‘acquired’ a tired 80s/90s van with all that beige interior and I thought we were going to have to gut everything and start again, but you’ve shown how a pot of white paint, some wonderful wallpaper and laminate flooring can transform the interior with minimum ‘invasive surgery’.
    Thank you

    • Aaah your message has made my day!! Thanks so much for getting in touch Alexandra. Apologies for my delayed response too — I’m so behind on my comments.
      I’ve ‘almost’ finished a post which outlines the kind of products we used on both the caravan makeovers — I’ve just got to edit my photos and then I’ll be ready to publish :) watch this space!

  44. This truly is a thing of beauty a joy forever! My favourite colour has always been red but now I seriously considering switching to yellow….

  45. Hi Caro, I’m also doing a mega caravan makeover and it’s lovely to see someone else using wallpaper – funnily enough I’ve also used Wallpaper Direct. Ha ha it must be a thing.

    • Exciting times Nicky!! Renovating a caravan is such good fun.

      I’ve done both of my caravan makeovers with papers from Wallpaper Direct! The first was Cath Kidston, the second by Layla Faye. They definitely have the best range of wallpaper that I’ve come across — such a fabulous range; there are hundreds. Good luck with your caravan makeover!

  46. Beautiful job! What is the shelf for that is holding the yellow pot for and what is it made from please?

    • Hi Susan, It’s made from glass and is integral to the caravan. We haven’t added it :) It’s so useful for increasing worktop space. Best, Caro

  47. Wow this is absolutely stunning work, I have no idea how you have managed to do this will toddler twins! I take my hat off to you! We are looking at getting a caravan and my question would be gout to recover the seats, I love the fabric you have chosen for these they make it look beautiful, many thanks Heather x

  48. Found your post on Oi retest and just had to read your post! Love it! You’ve done an awesome job remaking Dolly Too yours! Looks so inviting and cheerful ?.

    Would you tell me, is the wallpaper a special type? Vinyl? Prepasted? Did you need any special adhesive? We’re in the process of updating a 1999 30ft Dutchman Classic Lite and I’m so loving your idea for wallpapering a wall. I’m thinking kitchen area.

    Wishing y’all many happy years of camping! Time with our babies passes way to fast!

    • Aaah thank you SO much; that’s lovely of you to come and read my blog — and to leave a comment too! :) I have written another post outlining everything I used to decorate the interior of the van. Pop and have a look — — if you have any questions, please let me know! I’d be more than happy to help.

      Good luck with your van makeover! xx

      PS — yes, I absolutely agree!! Time goes SO fast!! My babies are growing up way too quickly! Happy, happy camping to you too :)

  49. Hi caro,
    I love how you have done the caravans up. I have one and am struggling on how to change the fabric on the curtains and on the seats any tips or guidance on this?? Xxx

    • Thanks so much Shannon :) I didn’t change the curtains on Dolly 1 — they were plain and I didn’t mind them. And with Dolly 2, I removed them completely!! They were so horrible and I decided that — as we have blackout blinds on most of the windows — I’d just get rid of the curtains, as it looked much cleaner and simpler!

      I have made loose covers each time for both Dollies — they were really, really simple to make! I don’t have amazing sewing skills so I promise you, if I can do it, anyone can!! I plan to write a post showing how I did it. Watch this space! x

  50. Hi Cara, we have just taken charge of our caravan. I am looking at wallpapering the ” walls”. They are cureently covered in a vinyl type covering. Any advice as to how to get make sure my Orla Kiely wallper will stick?

    • Hi Rona! I literally wallpapered straight over ours!! Both Dolly’s had wooden effect vinyl walls and I pasted the walls AND the paper, really well, and it stuck a treat!! If you’re really worried — particularly as the Orla wallpaper is pricey — I would suggest buying a roll of lining-paper and using that to test it out. Once you’re satisfied that it’s stuck well, you can literally wallpaper over the top! Let me know how you get on!! xx

  51. Hi Caro,
    I realise this is a very old thread but hope you’re still there for some advice!
    I’ve been studying your caravan posts as we work out our own project with an old van. Please can I ask for two tips – what did you do about the plastic joins between wallboards and ceiling boards – ours are orange and I want it all white; can I paint over them or will the paint not stick to the plastic – I can t find new white joins so think we are going to have to keep the old ones?
    Also can you make a recommendation. For the best paint to use for interior that’s available in the UK?
    Thanks so much in advance, and really, congratulations again on your amazing work – it’s so inspirational!
    Emma x.

    • Hi Emma, thanks for your message! Even though this is an old post, the blog is still very much live! I’ve just written a post on painting the exterior, funnily enough.

      Re the plastic joins — I painted them all. You can see pics in the Tips For Decorating a Caravan post. I used cupboard makeover paint and emulsion.
      Hope this helps! Caro xx

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