Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire

The clocks went back this weekend. Did you enjoy an extra hour in bed? Or is the change in time wreaking havoc with your body clock? We had some family fun and went pumpkin picking in Staffordshire!

We’ve got a run of short, dark days ahead and I want to fill the days with as much joy as I can.

In the immortal words of Jon Snow;

‘Winter is coming.’

But dark days shouldn’t have to mean dull days.

There are so many fun things to do during the colder months.

Last week, during the half term holiday, the boys and I went up to my parent’s for a couple of days.

As we were hosting our annual Halloween party, on Saturday, I’d decided we should go pumpkin picking, to pick up some spooky supplies.

Bednall Pick Your Own Pumpkins

We found a brilliant place; just a stone’s throw from my parents’ home in Staffordshire.

Pick Your Own Pumpkins, Bednall was the most fantastic setting for a morning of family fun.

For a start, it was free.

And secondly we got to spend a few hours out in the fresh air.

Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pick Your Own Pumpkins
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pick Your Own Pumpkins
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pick Your Own Pumpkins
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm
Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm

More than Just Pumpkin Picking

It was so nice to get outside for a few hours.

Even though the weather was dull and grey, we filled our eyes with lots of colour, thanks to the pumpkins.

The boys had a ball, playing on the tractor and running over the hay-bales.

If you’re in the Stafford area, I’d highly recommend the pumpkin picking in Bednall. There was such a lot for the boys to do.

Best thing (according to Cosmo) was the little train-ride. Totally genius — the ‘carriages’ were fashioned from barrels, pulled along by a mini tractor.

The best thing (according to Nana) was the fact it was a fantastic, cheap day out. Our 6 (quite sizeable)  pumpkins came to just £7. The little trainride was just £1 each for the boys.


And finally, my best thing was that we got to hang out with my mum for a few hours; doing something really fun (in the fresh air).

And the twins were absolutely KNACKERED by the time we got home.

Winning all round, I’d say.

Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire | Free range family fun at Bednall Pumpkin Farm

PS — if you want a really cool craft to do with your pumpkins, check out my simple decoupage pumpkins post!

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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15 thoughts on “Pumpkin Picking in Staffordshire”

  1. I didn’t even know you could pick your own pumpkins. I’ve only been strawberry picking before. A bit late for this year but will perhaps go and pick my own pumpkin next year. Looks like it was a lovely family day out.

    • Thanks so much Becky. It was SUCH a brilliant day out — and totally free. So nice to get out in the fresh air and the boys LOVED it. Can’t wait to see you in a couple of weeks!! Are you bringing the tiny boy along?? xxxx

  2. I’ve never actually been one for taking vitamins but I know many people who swear by them. I know we definitely have a lack of Vit D in this country, although getting outdoors like you have been is a real help. I do find going outside in general does wonders for the spirits. Great pics!

  3. Can I even call myself a blogger when I’ve never been pumpkin picking? Looks like you had a lovely day out. Getting outside with the kids is the best, isn’t it? You can tell it does your body some good xxx

    • Haha!! It’s funny isn’t it? You can tell the season from a blogger’s pictures!! Rape flower fields, Bluebell woods, pumpkin patches!!! Such a cliché — but it was SUCH a fun day out. I can’t wait for next year!!! xx

  4. I buy these for Joe too they are fab, and totally agree about getting out we have been for a long walk today whilst Joe rode his bike and Jack played football. We watch him play and then nip off before the match and at half time with Toby for a walk I love it getting out and getting fresh air x

    • They’re SO good aren’t they? I’m so glad the boys are old enough to take a vitamin now — I used to buy liquid vits when they were babies (they HATED the stuff!!). These are much better — I’ve tried them and they’re LUSH! No wonder they gobble them up!!

  5. Oh looks and sounds like you had such an amazing time at the pumpkin patch so glad they have really caught on the last few years here in the uk they are massive deal back home. Now just need more white pumpkins too. Lol #wrc

  6. Bednall is literally just up the road from where I live and it’s where we usually go for our pumpkins – it’s brilliant! We went somewhere else this year, which was lovely too. It looks like you had so much fun there – fab photos! My girls have been having Bassetts vitamins since they were 3 years old (they’re now 10, 9 and 7!) – I give them the ones with added Omega 3 in. I honestly don’t think I’d give them any other brand – they’re fab.

    • It’s funny — my ex boyfriend (of 5 years!) lived in Bednall so it was quite weird going back and seeing his mum and dad’s house!! There’s a new pumpkin place opened up at the farm-shop by my parent’s too — it’s their first year :) It would be good to try somewhere else but Bednall was such a bit with the boys— plus it was FREEEEEEE!!!! :)


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