Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building

I have been going on (and on) about a new kitchen for a while now. But getting planning permission for a single storey extension on a listed building — to house said new kitchen (especially in our village) — is standing in the way!

Every time my boy and I discuss our plans, the ideas are very much limited; particularly by the space that we’ve inherited.

And the fact that we have a gigantic AGA; sitting in the middle of the only decent run of worktop space in our existing kitchen.

Extending to create a larger space has never, ever been on our radar. Mainly because — as I’ve mentioned before (on more than one occasion) — our house is Grade 2 listed. And our council is not particularly forward thinking or receptive when it comes to change.

Until now.

A Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building

Amazingly, the cottage that we rented when we first moved up here (also Grade 2 listed) has just been granted planning permission. For a double storey extension!!! Not one but TWO storeys — imagine that?!

To say I’m excited is an understatement. Being granted planning permission for a single storey extension on a Listed Building is amazing enough — but TWO STOREYS?! That’s positively greedy! ;)

Finally, there’s a glimmer of hope and a more than faint chance that we too may be granted planning to extend our own space.

Particularly as we would only be asking for a single storey extension.

We already have a conservatory running halfway across the back of the house.  I’d like to knock it down and create a double width structure, that houses both our sitting room and an extension to our current kitchen.

I’ve been poring over Pinterest and have a very clear idea of what I’d like. Finding the exact reference is pretty hard though.

So this is how it is currently.


Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building — before.
Our cottage, as it is now…
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

I had a little play on Photoshop earlier and have cobbled together a vague impression of how I’d kind of like it to look.

In the future?

Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building — artist impression.
And this is an impression of  how it could look!
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Dreaming of a Single Storey Extension

I’d actually like the the space split into two separate rooms; with two lots of doors opening onto the garden, rather than an open plan space as in the picture above. 

One set of bi-fold doors for the kitchen and another for the sitting room. And I’d like a roof lantern over each space.

Not too much to ask eh? ;)

If we do manage to persuade the council that this is a good idea; we may even have room for a small utility room. And *whispers* an actual downstairs loo!!!

Be still my beating heart.

The thought of it is SO exciting.

It’s so clear in my head — I’ve drawn a few little sketches. And I think the next step is to speak to an architect and get some actual plans drawn up.

I’ve created a Pinterest board and have been merrily pinning.

I haven’t seen exactly what I want on there.

But I’m sure that with a little bit of careful planning and a lot of persuasion of our very strict council, we may *possibly* be a little closer to the kitchen of our dreams.

Watch this space.

Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building — the finished kitchen.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Editors note: We gained planning permission for a new kitchen and living space on our Grade 2 listed home. This post gives our tips for getting planning permission on a Grade 2 Listed building.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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30 thoughts on “Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building”

  1. Ohhhhhh I’ve got my fingers crossed for you! This is so exciting and I really do home you get a big thumbs up! Please keep us updated with it all :)

    The British Feather – A UK Lifestyle & Home Decor Blog

  2. You must be so excited!! I know I would be, we often daydream about the difference a new kitchen and an extension would make to our home. Very pleased for you, great news!! Also the mock up looks amazing!!! xxx

  3. Oh my goodness how exciting!! It must be great to think that if someone else has got approval it would be possible for you too. You’re so clever with Photoshop, I love what you’ve mocked up. We don’t have a downstairs loo either and I’m dreaming of our one-day extension too Xx

    • It’s SO exciting!!! We’ve always written it off before — the council are notoriously ‘difficult’ so we didn’t think it was worth it. SO happy that there may be a chance of doing it finally!!

  4. Ooh, your cottage is beautiful!! But I totally understand the stress of cottage size – our current kitchen is a galley, and because we’re on the side of a steep hill (#yorkshireproblems) it is actually underground even! I desperately want to move it to the other side of the cottage so it can be above ground, and will be off the dining room instead of living room, so we could knock the two into one. BUT, we just knocked down half our upstairs so we need to finish this and our bathroom first, and then we can tackle downstairs…once we’ve got our finances back into a healthy state again – home reno + wedding all in one year = unhappy bank manager! :D x

    • Thanks so much Anna :)

      Aaah houses — they are total money-pits aren’t they?! Just as you finish one thing, you have to start something else!! Fingers crossed we both manage to get our dream kitchen eventually :)

  5. Wow – I am so impressed with your mock up! Am hopping over now to your pinterest board – we are also in planning for a new kitchen (not quite as big or lovely as yours) but still some super fab ideas for me to steal! Full of totally dream-like kitchens to drool over!

    • Thanks so much Jemma! It’s not exactly what I want but it certainly gives a feel for how it could look! Gotta love Photoshop!! It’s exciting to think that our house could look similar to the mock-up! :)

  6. Your cottage is so pretty. I hope you can get what you wish for, as it will look amazing! I’m already jealous of the space you could be getting! X #HomeEtc

  7. Fingers crossed you get planning permission. Your photoshop design looks totally amazing and having the extension will create an amazing space for you .

  8. So excited for you Caro! I do hope it all goes ahead for you.
    Isn’t it funny how a utility room and downstairs loo, at a certain stage in life, replace a walk in wardrobe and ensure bathroom on you home wish list? ;)

    • Thanks chick and YES! I’d give my right arm for a utility room!! And maybe a kidney for a downstairs loo!! ;) PK — perhaps not — but joking aside — I think it would totally revolutionise how we live in our house. Fingers crossed the council see it the same way!! ;)


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