Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building

I have been going on (and on) about a new kitchen for a while now. But getting planning permission for a single storey extension on a listed building — to house said new kitchen (especially in our village) — is standing in the way!

Every time my boy and I discuss our plans, the ideas are very much limited; particularly by the space that we’ve inherited.

And the fact that we have a gigantic AGA; sitting in the middle of the only decent run of worktop space in our existing kitchen.

Extending to create a larger space has never, ever been on our radar. Mainly because — as I’ve mentioned before (on more than one occasion) — our house is Grade 2 listed. And our council is not particularly forward thinking or receptive when it comes to change.

Until now.

A Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building

Amazingly, the cottage that we rented when we first moved up here (also Grade 2 listed) has just been granted planning permission. For a double storey extension!!! Not one but TWO storeys — imagine that?!

To say I’m excited is an understatement. Being granted planning permission for a single storey extension on a Listed Building is amazing enough — but TWO STOREYS?! That’s positively greedy! ;)

Finally, there’s a glimmer of hope and a more than faint chance that we too may be granted planning to extend our own space.

Particularly as we would only be asking for a single storey extension.

We already have a conservatory running halfway across the back of the house.  I’d like to knock it down and create a double width structure, that houses both our sitting room and an extension to our current kitchen.

I’ve been poring over Pinterest and have a very clear idea of what I’d like. Finding the exact reference is pretty hard though.

So this is how it is currently.


Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building — before.
Our cottage, as it is now…
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

I had a little play on Photoshop earlier and have cobbled together a vague impression of how I’d kind of like it to look.

In the future?

Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building — artist impression.
And this is an impression of  how it could look!
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Dreaming of a Single Storey Extension

I’d actually like the the space split into two separate rooms; with two lots of doors opening onto the garden, rather than an open plan space as in the picture above. 

One set of bi-fold doors for the kitchen and another for the sitting room. And I’d like a roof lantern over each space.

Not too much to ask eh? ;)

If we do manage to persuade the council that this is a good idea; we may even have room for a small utility room. And *whispers* an actual downstairs loo!!!

Be still my beating heart.

The thought of it is SO exciting.

It’s so clear in my head — I’ve drawn a few little sketches. And I think the next step is to speak to an architect and get some actual plans drawn up.

I’ve created a Pinterest board and have been merrily pinning.

I haven’t seen exactly what I want on there.

But I’m sure that with a little bit of careful planning and a lot of persuasion of our very strict council, we may *possibly* be a little closer to the kitchen of our dreams.

Watch this space.

Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building — the finished kitchen.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Editors note: We gained planning permission for a new kitchen and living space on our Grade 2 listed home. This post gives our tips for getting planning permission on a Grade 2 Listed building.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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30 thoughts on “Planning a Single Storey Extension on a Listed Building”

  1. Good luck! Your home looks lovely, hopefully the council will see that you have good intentions and support your renovation ideas :)

  2. How very very exciting! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, I hope it all goes well, it’s a huge job but it seems like it would give you even bigger benefits once done :) I will definitely be watching this space for any updates on the planning!


  3. WOW that could be utterly amazing and what a perfect space for the family and for entertaining. I hope it comes off for you – I know HOW much you’d love a new kitchen!! Stunning :) xx


    • Aah thanks so much lovely!! It has never been a possibility before because the council are so unapproachable but now I really think we’d be allowed to do it!! SO excited!! :)


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