Blog Camp Birmingham

On Saturday I did something really exciting! Almost 2 and a half years after writing my very first blog post, I went to my very first blogging conference. Blog Camp Birmingham.

When I started my blog I didn’t anticipate that I’d be writing it more than 2 years later. I was anxious about my pregnancy and wanted an outlet. Somewhere to write down my thoughts and feelings. And a blog seemed like the perfect place; a modern take on the traditional diary.

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The Love of Blogging

Back then, I didn’t realise how much my little virtual journal would become such a huge part of my life. Didn’t expect to look forward to writing my posts so much. To get such a buzz out of taking the photographs, to illustrate my words.

And a couple of years on I can say — with some conviction — that my blog isn’t going to be discarded any time soo. Nor left unwritten or taken down from the World Wide Web. 

It’s such a fantastic creative outlet and I just can’t imagine it not being there now. 

As my blog has matured, a whole host of other exciting opportunities have begun to occur. The chance to work with interesting brands; to create lovely posts inspired by their products or services.

Incredible Opportunities

We’ve been given the incredible opportunity to go on a little family holiday to Bluestone Resort in Wales. We had a fantastic day out Folly Farm — again as a direct result of my blog.

And I have met some really lovely people. Through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Fathers, mothers, bloggers, non bloggers, bloggers.

Plus I have a group of very special blogging friends who I regularly chat to on-line and — as of yesterday — in person!

So yesterday, I swallowed my nerves (and wow, was I nervous), caught the train and headed off to Blog Camp Birmingham.

The event was run by The Tots100; a network for mum and dad bloggers, with more than 8,000 members, reaching 10m UK readers each year.

Throughout the day I learned about Pro-Blogging, Metrics, Vlogging and how to be Camera Ready.

I met my lovely ‘virtual’ friends.

I chatted to some of the most influential movers and shakers of the UK blogging world. And left with a head full of ideas and inspiration.

Blog Camp Birmingham
Blog Camp Birmingham | Snippets of my day
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

I fell into this blogging malarkey completely by chance.

When I signed up for my free WordPress blog and wrote my very first post I had no idea that there was an entire sub-culture that went with it.

And since that first diary entry I’ve discovered new friends — real ones not ‘virtual'(!) —new skills, and a possible new career in the offing.

Amazing what you find when you’re not really looking, isn’t it?

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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70 thoughts on “Blog Camp Birmingham”

  1. A fabulous post. I am so thrilled that you started your blog. I love it. Your blog is like a warm hug on a sunshiny day. I am thrilled you love blogging as much as you do. It is awesome, isn’t it?! I am gutted that I didn’t get to meet you on Saturday. but not long to Britmums now and I then get to give you the biggest hug ever. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  2. What a fab post and I love the pictures! You’re right that blogging is just the perfect way to be creative and make friends.

  3. What an incredible world blogging opens up! It seems meeting up with ‘virtual blogging friends’ sounds less daunting than I imagine it to be in head. To many more wonderful years of blogging and fab opportunities through it. #TwinklyTuesday

    • It really does! And, funnily enough, meeting up with the people I’ve been chatting to for the last few months wasn’t daunting at all. Taking in all the info was the think I was most dreading!!! But it was a brilliant day! :)

  4. Was so lovely to meet you and had a fantastic day! Looking forward to seeing you at the next event soon x Lovely pictures that really capture the day xx


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