Styling The Seasons January

So we’re almost at the end of the first month of the year — January is nearly at a close.

What does this month mean to me? Well, in a few days time it will be my birthday.

It’s funny, I’ve always moaned about being born a month after Christmas. As a child I felt sad — and a bit cheated — not to have a summer birthday; parties outside in the garden and long, light days, enabling the birthday girl (or boy) to enjoy their special day for just that little bit longer.

Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

But as an adult, I feel grateful that I have something to look forward to, during one of the greyest and — let’s face it — depressing months of the year.

That said, January is a time for renewal and change. And that’s got to be a positive thing.

The days are beginning to lengthen ever so slightly and, in our garden, the bulbs are starting to boldly sprout, little green shoots.

I’m definitely one for living in the moment but, in January, I can’t help but look forward to spring.

Last year, my friend Rachel joined in with a blog series called Styling The Seasons.

Every time she posted one I’d say ‘Argh — I keep meaning to join in with this!!’. And the following month I’d forget.

On repeat.

Well, in this years resolutions, I said that I wanted to do more making and doing posts — and I also said I’d plan better — so here I am.

Doing and planning, with my first Styling The Seasons post.

And, as I’m in a reflective mood — for my first attempt — I have found a corner of my home with the most reflective thing I own. My granny’s mirror.

I’m not a natural stylist, that’s for sure, but I love this little collection of items. All serving to remind me of my family.

And also to remind me that — even though it’s a grey and dismal month — January is a time for celebration.

I’ll be another year older (some may say that’s a bad thing but anything that gives you a genuine reason to drink Champagne and eat cake should be celebrated)!

Plus spring is just around the corner.

And that’s definitely a reason to put out the bunting, if nothing else.

Styling The Seasons | January
Styling The Seasons | January
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Styling The Seasons | January
Styling The Seasons | January
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Styling The Seasons | January
Styling The Seasons | January
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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67 thoughts on “Styling The Seasons January”

  1. Yay for birthdays around this time of year, I just had mine on the 22nd and whilst it’s not a fun time of year I do so love being an Aquarius :) Your styling the seasons is beautiful, a perfect collection of pretty and meaningful items. I must think about joining in with this one month too, determined to get better at styling this year with you as my inspiration Xx

    • Aah you’re a little Aquarian like me!!! :) Happy belated birthday! We’re almost birthday twins — I’m on 25th!! Thanks so much for your lovely comments pet — that means such a lot xx


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