Styling The Seasons — April


April been a hectic month already; the tiny boys have started pre-school — and we’ve upped their days to 4 long mornings a week — plus my in-laws are moving house.

They’re downsizing from their large 5 bedroom family home to a 3 bed penthouse apartment. Contracts have already been exchanged, the removal men were in yesterday, the cleaners tomorrow and the new owners will take possession of the keys on Thursday.

And breathe… I literally feel as though I was holding my breath as I typed that.

It feels so odd!

I absolutely love moving house myself but it feels really weird for them to be doing it — almost like the horizon has shifted. When our own  status quo is unsettled and things are new and unfamiliar, it’s always lovely to think we have their house as a safe haven. Solid ground, if you like.

It’s definitely the end of an era; in so many ways. Really strange to think that we’ll never set foot in there again.  I’m feeling excited and unsettled in equal measures.

Needless to say, there has been a lot to do.

My boy and I left the twins with my parents a couple of weekends ago and went down to help sort through the belongings that 62 years of marriage accumulates.

Stuff to keep, stuff for charity — a LOT of stuff.

We were lucky enough to be given some lovely things; framed prints for me and some beautiful books for him.

They are a set of 3 that belonged to his maternal grandfather:

The Reader’s Digest Complete Library of the Garden.


As relevant today as the day they were printed. Which makes them the perfect heirloom for my gardening mad boy.

Since we’ve owned our own home he’s always loved to garden; plus this year we took over a plot in the village allotment, so he’s got even more room to grow things.

As a result, he’s been poring over magazines and books, planning a growing schedule, plotting his space. So these books are are such a welcome asset.

Plus they’re absolutely gorgeous. Beautifully bound with wood effect covers, pretty embossed spines and pages and pages of the loveliest botanical etchings.

Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April

So my styling the seasons post for April is a little bit mixed.

This month is bringing such a lot of change. Growth in our garden and allotment, change at home. New milestones for the Twinkles. A new and exciting era for my extended family.

We’re embracing it all so this month I’m putting out the bunting and celebrating new beginnings.

Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Styling The Seasons | April
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | Styling The Seasons — April

45 thoughts on “Styling The Seasons — April”

  1. I know what you mean about change – always feel really unsettling when family homes are sold. But I guess everything moves on, and for a reason. Those books are beautiful and I LOVE how you’ve styled them :) Jess xx

    Thanks for being a fab co-host #HomeEtc rocks! xx

  2. What a gorgeous post! Those books are absolutely beautiful and I love the sparkly gold bunting – sounds good that you feel able to embrace and celebrate all the changes taking place. I love new beginnings especially at this time of year so I hope they bring only good things for you xxx

    • Thanks so much Katy. It’s been a weird old time, that’s for sure. Even if it’s something we feel a bit uncomfortable about, celebrating the changes are the only way of dealing with things sometimes aren’t they? Otherwise we’d get bogged down by things. Thanks so much for your lovely comment xx

  3. Those are proper books, Caro. So beautiful. And gorgeous photos, too. Myself, I love moving but I’m not sure how I’d feel if my parents were to sell our family home. It’s lovely to have the constant. Hope the inlaws are settling in to their new abode x


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