Smart recycling | Totem 60 Bin Review

Disclosure: This is an unpaid review with Joseph Joseph. I was sent a Totem 60 Bin for the purposes of this blogpost. All images, thoughts and words — as ever — are my own.

There used to be a time when we’d literally throw anything and everything in the bin, if it was surplus to requirements.

And there was only one bin.

And a compost heap if you were lucky enough to have an allotment or a garden large enough to house one.

Thankfully, these days we live in an era where so much can be recycled.

In the area where we live, for example, the council recycles glass, paper, tins, garden waste, fabric — even food.

All good. And it gives me a sense of well-being to think that we’re trying to do our best for the environment (especially given how much packaging things seem to come in these days).

But the downside of being able to recycle so much is our kitchen is usually FULL of rubbish.

Bags for this, boxes for that. A caddy for food scraps.

Very often, our kitchen resembles a recycling centre. And for a neat-freak like me, it makes me despair.

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Introducing The Totem 60 Bin

Thankfully those clever chaps at Joseph Joseph have come up with the most intelligent waste bin you’re ever likely to come across. And not only intelligent but good looking too.

The Totem 60 is the epitome of smart recycling.

This is the Ferrari of bins — sleek, shiny and beautifully styled — plus it’s innovative system combines waste and recycling in one very lovely looking package.

The Totem 60 in stainless steel
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
The Totem 60 offers the best in smart recycling
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Totem comes in three sizes — 48L, 58L and 60L — and is available in Stone or Graphite as well as there being a stainless steel version of the 60L unit.

And it’s not just a pretty face. There’s a general bin at the top of the unit — with an odour filter to reduce unpleasant smells — and a pull-out drawer at the bottom that can be divided to suit your recycling needs. We’ve got paper and card in one side and plastic and glass in the other.

The top bin can be easily lifted out so it doesn’t disturb the contents of the drawer below plus there is also a separate little caddy for food scraps. This can be stored inside the drawer or the waste bin — or you can take it out entirely to give you more room for refuse; we have ours standing on the kitchen counter.

The Totem 60 — top unit for waste and a pull out drawer for recyling
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
The Totem 60 — includes a separate caddy for food waste
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
The Totem 60 — A pull out drawer for recycling
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
The Totem 60 — The drawer can be sectioned off so you can have two compartments; we have bottles in one side, papers in the other
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

My Totem 60 Bin Review

Joseph Joseph have labelled the Totem 60 ‘intelligent waste’ and they’re not wrong. But as well as being smart in terms of intuition it’s also smart in looks.

It’s streamlined exterior will fit beautifully in any setting; whether your kitchen is a vision of contemporary loveliness or one of rustic charm, this is the perfect bin.

Gone are the piles of paper and precariously balanced towers of cans and bottles, hello Totem 60. Sleek, discreet and a master of waste management.

Trashy this ain’t.

Recycling has never looked so good.

The Totem 60 — the most intelligent waste bin you’re ever likely to come across
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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52 thoughts on “Smart recycling | Totem 60 Bin Review”

  1. I love the look of this, and I love Joseph Joseph products too – I have a complete rainbow of their mixing bowls that I simply adore!

    Unfortunately though, this bin wouldn’t work for me when it comes to glass recycling – definitely not enough space for all my empty wine bottles! ? The rest of it though is ingenious! Xxx

    • Hahaha!!!! That did make me laugh!! I must say, the glass does get emptied into the outside recycling box a lot more frequently than everything else… I guess that says a lot about our alcohol consumption too!! LOL!! ;)

  2. Haha!! NO!! I actually took the pics in my friend’s kitchen — our kitchen is NOT worthy of a blog post at the moment!! And yes — the bin is SO neat and incredibly clever. The best looking — and most practical — bin I’ve ever come across.

  3. I can’t believe I am genuinely excited by this bin! Hahaha! It looks wonderful! My kitchen is also overrun by recycling so this looks like a perfect solution! xo

    • Don’t worry Harriet — I was the same when I saw it!! My boy and I had spent a whole afternoon scoping out bins in John Lewis!!! I was totally bowled over by this one!! ;) Glad it’s not just me!!

  4. I love how efficient this is – being built into your fridge is such a great use of space! Fab find and review x

    • It’s a fab bin — it’s cleared our kitchen of recycling — but it’s not built into the fridge Zoe! The metal unit IS the actual bin!! It does look a bit like a fridge though, I’ll give you that!! ;)

  5. Oh wow what a fab product – great to see great design applied to solve a common problem. We are quite lucky that we don’t need to do much sorting as they have switched to using one recycling bin for most of our recycling items (glass, plastic, paper etc). The convenience has definitely made us more keen recyclers.

    • So clever isn’t it? Makes you wonder why it hasn’t been redesigned before. And that decision by your council is GENIUS!! I wish ours would do the same — it would make life SO much easier!

  6. I am just the kind of person to get enthused by a bin! Our kitchen is only quite small so I need something that doesn’t take up too much room and it looks like this one would fit the bill.

    The recycling is the bane of my life. We leave it on the side by the kitchen door which always looks messy. The addition of two young cats to the house has meant that the recycling has become a challenge to them, to see how far they can bat it across the kitchen floor! I need this bin :-)

    • YES!! I hear you. We have 3 Bengal cats and they think it’s HILARIOUS to drag my piles of recycling all over the house. A dim and distant memory thanks to this awesome bin! :)


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