Our Happy Home | Twin Nursery Tour

Welcome to my twin nursery tour. A space where my babies grew, a place where they felt safe and happy in those first formative years.

A versatile room where simplicity meets vibrancy. And a space that radiates happiness.

When I was pregnant with twins, we chose not to find out the gender of the babies.

Many people do these days, but it was our choice not to. At the end of the day, I was so thrilled to be pregnant; I couldn’t have cared less what sex they were. I didn’t need to know until the day I met them. Ultimately, it was two babies. And that’s all that mattered.

The knock-on effect of this was that we had to be a little more creative with how we decorated our twin nursery. We carefully chose a scheme that suited both genders, even if it was one of each! Had I known we were expecting boys, perhaps there would have been a little more blue in the mix?

Or if I had been creating a little girl’s bedroom, maybe I would potentially have gone a little crazy with pink. I don’t think so… but who knows?

I’m so glad we didn’t know. Because as well as a lovely surprise at the end of my pregnancy, we also ended up with a lovely, fresh, unisex room. One that was perfect for the two little people that resided in it.

Creating a Gender Neutral Twin Nursery

Creating a Gender Neutral Twin Nursery

Creating a gender-neutral decor scheme for a twin nursery — or a singleton baby’s nursery — is ideal if you don’t know the gender of your baby. Plus, it provides a versatile and inclusive space that can be enjoyed by any child.

Here are some things to think about when planning a gender-neutral nursery:

Choose a Neutral Colour Palette

Opt for soothing and neutral colours such as whites, greys, beige, or pastel tones as the foundation of your nursery. These tones create a sense of calm. And provide a versatile backdrop for other elements such as soft furnishings, artwork or toys.

Play with Patterns and Textures

Incorporate patterns and textures that move away from gender stereotypes. Consider geometric prints, stripes, polka dots, or nature-inspired motifs. Mix and match different textures. Such as soft fabrics, knits, or natural materials, to add depth and visual interest to the space.

A Gender Neutral Scheme for a Twin Nursery

Focus on Furniture

Choose furniture that is simple, clean-lined, and timeless. A neutral cot, dresser, and changing table in natural wood or white can serve as functional and gender-neutral anchors for the room.

Add Elements of Nature or Animals

Incorporate nature-inspired elements into the decor, such as botanical prints, nature-themed artwork, or animal motifs.

These can promote a sense of curiosity, for babies, in the nursery while maintaining a gender-neutral aesthetic.

Personalise the Nursery with Artwork and Accessories

Add personal touches through artwork, wall decals, or framed prints that celebrate childhood, adventure, or family.

Look for artwork or accessories that feature diverse representations of children or animals.

Creating a Gender Neutral Twin Nursery

Use Versatile Textiles

Choose bedding, curtains, and rugs in colours or patterns that will complement the overall theme. Whilst providing a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

Soft textiles like blankets and throw pillows can add comfort and warmth to the space.

Incorporate Storage Solutions

Organisational elements in a nursery are essential. You’re going to need a place for all your nappies and wipes etc!

Select storage solutions like baskets, bins, or shelving units that are practical yet visually appealing. Opt for neutral tones or natural materials to maintain the gender-neutral aesthetic.

A Gender Neutral Scheme for a Twin Nursery

Add Pops of Colour

While keeping the overall decor neutral, introduce pops of colour through accessories like cushions, artwork, or accent pieces.

Bright and vibrant hues can bring energy and personality into a space, without leaning towards a specific gender.

I think the key to creating a gender-neutral nursery is to focus on a balanced and inclusive design. One that allows the child’s personality to shine through.

By embracing neutral tones, versatile patterns, and inclusive themes, you can create a welcoming and harmonious space for your babies.

Our Twin Nursery Tour

welcome to our twin nursery tour

We kept the bones of the room very neutral. We painted the walls white, then added blackout blinds and white curtains.

But to give the room a lift, we used wallpaper on the wall behind their cots. (this faces the door ). And on the large wall at the end of the room,  which houses the changing station.

The wallpaper is by Harlequin and is called ‘What a Hoot’. There are three colour options, but we chose the Marine, Strawberry and Apple colourway.

I LOVE bright colours in a nursery. Plus it’s perfect for boys and girls, which was pretty important when we were choosing how to decorate our nursery.

Twin Nursery Furniture

The cribs are the Dover Cotbed from Mamas and Papas.

And as they were white-painted wood, they matched a sideboard we already had.

white wooden cribs in a twin nursery

We used the sideboard as a changing station,  instead of buying a purpose-made one. It’s got lots of storage for nappies. Plus all the other paraphernalia that two tiny humans need. Pop a changing mat on the top of it and it’s the perfect changing table.

The mirror on top of the unit was being thrown out by a friend. It had a dark wood frame originally, so I painted it in white eggshell to match.

Also, placing a mirror opposite a window is a great way to bounce light around. It’s a great way of adding light to dark rooms.


Gender Neutral Nursery Accessories

To give the floor a bit of colour, we added a rug from The Great Little Trading Company. Then hung various bits of colourful artwork on the walls, in white frames from IKEA.

I’ve had the MOOKS letters for years! They were from Anthropologie in New York and used to hang in my office.


I designed the Penguin book cover prints. These are available to buy from my shop. And the Queen’s head artwork was a wedding present from a friend.

Although it’s not a kid’s print,  the bright colours work well with the rest of the room. And,  as the boys get older,  it’s something they won’t grow out of.

Very often, nurseries are so geared up for tiny babies. Then when the child reaches the toddler years, the decor is already too young — and uninspiring — for them.

If you’re nervous about injecting colour into a room, a great way of doing it is just by adding a pop of colour with accessories.

Brightly coloured artwork or rugs. Or even a shelf full of lovely bright books. Sometimes that’s all that’s needed to give a room a splash of colour.

Plus, when it’s outstayed it’s welcome — or you fancy a change — it’s an easy way of changing things without having to redecorate totally.

twin nursery tour - colourful books and art print
twin nursery tour - bright accessories

Storage in The Nursery

The boys are lucky enough to have a huge double wardrobe in their room for their clothes. Which we store in boxes. Then on the handles are hung two little stars that they were given for their naming day.


They’ve also got a shelf for their dinosaur collection, which seems to be constantly growing! And underneath are some hooks, which we found in our first home and have taken with us wherever we live.

It’s an original 1950s design, a metal frame with coloured knobs. It ties in with the room so well. Plus, it’s great for hanging up their coats and other bits and pieces.


Finally, they have a colourful — do it yourself — clock on the wall by Karlsson and mobiles hanging above each bed.

twin nursery tour — bright accessories

When they were born, I went on a mission, looking for baby mobiles. But didn’t manage to find any I liked.

They were all so dull and uninspiring!

In a desperate attempt to create the kind of thing I had in my head, I made the boy’s mobiles from two wire photo hangers.

They have little clips at the end of each arm. They’re generally used for displaying little photographs but I bought some felt shapes and hung those from the clips instead.

They’ve worked so well! When they were very tiny, they would lie for hours and stare at the shapes.

Now they’re older, they just add some decoration to the room.

It’s good to know you’re getting your money’s worth out of something!

Often, things that are sold purposely for the nursery are such a waste of money as,  once they’ve outgrown their purpose, you find you just don’t need them anymore.

Once the boys are out of nappies, their ‘changing table’ will return to being a sideboard and probably move to another room.

When they’ve outgrown the mobiles, I’ve decided to get some mini polaroid style prints created — of our friends and family — and hang those up in their room instead.

Twin Nursery Floorplan

twin nursery floor plan

So there it is. The room for the smallest members of our family!

Our twin nursery changed and evolved as the boys got older, but while they were babies, this layout was the perfect space for them.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | Our Happy Home | Twin Nursery Tour

64 thoughts on “Our Happy Home | Twin Nursery Tour”

  1. Beautiful nursery, your taste is gorgeous and I love the finishing touches and how you’ve created a perfect, fully functional and fun room. I love the sideboard/changing table. I’ve wanted to do a similar post but it won’t be as lovely as yours. I am super proud of the artwork Matt did though. Xxx

    • Thanks so much lovely. I’ll bet your post will be every bit as lovely!! I LOVE having a nosey into peoples homes — and especially looking at where all the littlies sleep. Can’t wait to see Matt’s artwork!!! :) X

  2. Oh wow!! What a fabulous space for little people!!! I knew it would be though with your super cool design eye on the job!!! Going to defo have to check out your noths site!!! LOVE everything in there!! Plus, I’m thinking ‘great minds’ n all – as I’ve just scheduled a room your post for Holly’s room to go out while I’m on holiday! It’s not a patch on yours though! Both in room style abd writing style!!! Hshaha – fab post!!! Sxxx

    • Aaah Steph — what a lovely comment — thank you! I LOVE interiors and never thought I’d get the chance to decorate a nursery for our own baby — let alone two!! And I bet your post is FABULOUS! I shall look out for it! :) X

    • Thanks Sarah — it was great fun to choose all the bits for it! The stamp pic is amazing isn’t it?! It was given to us by our best man and best Laydy for our wedding present! :)

  3. WOW!!!! This is a fantastic and amazing space! Gorgeous nursery and so stylish. Love it. You have the best taste. Lovely. All the pieces are beautiful but my favourite is the clock! Quirky :) Love your home posts. Jess xx

    • Thanks Jess — I really appreciate it! Funnily enough the clock was bought for us one Christmas — it was meant to go in my office but is perfect for the boys room! I much prefer non-kiddy accessories to dress a littlies room XX

  4. What’s a fabulous room! You have created such a lovely space for the boys. I’m not sure I could do it, I would want to know the sex so I could decorate accordingly, but you did a perfect job, and with the finishing touches it makes a great wee boys room. xx

    • Thanks so much Lauren! It’s funny — finding out the sex was just not our agenda at all. And not knowing probably gave me a little more creative licence with their room! I would have felt a little more restricted, had I know the sex of the babies. Thanks for your lovely comment! :) X

    • Awww bless you darling — what a lovely thing to say!! Thanks so much. Yep — always available for decorating duties!! My favourite way to spend a weekend!!

      Really it is. X

  5. I enjoyed the tour of your nursery and added it to my virtual nursery tour. All the bright colors you used were great!

  6. Gorgeous nursery WOW! I love it and all the vibrant colors too. Two lucky lads for sure. Gorgeous. Popping over from #loveyourhome

    • Thanks so much Karen. The Queen’s head is one of my favourite things; aside from the fact it looks good, it was given to us by two of our favourite people, so has lots of sentimental value ! :) X

  7. I LOVE LOVE your nursery! I didn’t get to do any painting or really cool stuff with my twins nursery since we rent and we aren’t allowed to paint but you did an awesome job and I can’t get over how cute your babies room is. :)

    • Thanks so much Krista! Even if you’re renting, you can make a room look fab with the accessories and furniture! Instead of papering a wall, you can frame wallpaper instead — that’s a great way of adding some colour into a plain room! X

  8. This is so gorgeous…so so gorgeous! I’m a little bit in love with it! I love the colours and all the finishing touches you’ve done. We never decorated a nursery as Zach didn’t have his own room until last year but it meant we could go straight into a toddler room which Zach and we adore! I’m now glad we didn’t do a nursery as it would have been a waste! Thanks for sharing this gorgeousness on #twinklytuesday

    • Ahh thanks lovely!! It was lovely to collect all the pieces together to go in the room — better still when you already have things that work too, like the coat-hooks and the Queen’s head print!! Thanks for hosting! X

  9. This is just beautiful! Your boys are so lucky to have a creative Mammy like you Caro. Thanks for linking up with #MultipleMadness

  10. What a gorgeous nursery! I LOVE that wallpaper and love that you didn’t go for trad blue – the bright colours are so lovely and makes for a really fun room! I wish I was as brave with colour! xxx So glad you have found you and your beautiful blog xxx

    • Aaah thanks Bon! We couldn’t have gone for blue really cos we didn’t know what we were having!! :) You can bet, if we’d have picked a colour… we’d have ended up with the wrong sex!! Haha! Girls in an all blue bedroom ;) By keeping to the brights it just meant that we were hedging our bets and didn’t need to decorate again!! x

  11. What a gorgeous nursery – right up my street, white base with lots of colour! Particularly love the wallpaper and the idea of using their clothes as part of the interior – love that! Lucky bubbas to have such a stylish room :) xx

    • Aah thanks so much Poppy! White with splashes of colour works so well doesn’t it? We’ve got a lot of grey in the rest of the house but it didn’t feel quite right foe the boys’ room :)

  12. This looks lovely – I love using lots of primary colours for babies and children, I just think it looks much more interesting than just a mass amount of pink or baby blue. Really nice use of colour here :) #homeetc

    • Thanks so much!! :) Yes — I’m not a fan of baby pink and baby blue either — or if I was to use those colours — it certainly wouldn’t be in a nursery!! ;)

  13. Gorgeous room! I’m loving the wallpapers – owls is a big hit here! We knew we were having a girl but we still did as you did – went neutral. I just wish our nursery was this tidy!! :)

  14. Such a gorgeous children’s room Caro. The decor will grow with the boys.
    I love what you did with the mirror (me any my salvage obsession!) and the book cover names prints are fantastic. AS for the mobiles – snap! I made a mobile for our eldest back in 2008 when I couldn’t find one I liked. It has lasted all three boys and is still cute, to my eyes anyway.
    I was just looking at the layout. The two alcoves could serve you well later when the boys each want their own half of the room.
    I’ll stop going on now in a minute but one last comment – the beam in the ceiling and the wooden doors of the wardrobe blend so well with the colour. The combination of bright colours and traditional retro (stamp print, book prints) and the original features of the room is wonderful.

    • Thanks so much for your lovely comment Fionnuala :) The mirror was dark brown initially — still lovely though — can’t believe my friend was going to skip it!! I keep meaning to do more ‘house tour’ but just haven’t had the time!!

  15. Wow, what a beautiful nursery – no wonder they sleep so well! I love the wallpaper and the rug. I didn’t find out with my two either (loved the surprise) and I went for a jungle theme with my first, but I really love the white with the bright pops of colours. We ended up changing the jungle theme quite quickly as it was too babyish but your design should last a long while yet :) Tracy xx

    • Thanks so much Tracy — it’s wearing well, I must say! I can’t see that we’ll be ready to change it anytime soon :) Thank goodness too!!! I’m not a fan of wallpapering!! ;)

  16. What a beautiful and airy space, I love the idea of keeping it neutral and injecting the colour (that wallpaper is gorgeous) and like you say it will be plenty grown up enough for them as they grow too. My alter-ego is DaisychainBaby and I’m a big fan of babes and kiddies being in all colours, well done for resisting the urge to find out :) X

    • Thanks so much Lins :) I’m such a fan of colour — I LOVE DaisyChainBaby stuff — you sell the Ava and Luc don’t you? Just wonderful. Love that style for littles :)

  17. I love the colours, brights are just great for young children! Love it’s not blue for boys, nice to have other colour too. We have one blue wall and one pink at the request of my son! I’ll do a room tour when it’s all finished too. :) x

  18. Wow, what a wonderful room – I love it! The book prints are amazing – I will definitely be checking these out as a first birthday present for my niece. My boys’ room is an ode to mess these days – I’d love it to look this amazing x #HomeEtc

    • Aah thanks so much Lizzie :) The prints have done really well actually — I’m blown away with the response! :) Am selling them on the blog shop now too :)

  19. Such a beautiful room Caro. I didn’t go down the traditional nursery route either for my girl’s first rooms. I like to have ‘proper’ things too. I also didn’t buy a changing station either time but used their chests of drawers – great minds. I love those prints that you did for the boys, they are gorgeous. But my very favourite is the wallpaper, it’s beautiful and so gender neutral! Lovely room for your two boys xxx #HomeEct

    • Thanks so much lovely! I’m not really a fan of pastels and the sickly sweet baby nursery is really not my cup of tea. I LOVE bright pops of colour — I wanted a space that could really grow with my boys. They love their room and I guess that’s the most important thing! :)

  20. oh my word, I adore this room! I may need to steal some of your ideas! (Sorry – but not so sorry that I won’t ;-)) x

  21. What a gorgeous nursery Caro! It’s funny as I’m just writing a post about my little girl’s room and I love white walls and bright accessories, will link up next week! Gorgeous walls and colour scheme xx #twinklytuesday

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