Decorating Childrens Rooms with Hand Painted Wall Murals

About 15 years ago I was asked if I would decorate a friend’s daughter’s bedroom; with some hand painted wall murals.

It was years before the advent of wall decals and vinyl stickers. But my friend wanted something fun and pretty to break up the vast expanse of magnolia.

The room was a bit of an odd shape — it had an alcove with a sloping roof; but I thought this would lend itself well to creating something really lovely.

Now, I was obsessed with Enid Blyton books when I was a child; and particularly loved The Magic Faraway Tree.

I loved the idea of creating a cosy space; so the little girl could lie in her bed and pretend she was in an enchanted forest.

As her bed fit really well in the alcove, I imagined a tree’s branches surrounding the bed; almost giving her the feeling that she was sleeping in a tree house.

Creating Hand Painted Wall Murals

Decorating childrens rooms is so much fun. I think you can get away with being so much more creative and playful; han you would do anywhere else in the home.

I started off by painting the alcove in hot pink emulsion. Then waited for it to dry then started on the tree design.

Most of my work is created on the Mac or the Cricut these days; but I still love drawing by hand occasionally.

So I drew the tree freehand — with a white pencil — then filled in the lines with white paint.

Decorating Childrens Rooms with Hand Painted Wall Murals
Drawing the design on the wall with white pencil to create the first hand painted wall mural
Decorating Childrens Rooms with Hand Painted Wall Murals — drawing the outline by hand.
The finished outline; ready to paint
Decorating Childrens Rooms with Hand Painted Wall Murals
The tree started to take shape
Hand painted wall murals are easy to create — just see where your imagination takes you!

How to Create Childrens Wall Murals

Next came the foliage. I’d made a leaf shaped stencil and began to add leaves to the branches. Using a gorgeous, zingy lime coloured emulsion; building them up one by one.

After they’d dried, I painted over a few of them with a glitter glaze. Then added some small white stars and some large powder blue flowers, again in emulsion.

Next I added some leaves and tiny stars…
The hand painted mural really fit well in the space

I’d found some brilliant shiny, self adhesive mirror flowers online, which were perfect for popping in the middle of each larger painted flower and dotting around the tree to give it a bit of sparkle and life.

And finally, I’d bought a butterfly garland and cut each little butterfly loose, to glue around the tree.

Adding a few 3D elements, to a mural, is a great way of really bringing it to life. Plus it gives the design a totally unique feel.

Also by adding a little glitter and sparkle — to catch the light — will make something that would otherwise be flat and dull, gorgeous and ethereal.

Hand painted wall murals can be loves another dimension by adding glitter and 3D objects.

Adding Fairy Lights To Hand Painted Murals

Adding fairy lights to hand painted wall murals, when you’re decorating childrens bedrooms is a fantastic way to add even more interest.

Plus they act as a built in nightlight too.

I attached fairy lights around the trunk and branches of the tree with the help of some clear, self adhesive hooks.

When they were switched off, you could barely see them but when they were on they looked amazing! They glinted off the glitter glaze and twinkled off the tiny mirror flowers.

All of a sudden our plain old wall had turned into something really magical!

I also painted a couple of freehand butterflies and leaves to the wall leading into the room.

The Finished Wall Mural

Finally, once the bed was back in place, and I’d touched up a couple of areas, it was finished.

It was so simple to do — and cheap too. We used a small can of paint for the hot pink wall; but the white, lime and blue emulsion were all tester pots.

It took just a day to create this. The longest time we had to wait was 40 minutes or so for the pink background pain. Then the same again for the body of the tree.

hand painted murals for kids rooms give you the chance to be so creative!
Hand painted murals for kids rooms give you the chance to be so creative!
hand painted murals for kids rooms give you the chance to be so creative!

Everything else was fairly instant! I used a glue gun to stick the fabric butterflies to the wall and the mirror flowers were self adhesive.

Needless to say, my little friend was pretty happy with her new space. As was I.

hand painted murals for kids rooms give you the chance to be so creative!
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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64 thoughts on “Decorating Childrens Rooms with Hand Painted Wall Murals”

  1. Wow that looks so good, what a great effort! The photo with the feet in the corner made me laugh though! #twinklytuesday

    • Thanks Carolyn!! Haha — I wondered how many people would notice my slippers!! I had my feet up, taking a pic of my efforts! :)

      PS — just taken another look — they’re actually my HUSBAND’S feet!! LOL! That’s even funnier!! :)

  2. Oh gosh, you are one talented lady. That tree looks incredible and I would’ve never of thought to add lights.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  3. Oh my God, that is amazing. You are amazing. How did you create that so effortlessly? You lovely lady, are a goddamn artistic genius. When we buy a new house I will need to hire you as my interior designer. Could I pay you in cookies? Hugs Mrs H xxxx

  4. You are SO talented! You have such an amazing eye and talent for interior design. Please come and do my room next! Jess x

    • Aaah bless you Jess — that’s so lovely of you to say. I wish I’d pursued it as a career to be honest, I really love it. It’s gorgeous to be able to share things like this in my blog now! X

  5. WOW you are truly the most creative person ever. I could never have drawn that. It looks amazing! I bet a little girl’s dream bedroom too. I love it. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

    • Aww thanks lovely! I’d forgotten about it, until some of the girls said they’d like to see me post a girl’s bedroom!!! So good that we have the photos! I may do something similar for the boys xx

  6. Wow, this looks amazing. What a lucky little girl. My husband and I have often talked about doing something similar in our children’s rooms – this might just finally give us the inspiration we need! Thank you for sharing, it’s so lovely x

  7. This is lovely Caro, just perfect for a little girl! I have been planning on painting a tree somewhere in our house, not quite sure where yet though! xxx

  8. Ooh this is amazing! You did an incredible job :) I’m currently pinning away all over the place getting ideas for Elsa’s bedroom and now I’m wondering if my landlord will let me paint a mural.

    • Charlotte, it’s only paint at the end of the day! Just say to him that you’ll be happy to make-good and paint it back to normal when you leave. I’m sure he’d be happy to let you create a mural! x

  9. Oh wow that is amazing! you are so talented! Miss M would just love that tree and she loves butterflies. I bet your home must look stunning! x

  10. Oh, I love this so much!

    We are planning room makeovers for both kiddies this year and this has given me a lot of inspiration for G’s room.

    You know, if you ever fancy coming to Norfolk you are more than welcome to decorate G’s room – I can pay you in cake! xxx

  11. This is honestly amazing! I’m so impressed!! It’s perfect for a little girl and you’ve captured that magic faraway tree vibe perfectly! So clever #HomeEtc xx

  12. Oh you put me to shame!!! 4 months later and I am still working on the girls room. I have done nothing since putting the bunk beds. This looks amazing. My girls would love a room like this. Can you come and do their room please? ;-) #HomeEtc

    • Haha!! You weren’t the only one to ask!! I had lots of people queuing up when I first did it… once was enough though!!! ;) Do it — your girls will love you for it!! It’s easy, I promise!! xx

  13. that is stunning. I love the way you did the tree in the corner so it grows around the space and the lights are soo cute. My daughter would love a wall like that in her bedroom

  14. Absolutely STUNNING. Those alcove spaces are so difficult to decorate but I think you’ve done a fabulous job. Love how it looks like the trunk is coming out of the skirting board. Amazing!

  15. Wow! what a lucky little girl! She must have been soooo happy with this. I love the idea of lights on the wall. Thank you for sharing.

  16. What a beautiful wall! That really is quite special, I bet your friends daughter was delighted with it! I cant believe how talented you are, and this was how many years ago?! So, so so impressed :-) Emily #HomeEtc

  17. Caro, that it just amazing. What a beautiful design and how clever are you! I also loved the Magic Faraway Tree and I can imagine Moon Face beaming away when he sees this (along with a very proud and excited owner.) Really lovely. #Homeetc

  18. Wow, just wow! I love this & my daughter would adore this in her room. We’re about to start decorating the outside of the shed at the bottom of our garden. My husband & daughter want a night theme with an owl sitting on a branch of a tree. I might employ some of the techniques you’ve used here. Great post! #HomeEtc


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