Bertie’s Egg Allergy (& The Egg Allergy Test)

After ‘Bertie’s Egg Allergy‘ episode happened, we had been quickly referred for an appointment at Birmingham City Hospital. For Bertie’s immunology testing.

Odd — seeing as Leicester (which is closer) has a reportedly amazing immunology department . But hey, we dance to the beat of the NHS drum. So we went along with it and didn’t cause a fuss.

Whilst they were pretty quick in organising the appointment, however, there followed a waiting time of 84 days… (that’s a quarter of the Twinkle’s whole lives, so far!!).

But finally, on Tuesday, this week, we went to our appointment. Three months after Bertie’s egg allergy first reared it’s ugly head.

Like butter wouldn’t melt
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Bertie’s Egg Allergy Appointment

We had Bertie’s egg allergy appointment with a consultant called Mr North.

He chatted to us about Bertie — asking why we thought he may be allergic to egg etc etc . He also asked why we’d come so far? Especially given that ‘Leicester is considerably closer and also has a (dare-I-say-it) better department than ours (possibly)’.

Hmm. That’s not at all annoying said through gritted teeth.

Think the NHS drums must have gotten a little out of sync on this occasion.


Testing For Histamine

He said he would like to test Bertie’s reaction to histamine, egg yolk and egg white. And we were asked to give our parental consent.

Cue 3 tiny pen marks on his little arm to identify where Dr North would put a tiny drop of each. Then forced into his bloodstream with the aid of a scalpel.

The histamine came up — red and angry — which was good, said the wise doctor.

Next he tested for egg yolk. Nothing. Great, I thought, maybe this was a mistake after all?

Nope, no mistake. When the good doctor tested for egg white,  the patch of skin surrounding it came up like a burn. Red, agitated skin. Looking irritated that it’s beautiful smooth surface had been permeated by a foreign, eggy, invader.

Well, that’s it then — said he — we can conclusively day that he’s allergic to egg white.

Ho hum.

But How Long Do Egg Allergy Symptoms Last?

According to Mr North, most children grown out of an egg allergy around the age of 7 or 8 apparently.

egg gate
My beautiful first born son
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

How To Cope With a Child With an Egg Allergy

He did tell us all sorts of other interesting things too.

The majority of children that are allergic to egg can tolerate it if it has been baked. For example cake, biscuits, pasta etc etc.. he said that we needed to test Bertie with this last theory.

The safest method, he said, is to get a few crumbs of cake. Then dab it onto the underside of his bottom lip.

Apparently the receptors there are very sensitive. So if you’re ever unsure about adding a new food to your baby’s diet , this is the place to test it.

He also said, it’s exceptionally rare for anyone to go into anaphylactic shock due to an egg allergy.

He asked us if we’d tried B with peanuts. When I said no — he said that this is the method we should try.

A dab of peanut butter on the tip of my finger and dab it onto the underside of his lip. Better get the Sun Pat in then. And the ambulance on speed dial ;)

All in all, it has put my mind at ease.

Life After The Appointment

Albeit a bit of a ball-ache to trek over to Birmingham, when we could have gone to Leicester. Or that we waited three months for the appointment. Ultimately, our NHS is doing the best it can. I feel satisfied that the advice we’ve been given is good.

We tried Bertie with a bit of cake that afternoon. A tiny morsel of an ‘exceedingly good’ fruitcake. I dabbed it onto the underside of his lower lip, as I’d been advised, and we waited… and watched…


Whilst my beautiful first born may not be able to enjoy a scrambled, poached or boiled egg. Or a meringue. Or a blob of mayonnaise until he’s a little older, possibly. He will be able to enjoy a piece of cake.

And that is a very happy prospect for a little boy who’s about to turn one in 14 days time.

14 days.

2 more little weeks and my babies will be a year old. Who’d have thunk it?

We’ve come a long, long way, since I started writing this diary :)

Gorgeous Cosmo-Bear
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
My beautiful 2nd born boy
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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2 thoughts on “Bertie’s Egg Allergy (& The Egg Allergy Test)”

  1. It sounds like the appointment was worth the wait – being able to eat cake is definitely a good thing for someone with an impending first birthday!

    • It was SO worth the wait!! :) And a massive relief to be told that he will be able to eat baked egg… makes it a little easier for cake, pasta and other treats to be part of his diet and not a banned substance! X

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