Family Festival Checklist

I’ve spoken to lots of people who love the thought of taking their little ones to a festival but aren’t sure what to take. I thought I’d put together a little collection of interviews with friends, who regularly take their  kids to festivals. And compile the ultimate Family Festival Checklist!

First off we had Tamandra — you can see her family festival checklist here.

The second part of the series is with Melanie.

She and her husband Rich have two children, Maia and Jude. They were regular festival goers pre-children and now they have little ones in tow, it hasn’t curbed their enthusiasm at all and their children now also enjoy the delights of festival season.

essential items for a kids festival
Me, Maia and Rich at Just So Festival

What do you like best about festivals with kids?

I’ve loved our festival times with kids as it’s something we can really, genuinely all enjoy together as a family.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved taking Maia to Thomasland and to the Santa Sleepover at Alton Towers — even to the village park and so on — but at family festivals both kids and grown-ups can really let their hair down, relax, laugh and enjoy.

What’s your ultimate family festival checklist when camping in a tent with kids?

Aarrghhh — we always forget something and really envy those campers who seem to be ridiculously well-organised! But I’d say:

  1. A bucket or Potette for midnight wees (or worse) — and a headtorch — so you can see what you’re doing!
  2. Wellies, wet wipes, tissues, loo roll, anti-histamines, plasters, Savlon – the usual stuff really!
  3. A wheelbarrow with an inflatable tyre for wheeling all the kit from the car to the campsite.
  4. An off-road pushchair for tired legs or simply just for carting round all the kit.
  5. A copy of Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak


1. Where The Wild Things Are 
2.  Potette Plus Travel Potty — John Lewis
3. Wheelbarrow with inflatable tyre — Wheelbarrows.
4. Savlon, Allergy Relief Tablets, Andrex Washlets, Antibactyerial Gel — Boots

5. Britax BOB Revolution SUS 3 Wheeler Pushchair — Kiddicare

What is your favourite family friendly festival?

We would definitely say The Just So Festival in Cheshire – a wonderful romp of an adventure for both kidlets and biggies. 

We love it – it’s the way life should be!!

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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5 thoughts on “Family Festival Checklist”

    • Aaah do it Kay!! You’ll have so much fun :) My boys are two and Camp Bestival will be their second festival :) It’s a different experience to going as a couple, but fab all the same! :) xx

  1. Ah wow, Ive always looked at Camp Bestival and thought my kids would love it. Maybe next year! It must be so different going with children. It’s the tent of a festival that bothers me but I need to take the bull by the horns and just do it as I know my kiddies would love it. x #sundaystars

    • It’s so worth doing — my two went to a festival for the first time last year — age 1 — and they loved it! There’s way around the tent thing too — lots of glamping options inlcuding (if you’re feeling really flush) hiring a motorhome!! I would say that’s certainly the most comfy way to festival with kids in tow!! ;)


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