A Papercut Art Present for My Friend

I mentioned in a recent post that we had just celebrated my best girlfriend’s birthday. It was her 40th and I wanted to give a really special present, so I thought long and hard about what we should give to her. Eventually I decided to make something, rather than buy a gift.

I have spoken in the past about a growing love for the art of papercutting and have had a couple of attempts, by hand, to create some papercut art. Both were for the Craft Blog Club, which was a Twitter based club for crafty folk.  The first was for a Secret Santa Project and the second for a Spring Clean Gift Swap

I loved creating them and it gave me lots of ideas for my business too.

Roll on a year, since I made the first one and I have created a fair few since then for various weddings. In the new year, I’m going to start offering machine cut versions on my ‘Not On The High Street‘ pages and the Mooks website.

I’m so used to designing for print that seeing a 3D version of my artwork is incredibly exciting!

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Papercut Art for My Friend

The one I created for my bestie was based around friendship. She’s been my best friend for nearly 20 years — I am godmother to her beautiful, eldest daughter — and she is now one of Bertie’s godmummys.

We used to live together and saw each other constantly, even after Dickie and I bought a house of our own. Then we moved further away — and life got in the way — but we have still remained firm friends.

We see each other as often as we can and are lucky that we have an amazing, extended, group of close mutual friends who we are able to combine visits with. She’s always been there through good times and bad and I know that if I needed her she’d be by my side like a shot.

Dickie and I both love her dearly.

Our present to her is a reflection of that. It’s a quote I’d seen and is very relevant for us.

True friends are like stars

You don’t have to see them

To know they are there

Homemade gifts

I was so pleased with it; it feels lovely to be putting my illustrative skills to good use again. Combining mac skills with freehand drawing is something I love and I’ve so many ideas for the coming year. 

As the cut paper is very delicate, I wanted something to really show it off to it’s best advantage. I have a brilliant framer, who I work with on my Not On The High Street prints. He created a fabulous frame for it, so the paper is sandwiched between two sheets of glass.

It looks pretty cool when it’s hung on the wall or stood on a shelf.

I am pretty happy with it but, more to the point, so was she! It’s so lovely to be able to give something that you’ve made.

What phrase or wording would you like to see on a papercut picture? I’m always looking for new inspiration and creating things that people really want is the best kind of gift!

Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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7 thoughts on “A Papercut Art Present for My Friend”

  1. Oh I love it. How clever are you. I bought something similar a while ago off a facebook group, will have to take a photo for you. Very clever. Thanks for linking to #sundaystars

  2. I love this – it is stunning! Such a thoughtful and nice idea. You’re a wonderful friend and I am sure she loved it. Thanks for sharing and linking up with #sundaystars

    • Thanks Jess :D That means a lot. She did love it and has ordered one for her sister that says ‘Sisters are like stars…’! So happy to be able to make something that will last and last! X

  3. Thanks so much pet!! Try it — it’s such a fun thing to do!!! Just make sure you put a plaster on the handle of your scalpel though, otherwise you’ll get a blister!!!

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