116 weeks and 5 days | 2015 MAD Blog Awards

Something amazing happened last week. I read on Facebook that the finalists for the 2015 MAD Blog Awards had been announced, so popped along to the TOTS 100 site to have a look to see if any of my friends had made the final cut.

Totally delighted to see the blogs of some of my very favourites listed. There was a good sprinkling of my friends, in each section, along with some names I didn’t know.

But when I scrolled down the the Best Home and Interiors category I nearly spat my tea out. Unbelievably my little blog’s name was nestled in amongst some of the most lovely blogs I have the pleasure of reading.

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Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Now, I’ve always been a bit of a chatterbox. I have a school report that says:

‘If Caroline spent more time working and less time talking she’d have a bright future’

but I was absolutely speechless.

Thank you so, so much anyone that bothered to place a vote for me. Without wanting to sound like a gushy OSCAR winner, I’m blown away and so immensely grateful.

Ultimately, there can only be one winner but — for me — even to be in a runners-up parade, with the other five blogs that don’t take the top spot is amazing. The calibre of blogs listed is so high and to see my little blog on the same page is brilliant. More than I ever hoped for.

I’m up against some incredible bloggers, some are award winning, others have brands and sponsors fighting to be featured on their blogs, some have thousands — like multiple thousands — of followers.

And then there’s me.

Under the radar, just bimbling along doing my own thing. My blog is not 100% homes and interiors based — it’s an eclectic mix of everything I love. My family, my loves, my life. But it’s written from the heart.

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | 116 weeks and 5 days | 2015 MAD Blog Awards

67 thoughts on “116 weeks and 5 days | 2015 MAD Blog Awards”

  1. Caro I was so thrilled to see your name on there but not at all surprised, I don’t think you realise how amazing your blog is. I’ve been reading it for so long now and I have seen it change and develop from your lovely little twin diaries into what it is now and it is just amazing! Very well done xx

    • Aaah Hayley — you are so lovely. I was surprised — I literally did a double take!! I just feel so totally under the radar still. When I decided in January that I was going to grow the blog and start doing it properly I never would have imagined — in a million years — that something like this would happen!! So grateful to everyone. But especially to my bestest blogging buddies ;) xxxx

    • Thanks SO much Gina!!! I’d love to tell the teacher that wrote that, what I’m doing with my life today!! And the fact that I’ve made the finals of a prestigious blogging awards!! ;) Good luck sweetie — fingers crossed for you!! x


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