I’m Going to BritMums Live!

Last year I watched, with interest, as my Twitter feed went absolutely mad around the time time of Britmums Live.

Established bloggers, that I had followed for a while, getting really excited and making plans with their blogging buddies. Newby bloggers tweeting about how frightened they felt, at the prospect of attending such  a big event for the first time. I sat back and felt sad that I wasn’t going.

And hugely relieved that I wasn’t going!!

This time last year, I had been writing my little blog for a year and a half. Totally under the radar. Nobody knew who I was and blogging was a relatively solitary pursuit back then.

This year is a totally different kettle of fish!

I’m Going to BritMums Live Because…

In January I went self hosted. Decided to take my blog to the next level.

Some lovely opportunities have come my way, as a direct result and I’ve been welcomed into the most amazing group of bloggers, who I now call my friends. Plus I have bought my ticket for this year’s Britmums Live.

I’m going to BritMums Live! :)

The vlog I’ve just made for the Vlogstars linky is all about ‘getting to know me’ but here’s a little bit more, just in case you’re vaguely interested.

Some Stats about Caro Davies and The Listed Home

Caro Davies — Editor of The Listed Home

The Listed Home

Twitter ID:

5’4 (ish).

A shade over 5’3 if I’m being absolutely honest with myself ;)

Dark brown, wavy (often very messy).


(oh yes — and brown).

Is this your first blogging conference?
No! Thankfully I went to BlogCamp, in Birmingham, last month. I think I would feel very much more nervous if I hadn’t gone there first.

Are you attending both days?

What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2015?
I’m really excited to see all my blogging buddies — some for the second time, some for the first. I’m looking forward to  putting real faces — and voices — to the bloggers that I chat to online; seeing the keynote speeches, attending the workshops.

Most of all, I’m looking forward to learning new things. I’ve been looking at all the workshops and it’s a shame that I won’t be able to do all of them! Since I decided to grow my blog I’ve become so passionate about blogging and I want to do it as well as I possibly can. Learning as much as I can over the course of Britmums Live is the thing I’m most looking forward to.

What are you wearing?
Something yellow, most probably. Or stripy.

Or stripy and yellow, just to totally cover all bases ;)

What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2015?
Knowledge and new friends.

Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before?
Well, as I haven’t been before, I shall be reading the tips from those that have with interest! That said, if my Blog Camp experience is anything to go by, I’d say ‘put yourself out there’.

Try not to be too shy (even if you feel it) because, ultimately, a lot of people are in the same boat; a lot of people will be nervous.

Smile :) — Smiling is contagious, and a friendly face puts everyone at ease.

Caro Davies from The Listed Home
Look out for me and say hi — I’m Going to BritMums Live 2015
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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100 thoughts on “I’m Going to BritMums Live!”

  1. I’m in the boat you were last year, watching as everyone prepares for Brit mums, wishing I were joining in the fun, it all came too soon for us though.

    You will have great fun i’m sure :)

    • I think last year was too soon for me… this year feels totally different. I’m still a bit anxious but mostly super-excited to see all my blogging buddies again. I think going to Blog Camp really helped. I’d definitely encourage you to try a little blog conference first — I think I’d be totally freaking out if this was my first!! :)

  2. Eeeek it’s my first time at a blogging conference but my ticket’s booked, my sponsor is sorted & I’m even meeting up with some other lovely bloggers so whilst I’m nervous I’m not completely terrified! Hope to bump into you there, love your blog! x TwinklyTuesday

    • Aah good for you getting a sponsor! :) I didn’t even try this year — I was too scared to ask anyone so bought my own ticket! :) I look forward to meeting you there! x

  3. Im glad I am not the only one! Maybe I should have waited until next year….wondering if its a bit early as haven’t even been doing it three months yet – but now the hotel is done too theres no backing out lol! Look forward to seeing you there – will try not to be too nervous! Thanks for hosting #TwinklyTuesday xx

  4. I’m so jealous! I also feel a bit relieved as I think I would be super nervous. I’ve only been blogging for four months though so maybe next year………..Have an amazing time! #TwinklyTuesday

    • Yes — the financial aspect is pretty tough. Most bloggers I know have managed to bag a sponsor but I felt a bit too cheeky asking this year!! Maybe next year! ;)

  5. It sounds like so much fun, I hope I might be able to go next year as I feel like my blog is too young! (less than 5months) have a wonderful time! #twinklytuesday


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