Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior

I’ve been meaning to write this post for AGES. I’ve had so many messages from people over recent months, asking what I use for painting a caravan exterior.

So I thought I’d finally jot down my method; before another year passes by.

Caravan painting is nothing new — people have been doing it for years! These days, however, most vehicles are factory finished. So a caravan respray at home fills a lot of people with fear.

My first DIY caravan makeover post — Tips For Decorating a Caravan — concentrated on painting and wallpapering a caravan interior. So this next instalment concentrates on the outside! What caravan exterior paint to use etc…

Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Can I Paint The Outside Of a Caravan?

In a word yes!

When we were renovating Dolly 1, I did a little bit of research on paint suitable for caravan exterior. Seeking the advice from other caravan enthusiasts in particular.

Googling ‘can you paint a caravan’ led me to various forums. Where I learned that although standard  gloss paint may seem like a good idea (and look good initially) I was warned that it may crack and peel over time.

The same can be said for any ‘standard’ exterior paint.

The surface of a caravan flexes and moves, so the paint you use needs to work with this.

Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
The surface of a caravan flexes and moves, so you need to use a specialist paint
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

What Paint do I Use for Outside of Caravan?

After speaking to various train, boat and motor enthusiasts, I decided to do as they all suggested. And use Tekaloid — or coach enamel paint.

I have written a whole post on what paint to use on the outside of a caravan. But in a nutshell this is it.

Apparently Tekaloid 318 is ‘a superior coach paint with excellent flow characteristics. It is particularly suitable for brush application but can be sprayed. It has excellent gloss and colour stability, a superb appearance and durability’.

Sounds great doesn’t it?

Also a bonus that you can get it mixed to any colour you choose.

I had a look online and found a fab company who sell coach paint (amongst other things), mixed to order.

You can imagine my joy when the little pots of Tekaloid paint arrived. In exactly the right shade of powder-blue that I’d picked from my Pantone book.

Definitely a case of easier said than done

When it came to painting with said coach enamel, all the promise of ‘excellent flow’ kind of fell flat.

Coach Enamel Paint

All the years that I’ve been using paint — everything from oils, enamel, gouache and watercolour — to emulsion, gloss, eggshell and chalkpaint — I have never come across anything that behaves quite like Tekaloid.

For a start, you can’t paint the middle then cut in the edges afterwards (or vice versa). If you do, you’re left with a really uneven texture; you can almost see the division between the different coats.

And if you paint in wind or sun, you get really odd strands of paint — almost like spun sugar — coming off your brush. It’s bizarre.

That said, it does give a lovely high gloss finish and it’s tough and flexible, so no cracking or peeling. Even after a few years — that I can vouch for.

So would I use it again?


And I did!

When we bought Dolly 2, I decided that I’d use the same coach enamel paint. But — using the knowledge that I’d gleaned from Dolly 1’s makeover — a different method to apply it.

With Dolly 1, I’d used a brush for the edges and filled the middle in with a roller.

I was left with (what I thought was) a very visible paint line around the edge. The paint layers didn’t merge at all, they literally just sat on top of each other.

So with Dolly 2, it was all about the prep.

This is what I did.

Method For Painting a Caravan Exterior

How To Paint a Caravan Exterior

How To Paint a Caravan Exterior

Yield: 1


  1. Give the paintwork a good wash, using sugar soap, to get as much grime and grease off as possible., then give the surface a really, really light sand (medium grade sandpaper) to the surface of the areas you wish to paint.

  2. Remove vent covers, handles — and any other bits and pieces that can be removed. You can spray these separately.

  3. Mask off the edges of any areas that you don't want to paint with automotive masking tape.

  4. Once all the edges are masked off, begin painting the outside of the caravan with your coach paint. I used a mini gloss roller.

  5. I let the paint cure for a full 24 hours before painting a second coat. If I'd had more time, I think I would have left it even longer between coats. We don't have a garage — or covered space — large enough to fit Dolly though, so painting took place over a dry bank holiday weekend.

  6. Remove the masking tape then stand back and enjoy your handiwork.


Hand-painted coach paint is never going to give the same modern, professional finish as vehicle spray  paint; but for a vintage caravan look — which I wanted for my caravans — hand painted coach enamel is, by far, the best option

Granted, it's not going to be totally perfect and without it's defects, but that's how people used to paint caravans in years gone by, and the flaws and imperfections are part of the charm.

Dolly 2 before her mammoth caravan makeover! ABI Tristar — before painting
Dolly 2 before her mammoth caravan makeover!
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Tips for decorating a caravan and Painting a caravan exterior. This pic shows Dolly The Caravan before her makeover. ABI Tristar.
Definitely no curb appeal
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Removing vent covers makes it easier to paint a caravan exterior
Taking off vent covers etc makes it easier to paint the caravan exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Automotive Masking Tape

Just a quick mention about investing in automotive masking tape.

This stuff is BRILLIANT. It’s really flexible, low tack and gives a lovely clean, crisp edge, when you peel it back after painting.

It’s absolutely key to use this — rather than standard decorator’s masking tape.

Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

After Masking

Once all the edges were masked off, I began painting the outside of the caravan with the Tekaloid coach paint.

I used a mini gloss roller (make sure you definitely use the foam gloss kind, not the hairy emulsion ones!!) to fill in between where I’d masked, stroking over the joins with a soft decorators paintbrush to get a lovely even finish.

Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

This worked SO much better than trying to paint the middles and cut in the edges separately!!!

Hand-painted coach paint is never going to give the same modern, professional finish as vehicle spray  paint; but for a vintage caravan look — which I wanted for Dolly 1 and Dolly 2 — hand painted coach enamel is, by far, the best option.

Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Automotive masking tape is brilliant when you're painting a caravan exterior.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

If you’re painting the exterior of your caravan outside, make sure that the weather is going to play ball! It’s imperative it’s a dry day and doesn’t rain — you definitely don’t want water marks on your new paintwork!

Dolly the yellow and white caravan. Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
The yellow paintwork after removing the masking tape! A million miles better than before.
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

I waited a couple of weeks before painting the white section.

I used a window scraper to remove the Tristar decals and ‘go faster’ stripes, and followed the same procedure as above; sanding the area, before masking it off and painting the areas with a gloss roller.

You could potentially leave any white bodywork, but I loved how much fresher the overall look was after a lick of white Tekaloid paint.

Touring Caravan Paint

Whilst a sunny yellow painted touring caravan may not be everyone’s cuppa, it’s definitely ours!

Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

But — even before I painted Dolly 2 — we’d agreed that the caravan makeover wasn’t going to stop at just the paintwork.

I had designed some vinyl decals and the next stage was to find a company to make them. But more on that in another post.

Our little yellow and white caravan! Dolly the caravan after her makeover.
Dolly after her makeover!
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

For now, this was a good start.

Roller Painted Van By Hand — or Professional Caravan Respray?

Just to reiterate, hand painting a caravan is never going to be a match for spray-paint; if you want an unblemished, modern paint finish (similar to that of current day vehicles) get it done professionally.

But if you’re wanting to renovate a vintage caravan — or give your ugly old caravan a new look, coach paint is a brilliant option.

Both our caravans were in a pretty sorry state when we first bought them; and it was never my intention to spend lots of money on renovating them.

But I did want to give them a little makeover; and give them the look and feel of a vintage caravan. I’m so glad I didn’t go down the route of painting the caravans with exterior gloss. I’ve spoken to so many people who’ve done this and said that it’s cracked over time and has ended up looking really awful.

Tekaloid — or coach paint — has been designed for this job; it’s what people have used for donkey’s years. The difference these days is, you can get it in literally every colour under the sun.

It’s definitely a tricky paint to work with; however, it gives a brilliantly, shiny finish that protects the van and will last for years and years.

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Tips for Decorating a Caravan | Painting a Caravan Exterior
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.
Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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