Storage Ideas For My Garden Office

I’ve been thinking of storage ideas for my garden office.

My imaginary garden office.

I’ve mentioned it time and time again on my blog. I’ve even dedicated a Pinterest board to it. But THIS YEAR it’s finally happening!

This is the year my garden office goes from being imaginary to real! Weeeeeeeee! *claps hands in excitement*

It’s currently sitting in the garden — in pieces — waiting for my boy (and a willing helper) to put it together. The base has been built in readiness and (fingers crossed) this weekend it will be constructed.

Whilst I can’t really get too excited about the interior until it’s built, and has been boarded out, I’ve been making plans and trying to work out how best to store — and display — everything that’s going to have to live in there.

The space is good — the building will measure 16′ x 10′ — and there will be a bank of windows down the right hand side.

I plan to have low built in storage built the full length of the workroom, which will store my magazines and books. This is the pic that holds my gaze the longest, on the Pinterest board, so I’m hoping it will look a lot like it.

I’m hoping to have shelving similar to this in my garden office | Image Source
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

Quirky Storage Ideas for my new garden office

But as well as a wall of fabulous shelving, I’d like some other storage solutions to give my new work-space a little bit of personality.

Jam jars filled with colourful stationery items, a plans-chest for all of my card-stock, plus various boxes and baskets for all the other bits of work paraphernalia, that seems to constantly clutter up our dining room (where it currently resides).

This is the kind of thing I’m thinking of…

Quirky storage solutions for my new garden office — all HomeSense
Photo Credit: The Listed Home.

More Storage Ideas

1 — Glass Jars
Perfect for little items; paperclips, rubber-bands, washi tape etc.

2 — File Boxes
Great for storing my invoices.

3 — Pigeon-Hole Storage Cabinet
I can see my little pots of coloured inks could sit quite happily in here :)

4 — Wire Baskets
Take your pick with this one, It has a multitude of uses! Would look good in the bathroom — filled with loo rolls — or equally at home in my new office, stacked with magazines ;)

5 — Colourful Storage Boxes
To stop my lovely new shelves looking too cluttered, I plan on having lots of these storage boxes at hand. Perfect for all those office essentials that you don’t want out on display.

6 — Plans Chest
Aah I have hankered after one of these for years. I’d absolutely LOVE a plans chest! The perfect storage solution for paper, card and artwork that needs to be kept clean and pristine.

7 — Pen Pot
I seem to have the world’s pen population living in, on and around my desk! Note to self: a lovely pen pot is a must for a tidy office.

8 — Fabric Baskets
I have lots of these in the house that are filled with the boys’ toys; so practical and useful. I plan on having lots more in my new office, filled with my sewing and crafty bits and pieces.

I’m so looking forward to finally having a home for all of my work-stuff again. Everything in one room, with a dedicated place of it’s own. These little storage solutions will be a brilliant way of keeping everything tidy and looking good*.

*I just need to actually learn to start putting things away after I’ve used them ;)

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

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46 thoughts on “Storage Ideas For My Garden Office”

  1. Oh it’s going to be fabulous, a lovely little haven of your own and I can’t wait to see how you decorate it :)

    • Aah bless you lovely!!! I am totally and utterly amazed that it’s finally happening!!!! Gorgeous to have another project to get my teeth into as well! I felt a bit bereft when we put Dolly away for the winter!! ;)

  2. Caro, how exciting! I love the idea of the low storage and that plans chest is just beautiful – very much looking forward to future posts with lots of pics of your garden office, I would LOVE a little space like that! #HomeEtc xx

    • I’m SO excited Poppy!!!! The low storage is something I’m absolutely fixated on — particularly as I can use the tops to pack orders, shoot product etc.. beyond excited!!!

  3. My instinct is to say “You lucky, lucky thing!” but that would not be right. You have worked damn hard for your garden office – so, congratulations that it is finally coming to fruition.
    The boys have a shelf similar to no. 3 in their room but I am thinking of pinching it for my own hobby room. They are such a lovely way to simultaneously store and display little bits and pieces.
    I was very tempted by some wire baskets in Dunnes (an Irish store) last week when I was home on a visit. Now that I have seen they they have free delivery on international orders at the moment, I think I will give in and get them.
    I’m looking froward to seeing further posts on the progress with your garden office as the year goes on.

    • Aah thanks lovely!! And you’re right — no luck involved here (well, maybe a little bit?! ;) ) YES to a hobby room — you should definitely pinch it for yourself!! And yes to the baskets too. SO useful. Have never heard of Dunnes — I’m off to check them out!!! ;) xx

  4. I am HUGELY jealous, I have a little corner in our bedroom but my dream would be a whole room, or at least half for me and the hubby.

    I am loving your pics, Jars filled of washi tape is a must of course, I spent a little in Homesense over the weekend it is one of my favourite places.

    Excited to see the progress xx

  5. I am beyond excited for you, this is going to be amazing!!! I almost feel more impatient than you probably do to see it being built, thank goodness for Pinterest for lots of lovely inspiration in the meantime!! X

  6. Oh how exciting! I can’t wait to see it. I can live my garden office dreams vicariously through yours! Will you have a woodburner in it? That’s one of my ultimate dreams x #HomeEtc

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