Watercolour Flowers (And The Art of Brush Lettering)

This year I promised myself that I was going to learn how to write properly. I don’t mean stringing works and sentences together either; I do that regularly on my blog, in typed form.

But more the ‘art’ of handwriting. Brush lettering in particular.

You’d think that this is a skill that I’d have perfected by now. As I’m not a child anymore.

But I’m such a lazy writer; often scribbling words in such a rush that I don’t even understand what they say myself.

And recently, with the trend for the lovely brush lettering fonts.

I’m often using brush lettering in my designs and prints; I have wished (on more than one occasion) that I could write as beautifully with my own hand; as I can with my computer.

So this week has seen me revisit my childhood and get practicing.

After stacking up on supplies from The Works — who have got a fab selection of art materials — I got cracking with the watercolour paints.

brush lettering with watercolour paint
brush lettering with watercolour paint
brush lettering with watercolour paint
Practicing the art of brush lettering with watercolour paint
brush lettering with watercolour paint

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Handwriting and Brush Lettering

SO much fun.

And made me really appreciate the lost art of handwriting too.

It was lovely to really take my time and look at each letter individually. Rather than hurriedly trying to get the words down on the paper as quickly as I could.

There’s something very therapeutic about painting in this way. A little like the adult colouring books that I spoke about last year. Concentrating on something creative is akin to meditation — very relaxing and great for clearing the mind.

Although, as ever, after a little time spent doing one thing on repeat.

I got a little bit sidetracked and ended up painting some watercolour flowers too.

brush lettering with watercolour paint
brush lettering with watercolour paint
brush lettering with watercolour paint

Who says that paints should be just for the kids eh?

From here-on-in, when the boys are getting their craft on and doing a spot of painting, I’m going to be practicing my brush lettering :)

And flowers :)

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | Watercolour Flowers (And The Art of Brush Lettering)

24 thoughts on “Watercolour Flowers (And The Art of Brush Lettering)”

  1. Ooh! I’ve been loving working on my own lettering using brush pens. It’s quite therapeutic! I’ve wanted to get better at it before indulging in some watercolours. Lovely post, Caro xxx

    • Aah thanks so much lovely!! It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for absolutely ages. I use similar fonts all the time in my work and thought how nice it would be to create my own letters. Plus you get SUCH nice effects with the watercolour paints. The Works have got some fab — really cheap — sets!! Treat yourself!! :) x

  2. Water colours are so beautiful as are your practice lettering! I am completely envious of your talent. I’ll just live vicariously through you :D

  3. Ooh lovely Caro. Your lettering is great.
    Funny enough I had my paints out this afternoon when I had a full 90 minutes to myself. I was doing a clearout and tidy up of my craft room and found my watercolours pushed well in at the back of the desk drawer. So theraputic having a doodle with lovely colours, isn’t it?

  4. So beautiful! I would love to give something like this a go, both the watercolours and the hand-lettering, but I wouldn’t really know where to begin and feel fairly certain I’d be disappointed with the results – I’m not very good at being a ‘beginner’ and tend to get frustrated quite quickly! Your pictures are just gorgeous, a real pleasure to look at.

    • Thanks so much Robyn!! Give it a go! I’d never done it before and really enjoyed it — it was frustrating initially but the more I practiced, the more like ‘proper’ calligraphy it became! I think I need a bit more practice though ;)

  5. This is just beautiful, and actually I really love the flowers so it’s good that you got sidetracked! I remember reading a good post on The Lovely Drawer about brush lettering, I will try to find the link for you! Lovely xx

    • Aah thanks lovely — it’s something I’ve been meaning to try for AGES!! I think I need to practice an awful lot before I get as good as Terri (Lovely Drawer) she’s an absolute master at it.

  6. I love these, my MOm was my handwriting teacher at school and I still write dreadfully, I think as adults we should all learn new skills, why should it stop when we hit 18 xx

    • It’s so true — I’m all for carrying on learning as you get older. It keeps the brain sharp too — as well as being a lovely creative outlet. I just need to practice more — it didn’t come naturally, that’s for sure!! ;)

  7. You are SO clever. My other half is hugely into art and watercolours too, but I am utterly rubbish. The handwriting is beautiful and I had no idea you could pick such things up at the works?! Brilliant xXx

  8. Oh Caro, you are so hugely talented. This is gorgeous. And I love those flowers. They are beautiful. I wish I had your talent. I think it must be so lovely to create such pretty things. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  9. These are so beautiful, Caro. I’d love to try. It’s something which I’ve never done before. My handwriting is a mess. It’s long and loopy which looks really good until you can’t decipher a single word. If I have to write for anyone else, I print :)


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