181 weeks and 6 days | Dust {& a dining room makeover moodboard}

Whenever I hear the word ‘dust’ I immediately think of the Little Britain sketch with the irrepressible Fat-Fighting Marjorie Dawes;

‘Dust. Anybody? No?



But over the last couple of months ‘Dust’ has taken on a totally new meaning.

There seems to be dust everywhere.

My she-shed is still full of dust.

It’s certainly looking more room-like (than shed-like) but the surfaces are covered in a very fine layer of dust and — no matter how much I vacuum or clean — it just seems to settle back as quickly as I’ve wiped it away.

And now the dust is creeping into the house too as, this week, we’re having the hall, stairs and landing painted — in readiness for the new carpets that are going down next week — plus this morning we also had the electricians in.

And whilst I’ve finally got my lovely new lights up in the dining room — and a new socket on one of the walls — this has also kicked up even MORE dust.

Marjorie would have a field day in our house.

We’ve also recently been making plans for an extension to our kitchen  but the thought of even more dust (on a very grand scale) is filling me with horror!! We’ve renovated 3 houses before moving to the one we’re in and it’s been lovely, over the 5 years we’ve been here, not having to do anything structural.

So, to cheer myself up, I’ve created a dining room makeover moodboard, just to serve as a little reminder of how lovely it will be when it’s finished.

The walls are being painted (as we speak) in various shades of ‘Welcome‘ (Welcome Pale for  the most of it and Welcome Deep in the wall up the stairs) by Little Greene and I’m going to give the fireplace a lick of white paint too.

Lovely new Berber carpets are being laid next week, so the threadbare floorcovering that came with the house will finally be getting it’s marching orders.

But, best of all, I’ve decided to repaint our dining room table and chairs — that are currently a revolting shade of Fagnolia ‘Country Cream’ — in a lovely fresh white shade, and replace the tired, beige cushions that were meant to be a temporary measure.

Needless to say, ‘temporary’ turned into years and they’ve now long outstayed their welcome.

The inherited plaster uplighters have be replaced by lovely white fisherman style wall lights from Laura Ashley and, all in all, just a couple of little changes are going to make the world of difference.

dining room makeover moodboard
My dining room makeover moodboard | Dining room pic source | Fireplace pic © Little Greene


I’d sort of lost sight of the end goal and was getting a little too worked up about the mess (and dust) to remember just why we were doing it in the first place.

But this has set me on the right track again.

Eyes on the prize.

Give it a couple of weeks and I’ll have forgotten what all of the fuss was about.

Dust? Anybody?

Caro Davies editor of The Listed Home
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Caro Davies is a former art-director turned writer and content-creator, and editor behind UK lifestyle blog The Listed Home. She writes about home-related topics, from interiors and DIY to food and craft. The Listed Home has been featured in various publications, including Ideal Home, Grazia, and Homes & Antiques magazines.

Home | The Listed Home Blog | 181 weeks and 6 days | Dust {& a dining room makeover moodboard}

26 thoughts on “181 weeks and 6 days | Dust {& a dining room makeover moodboard}”

  1. Gosh you’ve got a lot going on! I hate that fine builder’s dust,meets everywhere and you can taste it in the back of your throat. But yes, keep eyes on the prize, it’s all going to be worth it and very lovely!

  2. It’s going to look lovely, the image of the fireplace is just gorgeous. You’ll soon be sitting in your new dining room wondering where the time went and the dusty era will seem long ago! #HomeEtc x

  3. Urge Dust is the devil but in my house it seems to be everywhere too at the minute. What a good idea though in creating a mood board. I love the colours and that fireplace is stunning! Look forward to seeing the end result xx

  4. I hate dust! Pesky stuff getting everywhere. The only soloution I have found is to dust less ;-) Love your moodboard and your choice of paint :-) #HomeEtc

  5. It will look so gorgeous when it is done! I have just re done my whole house in 6 weeks with the only structural change being a wall removal, but that created enough mess! I hate mess and dust, but it will soon be over and its always worth it! xx #HomeEtc

  6. It will look amazing once it’s all done I’m sure. At least that’s what I tell myself when I start something new! This house is so dusty all of the time. We dust and half an hour later it looks like i’ve not bothered, yet it still looks like that a week later! It’s madness! #HomeEtc

  7. Oh Caro, I hear you on the dust! We paused all the major structural work about six months ago while we got married, and yet still there is new dust all over the place all the time – I wonder if it ever settles?! And we’re about to start ripping the bathroom out so more will be created, it is never-ending. Your new dining room sounds beautiful though – I look forward to seeing the results. x#homeetc


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